Saturday, 30 June 2018

Early mornings and late evenings

Magnus 30th June

Well!  I am half asleep when Ewen takes us out.  He says the change in our walking hours is the heat.  I had to sleep with wet tea-towels on my head and tummy the other night I was so hot.  Mirren just seems to go into a trance.  She doesn't notice the heat as much as me and she has a thicker coat. 
I had great fun the other evening.  I had to protect Ewen and Mirren.  They didn't know but two bullocks had got out of a field and were stalking them.   I tried to warn Ewen by barking but he didn't see them.  I herded the bullocks back up the road and they jumped over the fence and back into their field.  I was very proud of myself.  So was Ewen.  Mirren was, as usual, a bit ungrateful.  She was on her way home no matter what and wasn't impressed. 

Mirren 30th June

It is hot.  I just lie down and think cool thoughts.  Light rain with a slight chill wind.  Snow but not freezing.  It works you know.  Strolling up the moor with Harry!!!  That warms me up quite a lot.  We met up again the other evening.  He really is rather gorgeous.  I was making my home determinately.  Then I saw Harry.  I had to do a quick shake to sort out my hair and lift my head to show off my model proportions in a better light.  It's good for a girl to feel good and get some positive feedback.  Lovely.

Saturday, 16 June 2018

Fathers day on the Goilf Course

Magnus Sunday 17th June

Early morning walk with the Boss.  Lovely morning at 4.30am.  Sunrise.  Perfect.  We gave Ewen his card and his present before we left.  Good card and a book.  Bill Clinton or someone.  Pam says Ewen will like it.  It's our pawmoney so she'd better be right.

Mirren Sunday 17th June

Well that's Fathers' Day for another year.  I must say that these early mornings may be great for some but I, personally, prefer a longer lie in.   A girl needs her beauty sleep after all.  Decided to give old Genghis a bit of a run around.  We call him that because of his ears when's running.  Looks like one of those hats.  Anyway,  Pam did well with the card and present shopping.  Got everything I told her to.  Can't leave that sort of thing to the boys.

Friday, 8 June 2018

Magnus 8th June

Well Pam's back.  She had a great time n Spain and enjoyed herself.  She came back a different colour! The weather has been rather hot and I find it all too much.  Ewen has been walking us really early in the morning so we don't get too overheated.  I like to join the parents outside but if it gets too hot, Ewen puts me back in the house.  I think this is rather unfair but.......  Mirren is hogging the bed.

Mirren 8th June

Good to have Pam back.  She gave me lots of cuddles.  Actually, I wasn't feeling a hundred percent when she came home.  Very tired and not hungry.  Recovered quite quickly.  I have discovered the coolest place to be is in bed in the bedroom.  I go straight there after walks, after eating and as soon as possible at night.  Magnus is getting annoyed because he can't get in.  Tough.   Possession and ownership etc etc.

Magnus and Mirren

We have to announce the sad loss of our wee pal Maisie.  She died on May 30th.  She was busy chasing birds, looking up into the sky and enjoying herself.  She didn't see or hear the car that hit her.  Keep chasing birds where ever you are Maisie.