Tuesday, 26 February 2019

Magnus 26th February

That's some haircut pal.  Not doing that myself.  Too chilly.  Think I'll keep the hair on.  Plus, I'm a Wolfhound you know.  Can't be having trendy hairstyles.

Mirren 26th February

Mon ami m'a envoye des photos.  He looks so chic and very suave and slim.  I've been trimming down too and keeping better care of my locks.  (Pam threatened to get me shaved!)  Like the semi -mohican.

Monday, 25 February 2019

Magnus 25th February

We have had a telling off!  Apparently, I have to stop spitting out my pills or leaving them in my dish.  I have to take them.  Humpphh! Don't see what all the fuss is about.  I have managed perfectly well without pills. I don't see why I should start taking them now.  It's much more a problem for Chubby Chops Mirren.  She insists on scavenging.

Mirren 25th February

Oh dear, Pam and Ewen were not pleased with me.  I made myself quite ill.  I blame Big Boy.  If he had eaten all his food and his pills I wouldn't have felt the need to clean up after him.  I did.  I also ate his pills which did not agree with me at all and made me unwell.  I'm fine now but Pam and Ewen keep an eye on the pills now.........and the extra food.  Not happy.

Monday, 18 February 2019

Magnus 18th February

Bit chilly this morning! Anyway, top news.  Pam has found these rabbit treats.  They are just fabulous.  Small but tasty.  Love them.  She's says she's ordered a lot more.  A LOT MORE!  very happy.  Before Bitch Face starts, yes I sent her a card for Valentine's.  Ewen heard she was sending me one so he told me to get my paw out and get a card for her.  Thought it had better come with a special message. Enough of that French chap.  I'm her friend.  I mean we even share a drinking bowl.

Mirren 18th February

I got two Valentine's this year.  I know one is from Magnus but I also got one from LUTHER!! From FRANCE !!  I am so happy.  I sent Luther a special card.  Pam showed me how to send a card online.  The card had music and it did things.  It's from a company called Jacqui Lawson.  They have cards that look like Magnus.  Big, white, Wolfhoundy dog. (www.jacquielawson.com)  Of course I didn't send one of those because that would just have been confusing.

Monday, 11 February 2019

Magnus February 11th

Ewen is back at work which means we have to get up at ungodly hours.  There I am, all happy, stretched out and cosy and the next thing I hear is "In the car.  Walkies." Don't bother to open my eyes.  Mind you it does mean we get uninterrupted sleep after breakfast.

Mirren 11th February

Do you think it's too late to send a Valentine's card to Luther?  Wouldn't get there in time.  Must ask Pam to e-mail him one.  These early mornings don't do my beauty sleep any good.  Just as well Luther is away and doesn't see me all bed-head and bleary eyed.

Monday, 4 February 2019

Magnus February 4th

Have to say I got a bit of a fright last week.  Made myself sick with worry.  Luther came for the afternoon.  Ewen locked himself in the studio with him and then Pam and he left to take Luther for a walk, on his own and they were gone ages.  When they came back they didn't have Luther but the damaged was done.  I was so stressed in case Ewen had found a new dog.  Mirren kept yapping on at me about how silly I was but that's what happens when you think someone you love has broken your heart.

Mirren 4th February

He gets everything out of proportion in his head.  He's done it when Murphy comes to stay as well.  I reassure him that he is irreplaceable but once he gets that thought in his head he just can't shake it.  I told him they were just walking him home. Then he feels a right idiot when Pam and Ewen have to clean up after him. Poor guy.  It must be hard to be so besotted with someone.  I'll miss Luther but I have a feeling his Pets might be bringing him back.  Not good bye then.  Au revoir. 

But here are some of the photographs Ewen took of Luther in the studio.