Magnus Wednesday 25th February
Another week flown by. Weather has been lousy and I find lying at the front window an easier way of seeing the world. I seem to get very dirty when we go out in the mud. Must be the way I walk!
Mirren was a laugh. She got a pine cone stuck in her mouth. Couldn't get it out. She was not happy. I, personally, found it very funny.
Mirren 25th February
Of course, I come home clean. I think it's his big, hairy paws. They flick the mud up his back legs and tummy. He comes home a real mess. I have much more petite paws and walk more smartly.
Yes, I did get a pine cone stuck. Ewen was there to help me though, so I didn't have to face this indignity too long. Bless him. Magnus's mouth is too big to get anything stuck. Humph!!
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
Magnus 17th February
Been a busy week. LOTS of people in the studio. All with red tops on. The Welsh were here!
I'm having a lot of fun watching the Five Nations Rugby with Ewen. It's all very exciting. Scotland haven't done so well. On the other hand Ireland have and I'm an Irish Wolfhound. England have and I was born in England. I like Standard French Poodles, particularly a chocolate brown one that lives across the field. I like pasta---very Italian. And then there is Gelert the faithful Wolfhound of Welsh tales. Pam says "Lady and the Tramp" has a story just like Gelert. They had a rat, a baby and Tramp was sent to the pound. Gelert had a wolf, a baby and ended up being killed by his master!!! Not a Disney ending at all. Anyway it's good to be a creature of the world.
Rugby balls are easier to carry then footballs. I can't always get my mouth round a football.
Mirren 17th February
What is this male preoccupation with chasing balls? Round ones, oval ones, little tiny white ones, fluffy lemon ones, variously coloured hard ones. Magnus also needs to decide which camp his paw is in. He can't always be supporting the winning side. I am a Scottish Deerhound. There are no arguments, even when we are getting cuffed at rugby. Unfortunate, but true.
Anyway, while he's watching the rugby I get peace to lounge where I want. The joys of a quiet, sport free afternoon. While the boys are away, the girls get to lie about.
I also wish to raise the question...if dogs are colour blind how does he know which shirt to support on the TV? That's it! Eureka! He doesn't know. He can't tell the difference. He just supports the winner.
Typical. Huh!!
Been a busy week. LOTS of people in the studio. All with red tops on. The Welsh were here!
I'm having a lot of fun watching the Five Nations Rugby with Ewen. It's all very exciting. Scotland haven't done so well. On the other hand Ireland have and I'm an Irish Wolfhound. England have and I was born in England. I like Standard French Poodles, particularly a chocolate brown one that lives across the field. I like pasta---very Italian. And then there is Gelert the faithful Wolfhound of Welsh tales. Pam says "Lady and the Tramp" has a story just like Gelert. They had a rat, a baby and Tramp was sent to the pound. Gelert had a wolf, a baby and ended up being killed by his master!!! Not a Disney ending at all. Anyway it's good to be a creature of the world.
Rugby balls are easier to carry then footballs. I can't always get my mouth round a football.
Mirren 17th February
What is this male preoccupation with chasing balls? Round ones, oval ones, little tiny white ones, fluffy lemon ones, variously coloured hard ones. Magnus also needs to decide which camp his paw is in. He can't always be supporting the winning side. I am a Scottish Deerhound. There are no arguments, even when we are getting cuffed at rugby. Unfortunate, but true.
Anyway, while he's watching the rugby I get peace to lounge where I want. The joys of a quiet, sport free afternoon. While the boys are away, the girls get to lie about.
I also wish to raise the question...if dogs are colour blind how does he know which shirt to support on the TV? That's it! Eureka! He doesn't know. He can't tell the difference. He just supports the winner.
Tuesday, 10 February 2015
Magnus 10th February
Been REALLY busy. We've been at Hume Castle. Lovely views. Met a lovely gentleman called Karl. He knew what we were. This is quite unusual. People usually ask.

Popped into Abbotsford too. Very stately. I like this walk. The river and the woods and the fields. Covers all the bases.
We also went a long walk up to Dab's Heid, as the locals call it. It's way up in the hills. Weirdly enough, we kept meeting people and dogs. There we are, in the middle of nowhere, and it's like a walk in the park.
And then, we went out in Edinburgh. It was great. Well, it became great. Ewen brushed me before we left, which wasn't so great. Well, he tried to. People kept stopping to pat us and say how gorgeous we were. I suppose the brushing paid off in the end. Mirren was in her element. I find all the hands a bit scarey but I coped better than usual. Bit tired by all the attention.

Mirren 10th February
I have had the best time. We've been at all these places I feel so at home at. Hume Castle. Abbotsford. In both places I could over look the Borders and think it was mine. Then Dab's Heid. Splendid views again. Today, Edinburgh. Fabulous. People loved me. It helps being gorgeous, but being chummy and affectionate draws them in. Gave one young chap a kiss he was so cuddly. I do respond well to an audience. I had to get a bit vocal at one point though because Ewen went to the loo. It bothers me when one of them disappears from sight. It's worst when we are not at home. I get frightened they may leave without me. Magnus says I'm an idiot. They love me too much to leave me but I like to make sure.
Pam has also increased my bedding padding. Cushioned air. What a girl deserves, of course.
Which sort of proves Magnus's point.
Been REALLY busy. We've been at Hume Castle. Lovely views. Met a lovely gentleman called Karl. He knew what we were. This is quite unusual. People usually ask.

Popped into Abbotsford too. Very stately. I like this walk. The river and the woods and the fields. Covers all the bases.
We also went a long walk up to Dab's Heid, as the locals call it. It's way up in the hills. Weirdly enough, we kept meeting people and dogs. There we are, in the middle of nowhere, and it's like a walk in the park.
And then, we went out in Edinburgh. It was great. Well, it became great. Ewen brushed me before we left, which wasn't so great. Well, he tried to. People kept stopping to pat us and say how gorgeous we were. I suppose the brushing paid off in the end. Mirren was in her element. I find all the hands a bit scarey but I coped better than usual. Bit tired by all the attention.

Mirren 10th February
I have had the best time. We've been at all these places I feel so at home at. Hume Castle. Abbotsford. In both places I could over look the Borders and think it was mine. Then Dab's Heid. Splendid views again. Today, Edinburgh. Fabulous. People loved me. It helps being gorgeous, but being chummy and affectionate draws them in. Gave one young chap a kiss he was so cuddly. I do respond well to an audience. I had to get a bit vocal at one point though because Ewen went to the loo. It bothers me when one of them disappears from sight. It's worst when we are not at home. I get frightened they may leave without me. Magnus says I'm an idiot. They love me too much to leave me but I like to make sure.
Pam has also increased my bedding padding. Cushioned air. What a girl deserves, of course.
Which sort of proves Magnus's point.
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
3rd February 2015 Magnus
Gosh! February already. I have to be so careful not to forget that middle r. Anyway, we have a fantastic new toy. A stick, on a rope, from a tree. A swinging toy. It was great fun. Even Mirren joined in without witching at me. The weather has been great too. I love it when it's cold and crisp. It makes my fur all tingly. We went to the beach as well. The tide was in and the water was a bit choppy but it was great to be able to chase stones and play with Ewen and Pam. I think the sea air tired me out. Had to cuddle into the furry thing on the bed. Happy days.

3rd February 2015 Mirren
He's right you know. The swinging toy was fun. Gave it a good chew. I think it will be good for my teeth and a girl has to have lovely, white teeth. Magnus should chew more. He looks as if he has no front teeth at all. Just these whoppers at the sides.
The beach was good too. Pam made me race up and down the sand. It feels so good not to have to look out for things to run into. Just being able to run, flat out, is glorious. It's good for my leg. It's good for my spirit. We Deerhounds need to run. Magnus rarely gets over a canter. Very tired when I got home. Needed beauty sleep.

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