Still raining but we've been for some really good walks with both the parents. Great fun. I was even jumping!! Ewen said I'm like a thorough bread when I jump. Very proud of myself. Have to admit I was a bit stiff later on. I think I creaked when I managed to stand up. I suppose I have to remember I am eight years old. Getting on a bit for a big guy. Better go and lie down and have snooze before breakfast. Actually, I had an early breakfast. Pam had a bacon buttie at "The Spotty Dog". She's gluten free so I get to eat them too. It's fate you know.

Mirren 18th September
I don't know? He makes such a song and dance about jumping a tree trunk. I just fly over. I am so much more sylph like and elegant. Mind you, sometimes I just walk around the end of the tree trunk and it saves jumping at all. I don't think Magnus has worked out that that is an option. Anyway, it has been great on the longer walks. We have picnics, as I've said before. I get to clean my teeth too. You need a good stick but you have to watch it's not too soft because it splinters and that could be bad. I think I agree with him on the snooze thing though. I'm off back to bed for a beauty sleep before breakfast.