Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Magnus Tuesday 23rd February

Ewen has discovered a new walk.  It's fabulous.  Through trees, beside a river, with sand flats in the river bend.  I am such a happy puppy.  I like woodland.  I can imagine my ancestors chasing wolves through the trees. The sand and water helps too.  Ewen and I played "skimming stones". Well Ewen skimmed stones and I chased them, up to my tummy in water.  Mirren doesn't play.  She's scared to get her paws wet.  We're going back again today.  I am soooo excited.
Went a different walk.  It was brilliant.  Made better by Pam bringing ham.  Ham on a walk.  Happy puppy. Mmmmmmmmmmmmm
(PS the deer didn't even break a sweat!!)

Mirren Tuesday 23rd February

I am not scared to get my paws wet.  I CHOOSE not to.  Anyway, I was keeping Pam company while Ewen and Magnus were messing about in the water.  Big Boy is quite childish.  He likes splashing about in water.  He likes squidging about in mud too.  I would never do that.  I like to keep my claws clean. Ewen has to get him to walk through water to clean his paws before we get back in the car.
I like the walk too but I think my ancestors would have been racing over a heathered hill chasing the deer.  We still do!!!
Liked this walk.  Had a really good run chasing three deer. Gave them a good chasing.  Perfect.  Then Pam gave me water out of a wee bag she's brought.  I couldn't get a drink out of the river without falling in, so she filled the bag for me.  She's so good to me.  Big Boy could hardly get his big nose in the bag!!!

Tuesday, 16 February 2016

Magnus Tuesday 16th February

Snow again.  But, had a problem.  Don't know if it's because my paws are getting hairier with old age (Like ears and noses in men---Pam says) or the kind of snow but I got snowballs in my pads.  Both Pam and Ewen had to help me.

They were sore.  It was bliss when we got to the water cause I stood in it and all the snow and ice disappeared form my paws.  Who knew?!  We walked back in places where the snow hadn't gone hard so it didn't hurt again.


Then yesterday we went to New Abbey again.  I like it there.  We had a wee trot round St Mary's Loch again.  Ewen said it was really warm in New Abbey.  It was 5C. It was -4C when we left home.  No coats.

Mirren Tuesday 16th February
Snow doesn't bother my paws.  This is probably because I am light and graceful and fast.  Big Boy is A LOT HEAVIER and so the snow gets pressed into his paws.  You should have seen his face when he got to the water.



He just stood and grinned.  We've had another couple of long walks in the snow.  Lovely.  New Abbey is lovely too.  I gave Pam a bit of a fright, unfortunately.  Ewen, Magnus and I had been for a walk and left her fixing flowers.  I really wanted to see her so I rushed over and nosed her in the bum.  She wasn't expecting it and got a wee bit of a fright.  I felt bad.  I was only letting
her know I was back.

Magnus Tuesday 9th February

I like being wrapped up in furs! It must take me back to my very deprived puppy-hood.  My mum wasn't well and had to go visit the vet when I was about seven weeks old.  I came to live with Pam and Ewen when I was just eight weeks old. That's far too young for a big guy like me.  I think being all cosy in furs must make me feel curled up with my mum.  It's especially good if the furry wraps are on the bed and I can curl up next to Pam and Ewen.  It also makes my joints feel better. I win all round.

Mirren Tuesday 9th February

We spend our lives wrapped up in fur.  We have furry coats!!!!  Well....hairy! I know what he means though.  There is something nice about being cuddled in.
Apparently, you can tell how intelligent a dog is by the length of time it takes to shake a cover off its head.  Even with food, Big Boy doesn't manage it.
Okay okay, he was happy in there and he does move easier if he's been toastie. But really, it's usually us girlies that like to be wrapped in fur.
I would like everyone to know that these are NOT real fur wraps.  Pam would have a heart attack.  Ewen too.  Fur is meant to be on animals not on some pop star's bum!!! 

Monday, 1 February 2016

Magnus February 1st 2016

Well!  Been a great weekend for walks.  Pam was with us so we had fun.  Yesterday we did the long Wooplaw Wood walk and then we she saw a field with lots of snow drifts, we got a second walk.  I played with my rope toy and chased sticks and chased Mirren.  I had a great time.  Ewen played Walking With the Stick with me.  He took pictures.  I had great fun.  I even walked in snow drifts that came up to my tummy.  I had a great time.  I was really tired last night.  Had to tell Pam to get a move on and get to bed.  I didn't want her to disturb me when she came through.  Bit stiff this morning.  All that running and jumping!!!  Brilliant.

Mirren February 1st 2016

I have to totally agree with Big Boy. Yesterday was great fun.  Pam and I made snow angels/puppies and I chased my stick all over the place.  Magnus chased his rope toy and threw it in the air.  He's actually not bad at catching it.  He's rubbish at catching biscuits but he can catch the rope. Ewen was throwing biscuits into the snow.  I have to admit Magnus was really good at finding them.  I suppose with a nose that size he was always going to be good at sniffing things out.  Please don't tell him I gave him a compliment.  Very tired last night after those mega runs.  Big Boy did have his limp again.  He will over do it.  I do worry about him, even though I like to keep him in his place.  He's getting on now, for a Wolfie.  He's over Six.  Maybe he needs some massage?  I'll get Pam and Ewen to try it on me first! By the way, I'm not swallowing the stick in the first picture!

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