Monday, 25 May 2020

Mirren 25th May

Been wet this weekend and very misty in the mornings.  Had a lovely trot up the Burgess on Sunday.  Not been up for ages.  Went up to the top and had a picnic just like we used to do.  Lovely views.  I am a very lucky dog to be in an area with such fabulous walks, actually in walking distance.  Think the Two-legs are getting a wee bit stir crazy after nearly 10 weeks in lock down.  I'm quite enjoying it.  Great walks, attention, food.  Only irritating time is when Pam is on something called "Whatsapp."  She and her friends can get very, VERY loud!!!!

Friday, 22 May 2020

Went for a bit of a run today.  In the car, not on my paws.  Ewen had to take some pictures in North Berwick, so Pam and I went too.  Very naughty.  I think she was pleased to get out of the house.  I wasn't so happy.  Being stuck for a couple of hours in the back of a van is not my idea of fun.  I got to run about a bit at the beach and golf course.  Last time we were here Magnus and I met Ricky Fowler, the golfer  It was very, very quiet.  Not a lot of people about,  People are being very good and staying safe.  Back home.  There was a bang on the way home.  Scared the life out of me.  No idea what had happened.  Then there was another one too.  All very odd.  Pam got quite a fright too.  Glad to get back to the house and my own beds.  Much more comfortable.  On top of that the two of them are running around offering me food and nibbles and drinks, in my bed.  Really have got them well trained.  Anyway, must get back to my new orthopedic mattress and my grey furry rug.

Monday, 18 May 2020

Mirren 18th May  Part 2

I decided to show you how I inform the Parents that it is time for a walk, food, ear scratching.  Pam says I look like a stand in sporran!!
Mirren 18th May

Well, this weather is a bit changeable!!  Now it's warm but wet.  Never know if I need a coat on or not.  The other morning was -3C.  Car was frozen.  In May!!  Anyway, seem to be keeping okay.  Since I stopped the nasty Gabapentin I've been a lot better.  I have good days and slow days.  Today is a bit sluggish but then I did a 100 yard sprint when I saw Lala yesterday.  Sprinting at my age is pretty good going.  I know I should have been social distancing but I was so pleased to see her.  The whole food thing and getting the Two Legs to bend at my whim is coming on well.  I sometimes get to eat in bed.

Our friend Roxy is having an interesting time just now.  She's got a 7 week old GSD moved in.  He'll be stealing her toys and food before she knows it.  He'd better beware though.  Roxy will sort him out if he steps over the mark too much!!  His name is Orry.  Boy has got big paws.  He's got big paw prints to fill because Roxy's predecessors were all police dogs.

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Mirren 13th May

Well folks it's been quite a busy 10 days.  First of all they decided to take me off my Gabapentin.  I stopped eating, drinking, walking, cuddling.  Just slept all the time I felt so down.  I knew I had to go out for the toilet but that was it.  Very tired.  Anyway, after stopping the pills I feel much better and normal service has been resumed.  Still got them running paw and paw for me.  As a result, I have a few days of not eating to catch up on.  I mean REALLY?  Me not eating? There has to be something very wrong.  I just have a happy face when I get something to munch on.  And who could resist my wee begging face?

On another note what's happened weather wise?  One minute we're sunbathing and the next we are at -1.9C.  Like this morning.  I use it as an excuse to get more food.  Need to keep the body fed when it's cold.  Pam walks round like a Michelin man all the time, she has so many clothes on.  Why she lives in Scotland I don't know because she really likes it to be hot.

Tuesday, 5 May 2020

Mirren 5th May

Good sleep last night. 

Feeling a bit brighter this morning.  Went for a wee trot round the pond on Lauder Golf Course.  Ate some biscuits and pate and had a drink.  Still feeling a bit out of it.

Monday, 4 May 2020

Mirren 4th May

Not feeling very with it today.  Very sleepy.  Pam and Ewen took me for my early morning trot but I couldn't be bothered.  Pam thought I was depressed (dogs can be with Gabapentin) so we got in the car and went to Threepwood.  Actually ate something (some pheasant, some sausage that sort of thing) so I do feel a bit better.  Just a tad tired today.
Mais, bon anniversaire a mon cher ami Luther.  Il a six ans aujourd'hui.  Bisou Bisou Luther.