Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Irish Guards

Magnus 25th June.

Well.  It appears someone in the Irish Guards has been reading our Blog.  Two years ago I won fancy dress in Lauder dressed in my red coat.  They were so impressed they copied it and made one for Domhnall, their new Wolfhound mascot.  He has VERY serious eyes.  I think we both look handsome.
Excuse my alien ears in the second picture. Something walked in front of me and I didn't want my coat to get dirty so I jumped back.  Must keep the dress uniform clean.

Mirren 25th June.

Will we never be allowed to forget that fancy dress prize.  On and on and on and on about it.  Here I am modelling my Sherlock Holmes tweed coat.  I didn't feel the photographer was catchng my right side so I just trotted back into the house.
As to what frightened Magnus.  I thnk it was a beetle.  Honestly, the littlest things flies, wasps, beetles, tadpoles all give him the biggest fright.  He is such a woose. Domhnall wouldn't have been bothered.  But he's in the army.    

Tuesday, 10 June 2014

Mirren June 10th

Having a nice relaxing day today.  Yesterday we went to visit Seacliffs.
  We haven't been since I was a puppy.  Last time we went the beach had been washed away and was just all stones.
Now it's lovely and sandy again.  Had a gorgeous day running about, inbetween rain and sun.  Really enjoyed myself. I've had a bit of a sore leg and the soft sand was pleasant on my joints.
  Despite the pain I managed to show Magnus who is boss and regularly took the ball and rope of him.  Girl power.  Bit rough on the way home in the back of the car.  Drinking the odd bit of seawater makes Magnus really pass wind.  The smell is fairly toxic.  He never seems to notice.  Must be my more feminine sense of smell.

Magnus June 10th

I love the seaside.  If I go paddling bossy paws leaves me alone.  She absolutely hates getting her paws wet.  Ran about a lot.  We even climbed cliffs and I went up quite high and I didn't get dizzy.

 I even looked over the edge of the harbour.  I was very brave.  I made Ewen proud, I think.  I notice she hasn't mentioned this in her bit.  WE played quite a while on the beach with the ball and rope.  She's much better than running than I am but I'm stronger.  I just let her have the ball to shut her up.

Then I helped Ewen cook lunch.  Mmmmmmmm Tuna.  Slept well last night.