Ewen has discovered a new walk. It's fabulous. Through trees, beside a river, with sand flats in the river bend. I am such a happy puppy. I like woodland. I can imagine my ancestors chasing wolves through the trees. The sand and water helps too. Ewen and I played "skimming stones". Well Ewen skimmed stones and I chased them, up to my tummy in water. Mirren doesn't play. She's scared to get her paws wet. We're going back again today. I am soooo excited.
Went a different walk. It was brilliant. Made better by Pam bringing ham. Ham on a walk. Happy puppy. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm
(PS the deer didn't even break a sweat!!)
Mirren Tuesday 23rd February
I am not scared to get my paws wet. I CHOOSE not to. Anyway, I was keeping Pam company while Ewen and Magnus were messing about in the water. Big Boy is quite childish. He likes splashing about in water. He likes squidging about in mud too. I would never do that. I like to keep my claws clean. Ewen has to get him to walk through water to clean his paws before we get back in the car.
I like the walk too but I think my ancestors would have been racing over a heathered hill chasing the deer. We still do!!!
Liked this walk. Had a really good run chasing three deer. Gave them a good chasing. Perfect. Then Pam gave me water out of a wee bag she's brought. I couldn't get a drink out of the river without falling in, so she filled the bag for me. She's so good to me. Big Boy could hardly get his big nose in the bag!!!