Wednesday, 24 August 2022


Mabel : It is getting very dark in the mornings when Ewen takes us out. Pam has bought us light up collars because we were getting lost and Ewen was worried. She's also bought us new coats but they need a wee bit of alteration. I am feeling very well now and my stitches are disappearing. I just want to say thankyou to Callum and the staff at Galedin vets in Galashiels. He's done an amazing job. My scar is so neat it'll not damage my beautiful appearance.
Morris : I wasn't lost. I knew exactly where I was. I was in the long grass sniffing for rabbits. At least we have different colours. My collar is blue. Her's is pink. I do hope Ewen doesn't muddle them up!

Thursday, 11 August 2022


Mabel :Been a very odd week. Pam and Ewen were very busy running about in funny costumes and then looking very smart, wearing big rosettes. Then at the weekend my pants came off. Thought everything was fine but Pam checked me over and then next thng I knew I was being taken to the vet and rushed to surgery. I had pyometra, which is not a good thing for dogs. Felt very woozy when I got home at 9pm. Couldn't wait to get to my bed. Morris was very gentle with me and seemed to sense I wasn't alright. He even let me have the bed ALL night. What a gent. Feel quite frisky this morning. Had lovely chicken and mash for breakfast. It was nice on my throat. Morris : I was very concerned. The house was very quiet. I knew something was wrong. I could smell that she wasn't quite right. But, as my knowledgeable friend, Rex Harrison from the Albert Smith books says, humans don't really use their noses properly. It takes them longer to work things out using only visuals. Anyway, she's home now. I am secretly pleased. I can't tell her though cause she'll just beat me up. Also, Pam and Ewen are being very good and giving her nice treats that she can eat. Of course they can't give her without giving me.....................

Monday, 1 August 2022


Mabel : It's our first Common Riding and I can't go out. I am very fed up. I can't get to run around with Morris and I can't get off the lead up the hill. Friends with dogs can't visit and I am missing things because sometimes I have to stay in the bedroom. I am really fed up. Morris : It is a shame really. I do give her a lick on the ear every now and again, just to let her know I'm here. I get a telling off if I try anything else. Mabel can be really nippy when she wants. A lot of horsey things going on this week. Weather looks good. Might get to lie out if it's not too hot.