Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Magnus 31st January

Got very cold, now it's got very wet.  Mmmmmm Not sure about this sort of weather. I skidded on some ice the other day and pulled a muscle in my shoulder.  It was sore.

Anyway, been playing a lot with my bunny rabbit toy.  I am very fond of my bunny rabbit toy.  Mirren knows not to go near this toy.  It is MINE.  I like to lick it.  Pam keeps washing it because she says it starts to get disgusting.  I don't know what the fuss is about.  Personally, I like my toys a bit smelly.

Mirren 31st January

I know not to go near that toy.  Generally speaking, I just attack him and he gives me whatever toy he's playing with.  He is a bit of a softie.  Or perhaps a gentledog, thinking he's giving in to the lady.  Nope. Think I'll go with softie.   With this toy, he'll fight back and I'm risking my features to his large jaws.  He may be toothless at the front but he has pretty spectacular incisors.  I just let him play away.  Anything for peace.

Monday, 23 January 2017

Mirren 23rd January

I meant to remind everyone, that it was my sixth anniversary last Monday.  I have now lived with Pam and Ewen and Magnus, for six years.  Time goes very quickly.  I had some venison for tea.
Magnus January 23rd

Well! I say!  We have had the most fantastic walks recently.  We've walked along the Leader walks at Earlston and we've been to the beach.  The BEACH! Woof woof!  Had a splendid time.  Trotted for miles and I even paddled.  Bitch Face, naturally, kept her paws dry.  I can't believe she won't go in the water  I always remember what my old chum Monty used to say, "Get in there and give the waves a good barking, and you'll be fine."  Great day.  Pam was pleased because I came home reasonably clean.  I was very tired afterwards.  Pam and Ewen laughed because  I was barking and chasing waves while I was fast asleep.  Must love the seaside.

Mirren January 23rd

Yes, we have had a lot of fabulous walks.  I don't mind the beach but I do prefer the woods and hillsides.  I suppose it's where my breed belongs.  I do like the beach when I get to race up and down the sand and really stretch my legs.  That is great fun and you don't have to worry about potholes or bits of fence post or branches sticking up.  Had a bit of a giggle this morning.  Magnus managed to get himself across a cattle grid.  Ewen was calling him but Magnus couldn't get back over it.  Ewen was in the car, looking up and down the road, in case Magnus had escaped.  Ewen was getting quite distressed.  Then we saw Magnus on the other side of the grid.  Head down. Stuck.  Couldn't get back.  Ewen had to go and open a gate to let him back through.  No-one knows how he got over it in the first place and he's not letting on to me.  Weird.  Maybe he flew!

Monday, 9 January 2017

Magnus 9th January

Pam's gone back to work.  The house is very quiet and Ewen's really busy with his work too.  Getting to catch up on some post-festive snoozing.  I'll try and keep close to Ewen.  Mirren just looks for the comfiest place and grabs that. 

Mirren 9th January

I am feeling lonely.  Keeping my head down because Pam isn't here to stand up for me. I miss my cuddles. Magnus is doing the "Boys' Club" act.  I will treat him with the contempt he deserves.

Wednesday, 4 January 2017

Magnus 4th January 2017

Oh well, that's it for another year.  Suppose we can look forward to longer days and warmer weather.  Although, I do have to say it's been pretty mild over the festive season.  Haven't had to wear our coats.  The tree is down which means I have more stretch space in front of the window.  Brilliant.  I can bark more if I see anyone coming now.  Wider vision.  Excellent.
Pam and Ewen have realised what a HUGE success their homemade dog bites have been so they've made more this morning.  Hurrah.  I can lie in front of my wide screen window and eat gluten free cheesey bites.

Mirren 4th January 2017

Grief, he really does like his food.  Think I might have to go on a diet or go to the gym.  Since my operation, I have been hungrier and since it was the festive season.........!  Anyway, how come the men don't have to worry like the women.  Big Boy has stuffed his face for the past three weeks and he doesn't seem bothered.  But, oh dear, the smell of these fresh made cheesey bites might knock me off my diet.
I miss the tree and the decorations.  Pam gets so happy over Christmas.  She gets all warm and cuddles us a lot.  I wonder if we will get a winter? Nothing so far.  Been quite mild.  I'd quite like a bit of snow to roll in.