Monday, 29 November 2021

Mabel : We have had very exciting weather here. Storm Arwen blew everything around a bit. We had to go out for the toilet. Nearly blew us away. Then we had snow. It's very cold on the paws but you can eat it which makes me happy. Really liked our coats for this. It was -5C last night. We went shopping again the other day. Ewen took us to our favourite shop. It's fantastic. Lots of amazing smells.
Morris : She likes to shop! Anyway, the weather has been awful and very cold. Ewen introduced us to snow and we played for wee while but I just wanted to get back in and get warm.

Monday, 22 November 2021

Morris : We've had a very busy week. We've been out and about in the Borders and we've had people in the house. I've been stretching my legs a bit. Feeling quite frisky and practising my jumping. I did an amazing jump on Friday evening. I went right over a wee table and right over someone sitting on the couch. I ended up giving them a big cuddle. Fortunately, Fiona, is a dog person and cuddled me back. We've had more picnics with Ewen. He calls them picnics but they are really just a chance for him to have a cup of tea. Other than that.....OOOO how could I forget! We've had our first 'pigs' ear" Fabulous. So excited. There have to be more???
Mabel: My Dogmother visited on Friday. She was very good at getting Morris to do what she wanted even though she has cats. We've now seen quite a few cats. Well, the same cats, a few times. They don't look happy to see us!!! It's getting very cold here. I love my coat and I adore their bed. So cosy and warm. It's been a busy week as Morris says. He's getting very big now and sometimes he can be a bit scary. He's very good at jumping. Then again, I just bite his tail and I'm even. The "pigs" ears were delicious. I really enjoyed them. Pam and her friends have been discussing Christmas and it involves presents. I hope those pigs ears might be on our list.

Monday, 15 November 2021

Mabel : Oh hum. He's been quite famous this week. Someone even posted about him from St Lucia. Other than that life just goes on. We're getting out into the house more now since we're getting better house trained. (well some of us are.) Morris didn't help things by chewing the window sill. That put a bit of a damper on our TV time. Our TV is the front window. There are birds and other dogs and people go past. Pam says I'll really like it when a cat goes past. They all seem to have disappeared! We've met horses this week. Murphy and Midge. Murphy is much bigger than us but Midge is about what we'll be. One day.
Morris: I'm not that interested in fame. I think I might be a bit of a foodie actually. I like to chew things. I didn't know about the window sill, the chair legs, the bed legs or the socks!! Been getting well walked. Pam keeps the leads on. I'm not going anywhere! Went to an old castle today. Ewen wanted a picture of us but it was closed!

Monday, 8 November 2021

We had a very traumatic Sunday. Morris disappeared for 16 hours at Wooplaw Wood. He had had a major fright as he walked through the woods and ran off. Friends, locals, neighbours, clients came and joined the search. We had a camper van command post near where Morris went missing. People came with torches and infra red heat sensors. We combed the woods calling his name, rattling his biscuit tin and squeaking his toy. Nothing. Then at 4.30am, after everyone had gone home, Ewen, who was still searching, heard a sound near the camper. It was Morris. He, his coat and his paws were pristine clean, he wasn't cold or trembling with fright. He was just --- back. We assume someone had stolen him and the media coverage and obvious display of our distress bumped their conscience into returning him. Mabel : I have to admit a certain "Whoopee." I had full run of the house and the toys, a leisurely dinner and a big stretch in bed and all without having to defend myself. I suppose it's good to have him back but the peace was magic. Now, he's getting a big head, "Yes, I was the Missing dog. Yes, I attracted 19,000 social media hits. Yes you want to pat me, take my picture, ask for my pawprint?" I have to live with this.
Morris: No-one will ever know what I did. I'm not telling. I'm going to be secretive and mysterious. Anyway, no-one would understand if I tried. Just glad to be home. I need my eggy bread!

Monday, 1 November 2021

Morris: Had a few changes this week. We've out grown the wee coats Pam made so they've bought us new ones. Mine is a manly navy, Mabel's is a shocking pink. She won't be able to hide from me. I do enjoy beating her up but she can give as good as she gets. I've also been swimming. Went into the Leader, with Ewen, and had fun rushing through the water and paddling. Impressive stuff I think. I'm now really good at work-surface surfing. Managed a whole slice of eggy bread before getting caught. I can also jump of the top terrace but this doesn't bring rewards. Instead they shout, "No?????"
Mabel: My coat is a Schiapparelli Pink but I doubt if he'd know that. I didn't either till Pam told me. I didn't go in the water and just stood at the side, on the banks ?, whatever they are, and watched. I was not putting a paw in that water. Pam says it reminds her of someone else! I also remind her of someone else in the way I like to chew on a stick. Pam says girls must have better oral hygiene than boys. Met two Jack Russells the other day, one off lead. He came at us. Morris ran and nearly pulled Pam over with his lead. I stayed. I was very shaky afterwards but I stood my ground. Pam wasn't very impressed with lady with the dogs. She muttered rude things later on!!
But it's still really nice to cuddle in when we are tired.