Tuesday, 28 November 2023


Mabel : I do not like wearing my coat. I have a wee ritual to get on with it though. When my coat goes on I run into the sitting room and run round the table. It's become a habit. It's a bit like Morris getting into "Eating position". Very cold this week. We have had some great walks though since the ground isn't slippy and muddy. It's frozen. Had a lovely time with a young chap, called Bracken. Morris got fed up and went off to join the Humans. Bracken and I chased and played. It was fun to have a running companion.
Morris : I prefer to keep close to Ewen because that's my job. After what happened I'm sticking close to him. Plus, if I hang around, there are always biscuits. Bracken seemed a very enegetic chap. A very bouncy Labrador. His uncle knew Mirren, Victor. If they want to run about like idiots they can do so. I prefer to keep an eye on Ewen and the biscuits and the other on what my madcap sister is up to. Just in case she needs rescued.

Wednesday, 22 November 2023


Mabel: Pam has been reading an article about Greyhounds and sleep. It says we need three 20 minute runs per day and the rest of the time we sleep to conserve our strength , to warm up and to get ready to go flat out again. We have two BIG walks a day. I realise I am half greyhound so this must explain my need to sleep as much as I can. The need to conserve heat also explains my need for furries and burrowing under the covers. It's my warm, safe den. Ewen tried to get us back in the car the other day, after a really big chase. Morris and I just lay our ground on the couches and wouldn't go. We stayed at home and slept in warmth, comfort and peace cause they went off shopping. We lke to snuggle together. It's a pack thing.
Morris: I totally agree with her. We need our comfort and our sleep. We also need these coats Pam got us. I can't keep track of Mabel when she gallops off over the hills. I like to keep an eye on her. It's my responsibility. She's my wee sister. Pam and Ewen can't follow her the way I can. I am much faster. I can also see and sniff better than them. Mabel isn't the most obedient when she's got a scent. I like to herd her back to Ewen and Pam. The other night I was so intent on chasing her I didn't see Ewen and did something called "an up and under." One minute he was there, the next he was curled up on the ground. I did go over and give him big licks but they didn't seem to help much. He managed to walk it off but had a huge lump on his leg.
Mabel and Morris : The 11th of November was Rememberance Day. We wore poppies for all the dogs and horses,mules,donkeys,camels,elephants and pigeons that died in the wars. We should have had purple poppies but couldn't find them. Mabel was too busy chasing rabbits but I posed specially.

Sunday, 12 November 2023


Morris : It's cold at 5am. Or wet. Or both. Even though we didn't like the new coats thay are actually spendid. They keep us dry and warm. Ewen says it's much easier to see us and keep track of where we are. Mind you I never really stray far from his side. It's two years since someone tried to steal me and I'm just so happy I got back home safe. I can't thnk what life would be lke without Ewen. And Pam. And all the brilliant treats and food we get. And the cosy furry rugs!! Mabel : I don't feel the cold even though I'm thinner and less hairy than him. I just like to run and run and keep warm that way. I find that the coats give up where we are too easily. I was just about to have a good roll in something eally smelly when I was caught. Actually, Morris didn't help much. He came over for a sniff just as I got my head into position to roll down and his yellow coat caught Pam's eye. That was the end of that. Managed to get some between my ears but that was washed off before I was allowed out of the car. A girl needs some smell. As I have said before I am really partial to some Eau de Deer. Just dropping hints for Christmas!!!!