Mirren May 20th
Been a busy fortnight. Ewen went a way to Spain for six days. Big boy was a mess for two days. Weeping, moaning, pining, being sick. What a wimp. We had Pam's sister and brother-in-law staying, Linda and Ken. Linda sounded like Pam so I felt very comfortable. Ken was very good with Magnus and actually got him to cross a bridge. Three times!!! Magnus perked up with another male around. We had one moment of Magnusism. He was 'goosed' by a bullock. Never seen him move so fast in my life. Shot off like a rocket. Boy he can move when he wants. Wouldn't have tried to stop him. Pam found it hysterically funny.

This week he's surpassed himself. We went to St Abbs and Coldingham for the day. Magnus was terrified of the harbour. Wouldn't walk round it with Ewen and I. Just stood and quaked. We stopped for a nibble at the cafe and Pam shared a chip or two with me. Magnus was still recovering and missed out. Ha ha. He was, as usual, fine on the beach. Chased a ball. Showed off for the crowds. Stopped the traffic in Melrose. That sort of thing. I was above it all and just looked beautiful.
Magnus May 20th
It's not funny. I get very stressed when Ewen leaves me. Even for 10 minutes. He is my hero. I just miss him for a couple of days. Till I forget. Absence makes a fond heart etc etc. When he came home I gave him a HUGE welcome. Put my paws up round his neck. Licked his face. Whimpered pathetically. Showed him how much I cared. It was nice seeing Linda and Ken again but I miss Ewen. He is the only person I hug.

It wasn't nice at St Abbs harbour. I just looked over the edge and got a big fright. It was a long way down and I didn't feel safe. Came over all shakey and queasy. Mirren didn't mind. Chomped on chips with Pam. I notice she's not mentioning how she embarrassed Pam at Coldingham beach. She pooed. Right in front of a family. Pam had to poo bag it as they watched. She said it was a "Marley and Me" moment, whatever that was. We had icecream in Melrose. Fantastic. A woman stopped her car to say she was really short sighted and had thought I was a polar bear. Bit concerned about the driving thing if she thought I was a polar bear!!!