Thursday, 26 November 2020

This week has been chilly. My winter coat, my own winter coat, is getting quite fluffy again. I forsee far more brushing at the weekends.
It does keep me warm though. That and the fleece lined coats!!! We're all going to bed quite early. I think Pam is a bit tired and Ewen gets up at some ungodly hour anyway, so early bed seems a great idea. I do like getting a good cuddle though.

Thursday, 19 November 2020

I do love my Two Legs. Have kept them awake for two nights this week. To be honest, I think I just ate too much. My tummy was upset for two days. Well, actually, I was fine during the day, I just tortured them at night. It has had one good result. Pam has given me a furry cover in my night bed too, so I can stretch out, at all times, on something warm, furry and cuddly.
Had a lovely walk ths morning with both of them in attendance for a change. Pam starts work late on a Thursday. A wee bit frosty. This week we had 15C on Tuesday and 4C on Wednesday. I've got a bit of a winter coat so one day I'm panting, the next I've got my red coat on??? Global warming?

Thursday, 12 November 2020

I was a wee bit upset at my MOT when Colin said I had some tartar on my teeth. Everyone who knows me knows I have remarkably beautiful teeth.
White, strong, great gums. I've given the comment a lot of thought and I realise it's partly my own fault. When Magnus was around we used to tussle over a stick and then give it a good chew together. Magnus had rubbish teeth, poor guy. I, on the other hand, have always maintained great teeth. I've chewed the odd stick with Murphy but because of Covid, he's not been around so much. Pam and Ewen have threatened cleaning my teeth for me. Much as I would accept their administrations I thought I'd better get on with it myself.
This morning I remembered what a brilliant pastime chewing a stick is. I found a tooth chew stick which was still attached to the tree. It was perfect. Gave it a good chewing. The fact it was still attached meant it was like chewing with another dog. I felt very chuffed at myself. Good walk too.

Thursday, 5 November 2020

It's a tad windy, as Magnus used to say. I'd just say it was blowing a gale. We've had the most awful weather recently. I've had to wear my raincoat most days. Then it got cold and windy hence my beautiful hair blowing in the wind. Storm some body or other. Now it's cold and crisp. Pam doesn't work Thursday mornings so we've just been for a lovely walk over the hills. I love it when both of them come on a walk. Two sources of food!! Survived Hallowe'en. All this virus stuff has it's uses. No-one out. I'm just hoping it'll have the same effect tonight. Guy Fawkes. It's worse than the shooting season. You never know when or where they are going to come from. Horrible things. Should be banned. Oh and Pam's Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour cream has worked wonders on my elbow callus. Nearly gone and much softer. Very pleased.