Saturday, 18 August 2012

Magnus 17th August

Stupid woman.  Snuck out and then whined and moaned when no-one noticed.  I was happily snuffling on my bed and she should have been on her couch.  Are Pam and Ewen expected to check on her every hour or so??  Anyway,  I heard her.  I ran to the front door and did the whole excited barking bit, "There's something out there." Ewen thought someone was at the car and went out.  In she scooted.  Ewen was very surprised.  I couldn't have left her out there but she might have said thanks.  She ran right past me without a yip of acknowledgment.  Don't know why I bothered, should have left the silly girl out there.  Did get lots of brownie points from Pam and Ewen though.  I hope she learns a lesson.  We don't go off gallivanting at late hours on our own, without telling the parents.  Anything could happen.  We could get kidnapped!! I shiver to think of not having my huge comfy beds and several large couches.  Life could be so different.  Stupid, stupid girl.

Mirren 17th August The Curious Incident of the Dog Locked out in the Night

I am flabbergasted, shocked, rocked to the tips of my paws.  They abandoned me.  It was awful.  They locked me out in the rain.  I was left to run about to keep warm and then sit at the front door crying softly to myself.  What had I done to deserve such treatment.  They went to bed.  I just trotted out for a quick wee and they locked me out.  I have to admit Magnus saved me.  He woofed and yapped till they let me back in.  I should have thanked him but he had taken his time letting them know I was outside.  I was out there for three hours.  Well okay, I did have a good run about and I upset a few late grazing rabbits but for goodness sake, I could have been kidnapped!! That would have shown them.  Anyway I totally ignored them when they let me back in.  Went straight to bed and will be slow to forgive.  I feel a few days huff coming on.  Me!!  They locked me out.  How could they???

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Mirren 14th August

Pam didn't look too happy this morning.  She's gone back to work.  It'll be quiet without her and Magnus and I won't get our long lie ins.

Mirren 11th August

Roman Camp

We have just been to stay in a lovely hotel in Callendar, called Roman Camp.  It had beautiful grounds where we could run about and keep our paws clean.  We also went to Glen Coe and Glen Etive.  They were very nice but I preferred to stay close to Pam and Ewen than to run about too much.  I might have got lost.  Magnus went off, getting very mucky and then very wet.  I wasn't sure about some stuff Ewen put on our necks and tail tops.  Apparently it's to keep ticks away.  He should have put it on Pam.  She found a deer tick on her leg.  I liked Loch Tay.  I managed to fit in some sun bathing which was nice.  I also went for my first ever swim.  Ewen took me out into the water and when it got deep I just paddled.  Magnus has not swum yet.  He's never been anywhere deep enough for him to swim in.  It was rather nice but I had to do a lot of shaking and then sunbathing to dry properly.  You have to watch you don't lie on damp hair the wrong way.  It'll go all curly or kink.  Not a good look and a girl has to watch her appearance.

Me standing on a rock in the loch. !!!!!

Magnus 11th August 2012

We have just come back from the most AMAZING place.  It's called Glen Coe.  Lots of room to run about.  (I wonder if that's why they called it after that runner chap who's running the Olympics in London.  Well he's not running in this one but he's run before.  This time he's organising running............)  We ate beside a river and climbed waterfalls and ate ice cream and then we went swimming in Loch Tay.  It was just great.  We sunbathed as well and Ewen cooked.  We did lots.  I had a great time but it was good to be back home and to be able to really stretch out on my bed.  I was very impressed with Mirren.  She went swimming in the Loch.  Her first time ever.  Give the girl her due, she does a better doggie paddle than I can.

Mirren 2nd August

Okay, he won first prize but what is all the fuss about.  All he did was wear a red coat and pad up and down the A68.  I think he was too scared to run away.  That pipe band must have scared him.  I went down to the Avenue to watch but quickly asked to go home.  Too much noise and too many people for any self respecting princess like myself.  It also started to rain and I really don't like getting my hair wet.  It takes Ewen ages to brush it through.  Did see our friend Louis Brown before I left.  His Mum, Amanda, works with Ewen.  She is awfully nice to us.  Louis won a prize too, with his friend, as Olympic Security guards.  He's about to start school.  I hope it all goes well.  Anyway, I did have a sneaky hope that the dye of Magnus's fancy coat would run in the rain.  He would look really tough if he had turned pink.

 Guess Who ................

Magnus August 2nd 2012

I'm famous.  Went into my first Lauder Common Riding Fancy Dress.  Pam made me red coat, with a collar and red buttons and 2 badges with stags' heads on them.  I looked fab.  Mike was my adoptive nanny when I came to this house.  He sang to me and told me I was smelly.  The singing was fine but I'm getting off the point.   Anyway, he has an Irish Guards regimental dress uniform.  He wore that and I went as the Irish Guards' mascot.  We won FIRST prize.  We marched behind the pipe band.  People took pictures and patted me and I was very brave.  I was so tired when I got home.  Fame and the paparazzi really wear you out.

Mirren 30th June

Well what is this weather all about.  Ewen is in Italy and it's fabulous.  We're here and it's pouring.  Pam and I are soaking every morning.  Of course, Magnus just loves it.  He likes paddling, and stone retrieving from rivers.  I personally can't see why you would want to get your coat wet.  Magnus threw a bit of a wobbly the other morning.  People had cut their grass and just dumped it over the gate where we walk.  Magnus wouldn't go through the grass heap.  Pam and I had to shame him into walking on.  He tried to jump round the heap but missed and so he had to leap out of it as if his paws were on fire.  I have heard he is scared of tadpoles so nothing surprises me.  He'll take on a cow but a tadpole or some cut grass??????

Magnus 30th June 2012

Well it's all been a bit busy recently. Ewen went to Italy and left us in charge of Pam.  I really missed him.  She took us for a long walk in the morning but it wasn't the same.  She kept a tight rein on us.  I think she just worries too much.  Ray and Lexi would let us out in the afternoon since Pam was still at work.  It was very wet.  Mirren, of course, was quite happy.  She'd creep up on the bed at night.  The house was really tidy too.  I was scared to drop a bit of food anywhere.  I usually like to chuck my food round the kitchen a bit.  You can usually find a feast later on.  But not then.  Had to keep my food tidy.