Monday, 27 April 2015

Magnus 27th April

Been away for the weekend, in North Berwick.  Lovely time.  Had to cope with stairs.  Managed okay but had to keep my speed under control.  The last few steps seem to happen very quickly.  Met a lovely black Lab named Mickey.  Great fun.  Barrel of energy.  Not that she was a barrel.  Very sleek and shiny black.  Been tired out.

Mirren 27th April.
Yes we had a lovely weekend.  Mickey was fun.  We got on.  She even shared our beds.  Very friendly.

Making my self at home, I wasn't going to be rude though and throw off the cushions  !!!!!!!

As to Big Boy on stairs, it is fun to watch.  If he gets up too much momentum it could be a bit of a disaster.  Pam and Ewen have to control his speed.
We were sunbathing yesterday and now it is snowing.  Life, and the British weather never cease to amaze me.

Tuesday, 21 April 2015

1st Day of Sunbathing

Mirren Tuesday 21st April
First day of sunbathing. I know when to go in. Big Boy just stays out and pants.  Note, I also protect my eyes.   We get sun damage in our eyes too.

Monday, 20 April 2015

Magnus Monday 20th April

Pam has been away so Mirren and I find it very difficult to work the computers without her.  She's back now.  When she was away we got up really early and went long walks with Ewen.  I chased a deer.  I was so tired when I got home.  It was very exciting.  I'm glad Pam's home but sad that she's taken back her side of the bed.  God point is she shares her gluten free goodies with me. Every cloud.....

Mirren Monday 20th April

I missed Pam.  My claws make a clacking noise on the keyboard so I gave up trying to fill in for her. I was outnumbered 2:1.  I've got my pants off which is a HUGE relief.  A girl likes to look her best.
Now, as to chasing a deer!!??  I chased a deer, or two.  Magnus just gallumps along behind me.  At least he doesn't bark.  We are alike in that we run silent!   I think the deer find it all very funny and look on us as a wee stretch of the legs for early morning exercise.

Monday, 6 April 2015

Monday 6th April  Magnus

It's Easter.  The sun is shining and I am getting too hot!  Pam has been on walks with us because it's her holidays.  She brings things to throw and for us to chase.  I am knackered.  Mirren has a bad habit of biting my lip or my tail till give her the toys.  Not giving in.  She can't boss me around.

Monday 6th April  Mirren

Hurrah!! Walks with Pam.  Love it when it's sunny and windy.  The sun on my back and the wind on my face.  Pam says she just wants the sun.  She's going on holiday with her friend for a week of sun.  She says she is going to read and rotate.  I'll miss her.  I'll be outnumbered at home 2:1.  It's getting harder to get Big Boy to give the toys to me.  He's not being a gentleman at all.