Tuesday, 12 November 2019

Mirren 13th October

Not much to tell.  Rained most of last week which kept the fireworks to a minimum.  Hooray!!  Had a visit from Luther.  I lay, elegantly, in my bed, with a pink wrap beside me.  He came over, looking out through his fringe, sniffed me and went in search of food.  Felt a bit neglected but the boy hadn't been eating since his move from France.  I totally understand the food thing.  Anyway, he really like my food so hopefully he'll be back for more. xxx

Sunday, 3 November 2019

Mirren 3rd November

I was very brave last night.  We had a community fireworks night and there were lots of bangs.  This year I didn't spend 2 hours on top of Ewen and Pam shaking, panting and drooling in fear.  This year I stayed in my basket and shook but I was braver than usual.  We knew the fireworks were happening so they closed the curtains and put Alexa and the TV on very loud.  I can still hear the bangs but I was better this year.  Pam says it's because I'm older and probably getting a bit deaf.  How dare she!!!!
Anyway, just have to get through the next few nights of inconsiderate randoms.