A very varied and exciting week. Pam has been away again which let me get comfy wumphy next to Ewen on the bed. Slept like a puppy. Had a bit of a time at the vet too. My tummy has been off again and Ewen took Mirren and I to the vet. I GAVE BLOOD. I am officially a blood donor. I am so proud. I think I should have sticker. "I was brave at the vet today" or " I didn't pass out at the vet today." Something like that. I did have a problem with the floor. Couldn't get my feet straight. Mirren was a bit of a slapper and flirted outrageously with Colin, one of the vets. Feel I 've done something for the dog race. Dog Blood Donor. WOW!! Wonder how the doggie is that got mine??
Yes, Pam has been away AGAIN and big boy got the bed first. Pam ordered us new collars though. Mine is beautiful. Californian poppies. Really suits my colouring. His is nice too. They came from a special lady in England who makes collars for doggies like Magnus and I - long neck in my case, big neck in his.
Kitch Collars ....... see link below.

Anyway, Magnus's tummy was off so Ewen took us to the vet. OOOOOOh. He is lovely. I just adore Colin the Vet. Ewen gave me a row for flirting. Magnus got a row from the vet nurse for walking on his tipclaws in the surgery. Silly boy nearly Bambi-ed on the lino. He should just have put his paws firmly on the ground. They're big enough after all. He'd be fine. I had my eye checked out again (bit of a rash) and my hip. Pam and Ewen were worried it was hip dysplasia. It's not. Might be I bruised my elbow when I was a puppy and it's gone bit stiff. Magnus has plaque. Ha-ha. That's probably upsetting his tummy. All that bacteria. It'll serve him right for poor mouth hygiene. The main story is that when we were both out for the count, we both gave blood to a poor dog who wasn't well. I am so proud. Colin saw me be brave. Okay I was unconscious at the time, but I was generous and gave freely. It should be in the papers you know. Humans get rewards for giving blood. I didn't even get a bone. Or a cup of tea and a biscuit. Cheapskates!!!
Pam's home. Relief. The kitchen flooded when she was away. We were at the vet. I don't know why she goes away. Things just happen when she's not around!!!