Wednesday, 28 December 2022


Morris: It's been a brilliant few days. I know we had our first Christmas last year but we really got into it more this year although Pam says we are both rubbish at opening presents. We got lots of eatable goodies and a couple of nice toy bones. I manage to destroy one quite quickly. I'll save the other one for later. We've also been out for some excellent walks. All four of us. We chased toys and found new smells and paths. All very adventurous. We've also been doing a lot of snoozing. Again, all four of us. Great pack time.
Mabel : I've had a really jolly time. We had a bit of a scare on Christmas Eve, when our new cousin, Aggie, a rescue from Ukraine, decided to eat Santa's mincemeat pies. She's just little, not like us, so she had a wee visit to the vet. Considering all the stuff Morris has managed to annihilate I'm surprised he's not been to the vet more. On that subject, he managed to stretch to the back of the kitchen work top and ate ALL of our Boxing Day ham. Pam and Ewen weren't happy but there wasn't a lot they could do really. I stayed out of trouble and just looked festive in my Santa hat.

Friday, 16 December 2022


Morris : Well she may look beautiful (she is my sister so I have to be nice) but I really am the perfect picture of a Long Dog. Not a Lurcher which is something else entirely. Nor am I a Wolfhound but apparently many people thing we both are. Anyway, loving the weather.
Mabel :I am gorgeous and yes people keep asking if we are Wolfhounds and yes we are Long Dogs and Pam has pointed out I have a wee white chin and that we are both getting hairier and I don't need to punctuate this because I can breathe under a heavy downie.

Tuesday, 13 December 2022


Mabel : We have snow and I just love it. Our coats keep us warm and running about in it is just fabulous. Of course Morris can't really run about and play because it's just a week since his big operation. He was a bit tender down there for a while but he's pretty much okay. I mean my operaion was MUCH more serious and I got on with it. Anyway, it's really cosy at home and the Christmas tree looks great. Lots of nice smelling things are going in our Christmas stocking. Very hopeful.
Morris : I know, the snow is just amazing. As of today I can run about so madam had better watch what she's doing. I have a week of payback due. She's right about the interesting things going into Christmas stockings. They smell amazing. Pam has had to barricade the tree though because I do like chewing things and some of those parcels smell very attractive.

Sunday, 4 December 2022


Mabel : Well here we are in our winter finery. It's getting very cold out there and even worse, it's wet. I think I look quite stylish in my winter red. I know it was Mirren's before but I'm sure she wouldn't mind. She did model it very well.
It's certainly a lot warmer than just our own coat. We were back in Dumfries and it was totally closed in with mist. I do think I looked very athletic though.
Morris : I think I look pretty cool in my grey coat because it was a tad chilly without it on.
But I think Mabel would agree that our favourite place, is on their bed, cuddled in to keep warm.

Sunday, 20 November 2022


Mabel : Well, you saw Morris in a mask, now here is one of me in flowers and looking stunningly gorgeous. Been very cold and fairly quiet. We went to Spittal yesterday and Morris was horrible to me. He pulled me down by my scarf. Pam and Ewen were very upset. I heard the "V" word last night. That'll teach him.
Morris : I just get carried away when I'm chasing things and saw red. She's my wee sister and best friend. Usually all we do together is cuddle into each other and sleep.

Wednesday, 2 November 2022


Mabel: Well that's Hallowe'en over for another year and the clock time changes. Our coats and collars and lights are really coming into their own now. We have brilliant chases in the morning. The rabbits are all still up and about. Unfortunately, I think our lights give us away but it is still fun. We both just want to get back to bed after all that exercise. The chair can be quite comfy too. At least I sit the right way up!
Morris : The runs really are amazing. The Hallowe'en thing can be a bit scary. All these people are out in weird outfits. Even our friends from across the road, Molly and Ivy, were out and about. I just gave everyone a good barking and then hit the couch. Pam is more at home now. We think she might be stopping work. Brilliant! More food and cuddles.

Wednesday, 26 October 2022


Morris : We've just had our second Morganistmas. The parents had quite a few people in for dinner. We were visited by our friendly black Lab chum, Miki, too. The house was very busy and the smells from the kitchen were amazing. We got some brilliant food and toys as presents. All in all, despite the noise of all these humans, it was a good day. I prefered the early morning run the next morning. We raised a family of deer but Ewen wouldn't let us chase them too far. Humphh!
Mabel : Yup! it was a good day and the presents were fab. I particularly liked the Christmas decoration present. Pam put it on Morris!!! He was not a happy puppy. Looked a total idiot. I thought it was hysterical.
He didn't forgive me laughing so much. But it was worth it. We did enjoy our next morning walk but after a busy day and lots of people I was happy just to get cuddled in to Ewen for and afternoon nap.

Monday, 17 October 2022


Morris : Lovely trip away with the parents. Had a fabulous drive over to Dumfries. I had my head out of the window most of the way. I love feeling the wind in my ears and how my tongue flaps. Had a few scary moments with big timber lorries hurtling a bit close but other than that.... I got to check out all the local sites. We went out early every morning with Ewen for a really good run. Pam's feet were bothering her!! I think she was making excuses. Anyway, good times, good food, met lots of new people and saw lots of new places. Exciting stuff this.
Mabel : We've been away on a wee break. It was lovely. We were in a cottage near Sweetheart Abbey, in New Abbey, Dumfries. We loved going for big walks there. We were given much attention no matter where we went. A lot of people thought we were Wolfhounds!!! Have they EVER seen a Wolfhound?? People asked to pat us and we drew a lot of attention when we were in the back of the mobile kennel. People would pat us when we stopped at traffic lights. It was all very positive and I felt I was getting the sort of attention I should. We were happy to be home though and being allowed back on the bed! I do like my comforts.

Monday, 3 October 2022


Mabel : Ewen went off on holiday today. I think he's been walking us to tire us out for Pam. We've had great walks. One of our new favs is round the back of the castle grounds. It's really brilliant. LOADS of smells. I prefer it to up the golf course. When we go up there we meet other dogs, like Orry, and Morris wants to play with them rather than me. And then there's Hector, who may be a wee Yorkshire terrier but he is mighty!!! And scarey.
Morris : She's just jealous because I prefer to play with the boys. Orry and I love running about and chasing each other. I try and get his ball from him. Murphy is fun too but he won't let me near his ball. Mabel is just jealous but I suppose, she is my wee sister and I should make sure she's alright.

Tuesday, 27 September 2022


Mabel: It's getting colder and darker in the mornings. It's good to come home and find Pam still in bed. I climb under the downie and cuddle in and get warm.
Morris : I have to agree that having a warm and comfy bed is great at this time of year. I do like a good stretch and getting comfortable. I'm eye-ing up a furry rug that Mirren used to use.

Tuesday, 20 September 2022


Mabel and Morris : Things have changed in the UK. Our Queen died on September the 8th and was buried yesterday. She has been there through all of Pam, Ewen and even our lives. We feel so sorry for her dogs and her ponies. Sending them loads of love.

Monday, 12 September 2022


Mabel: It's been a while since we've been on line. Pam has been busy at work and is tired. She was quite upset the other day when the Queen died. She just said she had always been there. Sad. Pam bought us new coats to keep us dry and to help see us in the mornings. I know we have collars but these really make us stand out. This gives me a problem because I can't sneak up on Morris as easily as I used to.
Morris: We've just been hanging about and snoozing a lot. The weather has been terrible and neither of really likes getting wet in the rain. It's fine if your swimming. That's a whole different ball game. I like a swim. Have to be careful though because the water is a lot deeper than it used to be. The coats are actually quite useful. I can grab Mabel by the collar on the coat. Really irritates her.

Wednesday, 24 August 2022


Mabel : It is getting very dark in the mornings when Ewen takes us out. Pam has bought us light up collars because we were getting lost and Ewen was worried. She's also bought us new coats but they need a wee bit of alteration. I am feeling very well now and my stitches are disappearing. I just want to say thankyou to Callum and the staff at Galedin vets in Galashiels. He's done an amazing job. My scar is so neat it'll not damage my beautiful appearance.
Morris : I wasn't lost. I knew exactly where I was. I was in the long grass sniffing for rabbits. At least we have different colours. My collar is blue. Her's is pink. I do hope Ewen doesn't muddle them up!

Thursday, 11 August 2022


Mabel :Been a very odd week. Pam and Ewen were very busy running about in funny costumes and then looking very smart, wearing big rosettes. Then at the weekend my pants came off. Thought everything was fine but Pam checked me over and then next thng I knew I was being taken to the vet and rushed to surgery. I had pyometra, which is not a good thing for dogs. Felt very woozy when I got home at 9pm. Couldn't wait to get to my bed. Morris was very gentle with me and seemed to sense I wasn't alright. He even let me have the bed ALL night. What a gent. Feel quite frisky this morning. Had lovely chicken and mash for breakfast. It was nice on my throat. Morris : I was very concerned. The house was very quiet. I knew something was wrong. I could smell that she wasn't quite right. But, as my knowledgeable friend, Rex Harrison from the Albert Smith books says, humans don't really use their noses properly. It takes them longer to work things out using only visuals. Anyway, she's home now. I am secretly pleased. I can't tell her though cause she'll just beat me up. Also, Pam and Ewen are being very good and giving her nice treats that she can eat. Of course they can't give her without giving me.....................

Monday, 1 August 2022


Mabel : It's our first Common Riding and I can't go out. I am very fed up. I can't get to run around with Morris and I can't get off the lead up the hill. Friends with dogs can't visit and I am missing things because sometimes I have to stay in the bedroom. I am really fed up. Morris : It is a shame really. I do give her a lick on the ear every now and again, just to let her know I'm here. I get a telling off if I try anything else. Mabel can be really nippy when she wants. A lot of horsey things going on this week. Weather looks good. Might get to lie out if it's not too hot.

Monday, 25 July 2022


Morris : I had the most amazing dayout on Saturday. I got to meet my mum, my sister and two of my brothers. We ran and played and paddled and chased each other and we had cake and it was delicious and we all got wet and it was just brilliant. I had finished my antibiotics and was feeling much better which was ace. I've slept really well on Sunday though. All that running about. Norman's parents were really nice and let us run about all over the garden. They've built a big pond for Norman cause he likes swimming. They'd made a really great cake too. I got two pieces. MacTavish wasn't allowed to run about too much cause he'd hurt his cruciate but Marla and Norman kept me busy. It was really great to see my mum Doris.
Mabel : Well that was a bit of a let down. I only got to say hello to everyone and then was whisked off, back to the car, pants on. Morris got to run around. I did get cake though and Keith and Muriel, who helped bring me into the world, came over to say hello. Unfortunately, it rained most of the day. And that was where I won out. I sat, in glorious luxury and warmth, in the back of the car, whereas, they were out in the rain. I do wish this season thing was over it really is antisocial. The weather has also changed. It's now very wet and cold.

Tuesday, 19 July 2022


Mabel : Pants back on. I don't know what's going on? And then, my big brother, Morris is not well. He's been very iffy this past week. We've both been at the vet. Me, to find out if I've had a season and Morris who has just been very down. I miss my bouncing brother and I have no one to play with or beat up. It is not very satisfactory. The Pam's sister and brother-in law came up, Linda and Ken. They were very nice to us. Ken even puppy sat on Monday for about 5 hours. It is very, very warm and we are not allowed outside. Morris : I just feel awful. I eat, drink, sleep and pee and poo but I'm just not really bothered. I have big, pink pills to take and they make me feel a bit sleepy. The hot, close weather isn't helping either. Pam and Ewen don't know if my lethargy is caused by the heat, by Mabel's season or the pills. I had bloods done on Saturday and I showed slight signs of an infection. I wonder what I could have eaten???

Monday, 11 July 2022


Mabel:It's been an eventfull time for me. I am now a big girl and have being wearing shorts. I have been allowed breakfast on the couch! Morris has been very kind. He's given my face some licks but other than that he has been a total gentleman. Luther, on the other hand got very excited to see me!.
Morris : I just want to let her know I'll look after her. We had great fun in some long grass. She'd hide and I'd hunt for her and then the other way round. We were both knackered when we got home. The weather has bben really warm. Mabel stays inside. I like to lie out but then Pam and Ewen tell me to get back in the house because I'm panting so much!

Monday, 4 July 2022


Mabel and Morris: Really, there is not much to tell. Been for lovely walks, eaten well and been very cuddly.
We are nearly one now and we can't wait to meet up with our doggie siblings and doggie Mum, Doris!!

Tuesday, 21 June 2022


Mabel : The weather has been quite pleasant and we've had to be walked early and late because neither of us like too much sun. We are Scottish dogs and aren't bred for hot weather! Morris does like a wee bit sunbathing outside if there is a breeze but is strangely, is also quite happy to burn his testicles sunbathing at the window.
I prefer to have a cooler position, say on the golf course.
We've also been getting on much better with each other. Can even have a cuddle. The muzzles have helped. Also, Pam and Ewen now trust us a wee bit more so we get more space to chill in when they have to leave us. Mind you Morris doesn't help by eating the spar of the chair AGAIN and he's got a thing about fence post toppers. Boy really has eating issues.
Morris : I have no idea what she means. I just like to keep my mouth busy as it stops me nipping her. Had an interestng encounter with Ewen's camera thingy. He took a really nice picture of me and then I thought I'd move in closer for a better look. Quite impressed with myself. Handsome young chap!!!
We both had to help Ewen this morning. He lost Pam's car keys. She was surprisingly, unfazed and joined up to search. Of course she found them. We are both very pleased because Pam's car is our mobile kennel and we get to stick our heads out the windows.

Wednesday, 15 June 2022


Mabel : We have a great time recently just running about. We've been at the beach a lot and that's brilliant. I can run a lot faster than Morris and he gets really, REALLY annoyed. He was very fed up when I had to show him how to run up a sand hill.
Anyway, Pam and Ewen bought him a muzzle, because when I was running he would try and take me down. Not very nice and he did pinch me once, but it is what we do.
Morris : They bought her a muzzle too because she can get a bit rough as well. As to climbing sand hills..... I can do that too.
I was very tired and apparently left my mark on the hall carpet. I was very relaxed in that position for some time!!!
We are also getting very good at going out golfing with Ewen and knowing what to do.

Saturday, 4 June 2022


It is a year today since we lost Mirren. She, like all the others, is still in our hearts and much missed. Here she is is, our easter Bunny, dreamimg about bunnies!!


Mabel : Pam went away and left us for a whole week. I really missed her but it meant I got her side of the bed to myself. I was very pleased to see her come home though and we gave her lots of cuddles. Ewen took us for amazing beach walks and picnics so it wasn't a major disaster. In fact, in all honesty, getting the bed to myself????
Morris : I missed Pam but as long as Ewen was here I didn't really mind. We totally did have great runs. Pam was somewhere hot. It wasn't hot here. It rained and was very cold and I often heard Ewen complain that Summer seems to have passed us for the time being. Maybe we'll get better weather soon. I hope so because they bought us a paddling pool. It says it's large but it would never take Mabel and I. I like blowing bubbles in it!!

Saturday, 21 May 2022


Mabel : After the trauma of the previous Friday, we all went on our holidays to Yorkshire. We stayed in a lovely wee coattage in High Bentham. We went touring and walking in all directions. It was great. We were patted and told how beautiful we were, EVERYWHERE we went. It was like being on a celebrity tour. We slept really well and loved being there. We got to run around like racing dogs, to climb limestone walls and to visit rivers and caves. Very educational.
Morris : She is right. We were patted everywhere we went. Weirdly, most people thought we were Irish Wolfhounds!!! I didn't think we were THAT big. Like Mabel says, we did get a lot of exercise. I did sleep a lot when we got back to the cottage. Lovely dreams of rabbit ears. We even went shopping and carried our own pigs ears home. There was also a brillaint window where we could lean out and say hello to passing dogs. Felt really impressive.