Monday, 28 December 2020
Well, that's Christmas over for another year. I received lots of lovely gifts, which I am sure I totally deserved. Lovely Christmas food, duck a l'orange biscuits, cheese biscuits, things with pate and a scarf, in a beautiful pink, with Total Diva on it. Someone knows me so well. The day was perfect. Walk with Ewen in the morning, then peace and quiet while Pam and Ewen did something up the hill with friends. I'm glad I didn't go because all the boys were there, Murphy, Luther and Orry. I would have caused a fight and they are so lively. I am much more sedate and elegant in my movements. I'm sure they ran about a lot, chasing sticks and trying to see who was top dog. I was much happier, lying stretched out, on my cosy bed.
After they came back and tidied themselves up we opened presents. Pam helped me. I really am a lucky girl.
Then Christmas dinner.........any dog's dream. Yumyum. Sleep. Boxing day was quiet. Apparently they are not allowed visitors because of this virus thing.
Yesterday it snowed and we went for a really long walk right round the golf course. I haven't licked snow in ages. It's very refreshing. I had to remind Pam to give me nibbles, the whole way round, by sticking my nose up her bottom whenever I felt peckish. I felt like a wolf, out there in the snow and cold.
I've tried this on Ewen but it doesn't seem to work so well on him. Very chilled afternoon with them having a Bond binge???? Whatever that is?
Tuesday, 22 December 2020
Well, that's the schools closed for Christmas and I got Pam back for walks. I do like it when she can come too because I always get fed more and she stops and gives me big hugs.
It's been wet and can be bit windy so I like to get a good brushing so my hair ripples in the breeze. An added benefit is I can see better!
Anyway, we had a lovely walk and I didn't want to go back in the van. Pam says not to worry. We are all going back into lockdown and the schools will be shut longer. She might have a week working from home. Means better walks, more cuddles and a variety of tasty treats.
Thursday, 10 December 2020
Wednesday, 9 December 2020
This is just ridiculous. Neither of them can get themselves organised to take a picture of me. We have had snow. We have had lots of rain. Now it's quite pleasant. They've put up the Christmas tree and I know I have parcels under it. I was most impressed with my friend Mr Murphy today. He popped in for a while. He managed to find the toy box behind some lit up Christmas parcel thingys. He also managed to dig out his own present from under the tree. Either he can read and checked out the label or he sniffed it out. He was very good though and didn't unwrap it. He's saving it for Santa. It's his favourites. I'm not saying on here what it is, just incase he reads the blog. I don't want to spoil the surprise.
Met a lovely young chap the other morning. I think his name is Hamish. He's a Golden Retriever. Very nice. Gave me a good sniffing. Good to know I can still attract good looking chaps.
Thursday, 26 November 2020
This week has been chilly. My winter coat, my own winter coat, is getting quite fluffy again. I forsee far more brushing at the weekends.
It does keep me warm though. That and the fleece lined coats!!!
We're all going to bed quite early. I think Pam is a bit tired and Ewen gets up at some ungodly hour anyway, so early bed seems a great idea. I do like getting a good cuddle though.
Thursday, 19 November 2020
I do love my Two Legs. Have kept them awake for two nights this week. To be honest, I think I just ate too much. My tummy was upset for two days. Well, actually, I was fine during the day, I just tortured them at night. It has had one good result. Pam has given me a furry cover in my night bed too, so I can stretch out, at all times, on something warm, furry and cuddly.
Had a lovely walk ths morning with both of them in attendance for a change. Pam starts work late on a Thursday. A wee bit frosty. This week we had 15C on Tuesday and 4C on Wednesday. I've got a bit of a winter coat so one day I'm panting, the next I've got my red coat on??? Global warming?
Thursday, 12 November 2020
I was a wee bit upset at my MOT when Colin said I had some tartar on my teeth. Everyone who knows me knows I have remarkably beautiful teeth.
White, strong, great gums. I've given the comment a lot of thought and I realise it's partly my own fault. When Magnus was around we used to tussle over a stick and then give it a good chew together. Magnus had rubbish teeth, poor guy. I, on the other hand, have always maintained great teeth. I've chewed the odd stick with Murphy but because of Covid, he's not been around so much. Pam and Ewen have threatened cleaning my teeth for me. Much as I would accept their administrations I thought I'd better get on with it myself.
This morning I remembered what a brilliant pastime chewing a stick is. I found a tooth chew stick which was still attached to the tree. It was perfect. Gave it a good chewing. The fact it was still attached meant it was like chewing with another dog. I felt very chuffed at myself. Good walk too.
Thursday, 5 November 2020
It's a tad windy, as Magnus used to say. I'd just say it was blowing a gale. We've had the most awful weather recently. I've had to wear my raincoat most days. Then it got cold and windy hence my beautiful hair blowing in the wind. Storm some body or other. Now it's cold and crisp. Pam doesn't work Thursday mornings so we've just been for a lovely walk over the hills. I love it when both of them come on a walk. Two sources of food!! Survived Hallowe'en. All this virus stuff has it's uses. No-one out. I'm just hoping it'll have the same effect tonight. Guy Fawkes. It's worse than the shooting season. You never know when or where they are going to come from. Horrible things. Should be banned.
Oh and Pam's Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour cream has worked wonders on my elbow callus. Nearly gone and much softer. Very pleased.
Friday, 30 October 2020
I have had a very difficult week. After my birthday and an overdose of great food for Morganistmas they took me to the vet!!!
Pam thought, since I'd reached 10, I'd better have an MOT. As soon as I saw the place I knew I had to get out of there. I was being seen by my favourite vet, Colin Lyons. I tried to Deerhound Sporran him but he was having none of it. After a check up I was out of there like a Saluki. He may be levely, but after last time I wasn't for staying long. Apparently, I have lumps and bumps, am a walking miracle and Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour cream is superb.
I was very stressed so Ewen took me to Abbotsford, a sort of ancestoral home, because of Maida.
Had a good walk round. I've not been at Abbotsford since Magnus died. He loved it here.
Ewen tried to give me biscuits but I was too stressed by it all. Just wanted home to my lovely, comfy bed and my Elizabeth Arden.
Friday, 16 October 2020
Well, Happy Birthday to me. Today I was ten. Now in Big Dog years that's like 100. Did I get a letter from the Queen??? Fraid not. This Diva had a lovely walk and a great breakfast and I hear tell of some steak for tea. They've bought me a new bed. It's very soft. Pam found I have a callous on my shoulder. She thinks it's the new carpet so she's pumped up my duvet bed by 10 inches and is applying Elizabeth Arden Eight hour Cream regularly. We will let you know how it goes.
On another point I thought I would remind you all of my Fall/Winter coats.
This is perfect for extremely wet days, handy in Scotland. The colour does wonders for my colouring.
For slightly wet, but cold mornings a furry lined reflective jacket is a good choice.
For cold but dry days this hooded fleece is a joy.
And then for out on the country town on a dry day, we have our tweeds, with antler buttons!!!
Though I say it myself, I could be a fashion icon.
Tuesday, 6 October 2020
Mirren : Well here we are in October. The weather has, as ever, been changeable. Lovely and mild, freezing and chucking it down. Covid still hangs about and it looks as if my birthday and Morganistmas will definitely be just us us. Christmas??? Who knows? Maybe there will be a Christmas miracle. Anyway, lots of lovely walks in fields of gold and green, green grass. I like a bit of variety. Lots of smells.
Wednesday, 30 September 2020
Must get some pictures up. Been getting wintery here. It was 0.1C here the other morning. I had to wear my red coat. I really did have to wear my red coat because I can't get into my tweeds. Pam says she'll fix it all for me and no one will ever know. It's been this virus thing. They are home more. I get more cuddles, brushing and yes, nibbles. They've been discussing my 10th birthday on the 16th. Its Morganistmas a week later so they might combine the two. We can't have friends round because of regulations. If it stays dry maybe Lala and Murphy and Ray can visit. They'll have to stay outside though.
Wednesday, 16 September 2020
Monday, 7 September 2020
Saturday, 29 August 2020
Mirren 29th August
Apologies to everyone. Been very busy. Pam and Ewen have a new carpet and the house has been in uproar. Furniture has been moved out and back in. My bed and my furry, by the window, were moved into the studio. I was in shock. Have now discovered it provides extra padding and it's great for rubbing my nose on. Very relaxing.
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
Mirren 18th August.
Things are settling down a bit and we are getting back into a routine. Can't say that about the weather though because it changes all the time. The other night, Murphy came to stay, and he was sunbathing. Something I don't do now, too hot and bad for the skin. We went for a lovely early walk and a picnic. He just doesn't learn. I keep telling him not to take his eye of the food. You might miss something coming your way. Ewen took me to the "Windy Wood" as Pam calls it, yesterday evening. It's always really cool in there even when it's warm elsewhere. Pam managed to get up this morning and come for a walk with us before she went to work. It was lovely having her back. It meant I had two people to get biscuits from. Result.
Wednesday, 12 August 2020
Mirren 12th August
I think that worried them. Five hours of thunder and lightning last night. I just panted, drooled and shook the whole time. Wouldn't eat wouldn't drink. Serves them right. They are both back at work. That made them suffer. No sleep. Punishment enough. Auntie Lala had to come and give me a cuddle today.
Monday, 3 August 2020
Mirren 3rd August
It's been Common Riding here. Or it should have been. People did an amazing job trying to keep the spirit alive with virtual Fancy Dress and family groups walking the rides. Very quiet though which is probably a good thing for people's livers!! It's amazing how humans forget about social distancing after a few drinks. Personally it never bothers me about social distancing. I'm social when I want to be and distance most of the time. Things are changing though. Ewen is getting back to work and schools go back next week and Pam thinks she might be needed for a while. I might be on my own?? Peace and quiet but I might have to get up for a drink because there won't be anyone to fetch me one. I have become quite lazy. The autumn is coming and the mornings here have been beautiful. They've been a bit damp though. Need to dry our boots. Lovely walks.
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Mirren 28th July
Well, it's been a roller coaster of birthdays and changing weather here. Pam and Lala have both become a year older. I have no idea what age they are in dog years. Probably about 10 and 8. The weather has been warm and muggy, chucking it with rain and is now blowing a gale. I've had to wear coats and get towelled down. Don't understand about the towel thing. Sometimes everything just goes dark. I'm inside, now, cosy in my basket. However, I have to introduce you to some of the Dog Pack. We often meet them in the morning. I'm getting too old for their walks but it's nice to meet up for a chat. They all love Ewen and Pam because they go for walks with a stock of biscuits and drinking water. Murphy, you should all know. Then there's Dougal ! Boy that chap can eat. He can sniff out a biscuit at 100yards. Then there's wee Hector. He likes Wolf Food. Hector had a really bad experience the other week when some caricature of a human being decided to use him as a football. Traumatic for Hector but he's come back amazingly well. What makes people like that??

Tuesday, 21 July 2020
Mirren 21st July
Well!!! very busy. Luther arrived on Sunday. That chap can certainly run about. I tried keeping up with him for a while but it's just not elegant for me to be seen running after a younger dog. He's been in trouble with Pam. Goes for a dip in the pond and then has a full body roll in one of the bunkers. Covered in sand. Has had to be brushed. I even introduced him to my friend Louis, who feeds me treats and he muscled in. Then he's been up on our white couches. That went down well. What more can a girl say. At least he doesn't try to get into my bed. Murphy does but at least he waits till I get out now. One major complaint is that he likes my venison grill steaks. I'll share a lot of things but that!!!! In the afternoon he gets taken for a walk by Lala and Murphy. I get to go on a more leisurely stroll with Pam and Ewen. Apparently he and Murphy have been educating Orry, the puppy, about going on walks, general behaviour, treat taking, where to and where not to sniff and what not to try and nibble. Murphy caught a pheasant chick the other morning. He took it back to Lala to show her. He had it in his mouth like a toy. He's such a gentle soul, when he gave it to her it flew away. I'd have had it chomped.
Well!!! very busy. Luther arrived on Sunday. That chap can certainly run about. I tried keeping up with him for a while but it's just not elegant for me to be seen running after a younger dog. He's been in trouble with Pam. Goes for a dip in the pond and then has a full body roll in one of the bunkers. Covered in sand. Has had to be brushed. I even introduced him to my friend Louis, who feeds me treats and he muscled in. Then he's been up on our white couches. That went down well. What more can a girl say. At least he doesn't try to get into my bed. Murphy does but at least he waits till I get out now. One major complaint is that he likes my venison grill steaks. I'll share a lot of things but that!!!! In the afternoon he gets taken for a walk by Lala and Murphy. I get to go on a more leisurely stroll with Pam and Ewen. Apparently he and Murphy have been educating Orry, the puppy, about going on walks, general behaviour, treat taking, where to and where not to sniff and what not to try and nibble. Murphy caught a pheasant chick the other morning. He took it back to Lala to show her. He had it in his mouth like a toy. He's such a gentle soul, when he gave it to her it flew away. I'd have had it chomped.
Tuesday, 14 July 2020
Mirren14th July
It seems our house has been has been doggie busy this past week. First of all Murphy visited last Thursday. He was very good and just went to sleep in my bed!!! Looked very comfortable too. Then Luther came to visit on Sunday. He's coming to stay for a few days when his Two Legs go back to France. I really need to brush up on my French. I've let it slip during lock down because I was never seeing him. Lazy but pourquoi non????
Anyway, I have finally conveyed to the parents that I prefer drinking out of a proper mug when we are out walks. They have taken the hint and now always have a mug in the rucksack for me. They wouldn't drink out of a bag, would they????
Anyway, I have finally conveyed to the parents that I prefer drinking out of a proper mug when we are out walks. They have taken the hint and now always have a mug in the rucksack for me. They wouldn't drink out of a bag, would they????
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