Tuesday, 29 May 2012

Mirren 29th May

He may be big but I worry about his brain size.  Does he not realise he could have been stampeded?  A girl has to look out for herself at times.  I'm too pretty to be hit by a flying cow!!

Magnus May 29th

Out really early this morning.  The temperature has fairly dropped ( from 24 to 12oC).  This meant we could run about without overheating.  Great.  Met up with some large bovines.  Mirren was a complete wimp and hid behind me while I gave them a good woofing.

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Mirren May23rd

Been out sunbathing again today.  All of a sudden it's warm.  Hurrah.
We were at the beach again on Sunday.  No-one else was there.  Magnus was particularly horrible to me.  I tried to take his ball off him and he bit me!!  ME.  I just stuck with Pam the rest of the time.  Two other dogs appeared so I gave them a quick "Buzz" and then stuck by Mum.  Magnus did a whole lot of "large-tennis-ball-chasing" with Ewen and paddled a bit.  I just don't see the point of getting my paws wet. Other than that, there's not a lot happening.
Grief, how could I forget.  Of course there's something else.  I am now Pam and Ewen's Kennel Club registered deerhound.  I've been made official and they have paperwork and things. It's good to be the same as Magnus.

Magnus 23rd May

Far too hot for me out there.  Have to come in and cool down.  I think I might be a bit too hairy for this heat.
Great time at the weekend.  Ewen and I had a major spot of ball play, to coin a phrase.  Even did some paddling.  It was nice and cool on the nether regions.  The beach was quite quiet.  Ewen and I thought it might have had something to do with yesterday's football derby between Hibs and Hearts.  Hibs got cuffed.  5:1.  That's a bit like me against Mirren in the weight scale.  I was knackered for the rest of the day.  He had me running up and down sand dunes.  My poor back legs were done in by the end.  Good fun though.  Mirren couldn't keep up.  She may win the on flat but 150 lbs (68kg) of Wolfhound coming down a hill at you is not to be challenged.  I win.
Also Pam has been telling me about a book called "The Giggler Treatment" by Roddy Doyle.  It's a kids' book. One of the main characters is a Wolfhound called Rover.  He is famous, and a millionaire, on account of his rather gigantic poos.  She says it's all part of the breed, whatever that means,  But that really is another story.  Fame!!