Magnus Wednesday 30th December
Been very busy this past month. Ewen has been taking pictures of lots of dogs in the studio. It's very strange meeting up with walk pals when they are all clean and brushed. They aren't sure about coming into the house and I have to reassure them. Puppies seem to find me quite interesting. Mirren says it;s just because I'm so big.
Anyway, belated Merry Christmas to you all. I've had a great time and the food has been particularly good. We had special ham and pate rolls for Christmas. Food is always a good present for me. Long walks, long lie-ins, fabulous. Been brushed a bit much but just have to put up with it. Joined Ewen in the bath a few times. He gets in, I just try to drink all the water out. I worry about him drowning. I do have to look out for him you know. He's very accident prone.
There's been a few two-legged gatherings in the house. By the end of the nights some of them looked as if they only had one leg. He-he!
Mirren Wednesday 30th December
Deepest apologies for our absence. I've told Pam hundred's of times she needs to help us out but she's been too busy. Merry Christmas everyone. We had a lovely, relaxed Christmas day, with excellent food, made by Ewen, of course, and a really long walk. In fact we've had lots of really long walks over the past few weeks. The weather has been awful and I have gone curly but Pam has been brushing us a lot. I quite like it. She's very gentle.
Big Boy has a bit of a limp again. After this time last year I think we are all being very careful. He seems fine. Pam gets down at times and I have to help her out. But then Magnus steals her gluten free brownie and she says he must be okay, cause NO-ONE steals her brownies without being able to run!
There has been a lot of dogs and people in the house for one reason or another. In all cases I choose to avoid them and find a suitably glamorous place to cuddle down on.
As to the puppies....... I prefer to ignore and/or avoid but watching Magnus with them is funny. He doesn't quite know what to do with them. Pam says he's like Sully in Monsters Inc??????
Wednesday, 30 December 2015
Tuesday, 1 December 2015
Monday, 30 November 2015
Monday 30th November Magnus
EWEN IS IN HOSPITAL!! What will I do? It was bad enough he was in Paris but now this !!
Pam tells me it will be okay and he'll be home soon. It's put me right off my food.
Monday 30th November Mirren
I have just realised Ewen is missing. I've just lifted my head from the cushion on the couch and noticed he's not here. Hope he'll be back soon, Big Boy gets SO stressed when Ewen is not here.
EWEN IS IN HOSPITAL!! What will I do? It was bad enough he was in Paris but now this !!
Pam tells me it will be okay and he'll be home soon. It's put me right off my food.
Monday 30th November Mirren
I have just realised Ewen is missing. I've just lifted my head from the cushion on the couch and noticed he's not here. Hope he'll be back soon, Big Boy gets SO stressed when Ewen is not here.
Tuesday, 24 November 2015
Tuesday 24th Magnus
Stitches are out of my tail. I was thoroughly enjoying wagging freely but I seem to have a bandage on the tip again. I don't understand. Pam keeps saying she'll have to put the boxers on me. I don't understand what good putting another breed of dog on the tip of my tail would do. I just know I can't wag, furiously, when Ewen comes home. Pam grabs my tail and yelps, "NO WAGGING". What is a dog to do?
Tuesday 24th Mirren
I was very upset the other day when we went to the vet to get Big Boy's stitches out. Colin wasn't there! The vet was very nice but I had asssumed that Colin would drop everything to come and see me. But no!. There are other pets more important than me?! I was so upset. Demoralised. Shattered. Ho Hum. Big Boy has had a lot of problems with his tail recently. He wags too hard. Blood everywhere. I keep telling him to be more reserved, be more elegant. Not him. He clears tables and surfaces with one swipe. He bruises me sometimes his tail wags so hard. Anyway, Pam is threatening to put his boxer pants back on to curb his swing. Where he got the idea of some poor dog hanging on the end I just don't understand?
Stitches are out of my tail. I was thoroughly enjoying wagging freely but I seem to have a bandage on the tip again. I don't understand. Pam keeps saying she'll have to put the boxers on me. I don't understand what good putting another breed of dog on the tip of my tail would do. I just know I can't wag, furiously, when Ewen comes home. Pam grabs my tail and yelps, "NO WAGGING". What is a dog to do?
Tuesday 24th Mirren
I was very upset the other day when we went to the vet to get Big Boy's stitches out. Colin wasn't there! The vet was very nice but I had asssumed that Colin would drop everything to come and see me. But no!. There are other pets more important than me?! I was so upset. Demoralised. Shattered. Ho Hum. Big Boy has had a lot of problems with his tail recently. He wags too hard. Blood everywhere. I keep telling him to be more reserved, be more elegant. Not him. He clears tables and surfaces with one swipe. He bruises me sometimes his tail wags so hard. Anyway, Pam is threatening to put his boxer pants back on to curb his swing. Where he got the idea of some poor dog hanging on the end I just don't understand?
Wednesday, 18 November 2015
Magnus !8th November
Been a bit distracted this past weekend. Ewen was away and we were left with Pam. Mirren was quite happy but I miss him. Then on Friday night Pam was very worried. Apparently, Ewen was in Paris. It was not a good time to be there. By Saturday we knew he was okay. He came home on Sunday. I was very happy to see him. Pam did my tail bandage like the French flag.
Then, today, we found out about Diesel. A police dog who went into a flat to make it safe for her handler. She died.
It reminds us of our friend Ike,who did a similar job. Ike was the friendliest, most gentle chap out. But when he went to work he would do anything for his handler. Just like Diesel.
Je suis chien.
Mirren 18th November
The weekend was fine but Big Boy was in the dumps because Ewen was away. I was quite happy.Lots of cuddles and loads of room on the bed for Pam and I. His tail looks rather good I think. He needs to wear more colour.
I couldn't do a job like Diesel. I see better than I sniff. I'd be scared of any loud noises. Big Boy would be even more scared. Diesel was doing her job. Je suis chienne.

Been a bit distracted this past weekend. Ewen was away and we were left with Pam. Mirren was quite happy but I miss him. Then on Friday night Pam was very worried. Apparently, Ewen was in Paris. It was not a good time to be there. By Saturday we knew he was okay. He came home on Sunday. I was very happy to see him. Pam did my tail bandage like the French flag.
Then, today, we found out about Diesel. A police dog who went into a flat to make it safe for her handler. She died.
It reminds us of our friend Ike,who did a similar job. Ike was the friendliest, most gentle chap out. But when he went to work he would do anything for his handler. Just like Diesel.
Je suis chien.
Mirren 18th November
The weekend was fine but Big Boy was in the dumps because Ewen was away. I was quite happy.Lots of cuddles and loads of room on the bed for Pam and I. His tail looks rather good I think. He needs to wear more colour.
I couldn't do a job like Diesel. I see better than I sniff. I'd be scared of any loud noises. Big Boy would be even more scared. Diesel was doing her job. Je suis chienne.

Saturday, 7 November 2015
Magnus 7th November
It's a sad day when a Wolfie can't wag his tail. Had a wee op courtesy of Colin at Galedin Vets. I was busy spraying the house with blood when I wagged my tail, so a visit to the vet was needed. Then Auntie Lexi, Lala, to her friends came up and suggested pants. The infamy, the infamy! They've all got it in for me. ( thank you Carry On movies) AND THEY TOOK PICTURES! The shame. Nice grey though and soft. Oh well. Now I know how Mirren feels.

Mirren 7th November
Hohohohohohoh. Heheheheheheh. He looks really silly. But he is taking the pants with good grace. I am impressed.
I went to see Colin too. Sigh! came home a very happy if rather stoned girl. Nice dreams.
It's a sad day when a Wolfie can't wag his tail. Had a wee op courtesy of Colin at Galedin Vets. I was busy spraying the house with blood when I wagged my tail, so a visit to the vet was needed. Then Auntie Lexi, Lala, to her friends came up and suggested pants. The infamy, the infamy! They've all got it in for me. ( thank you Carry On movies) AND THEY TOOK PICTURES! The shame. Nice grey though and soft. Oh well. Now I know how Mirren feels.

Mirren 7th November
Hohohohohohoh. Heheheheheheh. He looks really silly. But he is taking the pants with good grace. I am impressed.
I went to see Colin too. Sigh! came home a very happy if rather stoned girl. Nice dreams.
Tuesday, 3 November 2015
Magnus 3rd November
Oh dear! Pam and Ewen took us to the VET. I keep wagging my tail, as any good dog would do. Apparently, I have wagged mine too much and need a wee op on the tip. Pam's been complaining about blood sprays and mentions something about CSI ?!?
Life is not great just now. Firework time is coming up. Someone let some off the other night. They were VERY loud and I got very scared. Usually I can cope. These were very loud. They had an unfortunate effect on my tummy!
I have also heard something about going back to the VET on Thursday.
Feel the need to go out.
Mirren 3rd November
Colin, Colin! My dream vet. He rubbed my legs and took me for a walk. My other knee is going out. Hopefully, I won't have to go to the Dick Vet this time. Colin will sort me out.
Magnus's tail is a disaster. If Ewen or Pam goes out, he gets all excited about them coming back and batters his tail off walls, doors and edges. Blood EVERYWHERE. Pam says it's amazing where it gets to.
As to the fireworks-- I must admit I'm not fond of them but I just try and lie down somewhere dark and quiet. Magnus gets very wound up and starts quaking in his paws and farting. He really needs to alpha dog up.
Oh dear! Pam and Ewen took us to the VET. I keep wagging my tail, as any good dog would do. Apparently, I have wagged mine too much and need a wee op on the tip. Pam's been complaining about blood sprays and mentions something about CSI ?!?
Life is not great just now. Firework time is coming up. Someone let some off the other night. They were VERY loud and I got very scared. Usually I can cope. These were very loud. They had an unfortunate effect on my tummy!
I have also heard something about going back to the VET on Thursday.
Feel the need to go out.
Mirren 3rd November
Colin, Colin! My dream vet. He rubbed my legs and took me for a walk. My other knee is going out. Hopefully, I won't have to go to the Dick Vet this time. Colin will sort me out.
Magnus's tail is a disaster. If Ewen or Pam goes out, he gets all excited about them coming back and batters his tail off walls, doors and edges. Blood EVERYWHERE. Pam says it's amazing where it gets to.
As to the fireworks-- I must admit I'm not fond of them but I just try and lie down somewhere dark and quiet. Magnus gets very wound up and starts quaking in his paws and farting. He really needs to alpha dog up.
Wednesday, 21 October 2015
21st Oct
Magnus 21st October
Not a happy chappy. I was attacked twice this morning. I got a terrible fright waking past a black bag that turned out be an over friendly blackbird! Then I was attacked, through the window, by Nigel.
I came over all a quiver. This was a shame because I've had a lovely few days. Pam and Ewen took us to the beach on Sunday, for our birthdays. I played football with Ewen and Mirren sucked up to Pam. We had square sausage for a treat. I was happy. Morganistmus getting closer.
Mirren 21st October
What a big Feertie! I am ashamed to be seen with him sometimes. Here I am, a damsel, in season, that deserves to be looked after. Instead, I have to chase away blackbirds that just wanted to play, and bark back at Nigel, who is the size of a good lunch! I don't know. Nearly finished season. Can't wait to get these pants off and let the air at my hind quarters. ( ahem, being polite)
Not a happy chappy. I was attacked twice this morning. I got a terrible fright waking past a black bag that turned out be an over friendly blackbird! Then I was attacked, through the window, by Nigel.
The Mighty Nigel .......... |
I came over all a quiver. This was a shame because I've had a lovely few days. Pam and Ewen took us to the beach on Sunday, for our birthdays. I played football with Ewen and Mirren sucked up to Pam. We had square sausage for a treat. I was happy. Morganistmus getting closer.
Mirren 21st October
What a big Feertie! I am ashamed to be seen with him sometimes. Here I am, a damsel, in season, that deserves to be looked after. Instead, I have to chase away blackbirds that just wanted to play, and bark back at Nigel, who is the size of a good lunch! I don't know. Nearly finished season. Can't wait to get these pants off and let the air at my hind quarters. ( ahem, being polite)
Saturday, 17 October 2015
Magnus 17th October
It was The Duchess's birthday yesterday. She's still in knickers and still bitchy. A dog's life can be so tricky treading round a bitch in season on claw tips. Other than that... weather is getting colder, my coat is getting thicker and I was 6years old on the 9th. Pam and Ewen hae said we can have something nice next weekend cause it's Morganistmas on the 25th. Maybe turkey. I like Turkey. I like ice cream. I like a lot of edible things actually.
Mirren 17th October
I am now 5 years old. It's quite despicable that i should be wearing pants on my birthday. Pam did buy me new ones which are really pretty but I really wanted to go out and celebrate but I can't. There's no point when I'm not looking my best. Lexi came up and gave me a really nice tummy rub. She said I had lost weight. Feel much better. I stay near Ewen or Pam when we are out for walks. Feel quite clingy. Must because of my delicate emotional state just now.
It was The Duchess's birthday yesterday. She's still in knickers and still bitchy. A dog's life can be so tricky treading round a bitch in season on claw tips. Other than that... weather is getting colder, my coat is getting thicker and I was 6years old on the 9th. Pam and Ewen hae said we can have something nice next weekend cause it's Morganistmas on the 25th. Maybe turkey. I like Turkey. I like ice cream. I like a lot of edible things actually.
Mirren 17th October
I am now 5 years old. It's quite despicable that i should be wearing pants on my birthday. Pam did buy me new ones which are really pretty but I really wanted to go out and celebrate but I can't. There's no point when I'm not looking my best. Lexi came up and gave me a really nice tummy rub. She said I had lost weight. Feel much better. I stay near Ewen or Pam when we are out for walks. Feel quite clingy. Must because of my delicate emotional state just now.
Wednesday, 7 October 2015
7th October
Magnus Wednesday 7th October
I say, it is getting rather dark and wet here. We have had to put our coats on so Ewen can see us in the dark mornings. They are quite cosy, being furry lined, so I don't mind. They also mean we don't get attacked with towels when it's raining and we have been outside. The Duchess has been very quiet, except when we get in the mobile kennel. She gets really nippy and demands her own space. Very pushy. Don't know where to put myself. Well, I do really. As far away as possible.
Mirren Wednesday 7th October
I know I'm grumpy but I can't help it. I'm in season again and have to wear pants. What more do I need to say? At least I have nice new pants which are grey and black striped so look reasonably camouflaged. Thank you Pam. I'm a size 8-9yrs apparently. It all explains why I've been eating so much and getting a wee bit rounder. My winter coat was a lot snugger this morning. Pam says not to worry, it'll all fall off me now my season has started. I do hope so. A girl has to maintain her figure and mine is always so svelte. I am quite sleepy. Just want to get cosy and snooze. Pam has put out my furry rug too. Mmmmmmmmmm Bliss.
I say, it is getting rather dark and wet here. We have had to put our coats on so Ewen can see us in the dark mornings. They are quite cosy, being furry lined, so I don't mind. They also mean we don't get attacked with towels when it's raining and we have been outside. The Duchess has been very quiet, except when we get in the mobile kennel. She gets really nippy and demands her own space. Very pushy. Don't know where to put myself. Well, I do really. As far away as possible.
Mirren Wednesday 7th October
I know I'm grumpy but I can't help it. I'm in season again and have to wear pants. What more do I need to say? At least I have nice new pants which are grey and black striped so look reasonably camouflaged. Thank you Pam. I'm a size 8-9yrs apparently. It all explains why I've been eating so much and getting a wee bit rounder. My winter coat was a lot snugger this morning. Pam says not to worry, it'll all fall off me now my season has started. I do hope so. A girl has to maintain her figure and mine is always so svelte. I am quite sleepy. Just want to get cosy and snooze. Pam has put out my furry rug too. Mmmmmmmmmm Bliss.
Wednesday, 30 September 2015
30th September
Magnus 30th September
Ho-hum. Keep having to get combed. I don’t know. Apparently I keep getting covered in little burrs, mostly on my nose and ears. Pam tries to pick them out but Ewen just combs me. Don’t know which is worse. I’ve heard threats of “Dog Groomers”. I just run away. No one is getting me at a dog groomers.
Mirren 30th September
I think a day at the groomers would be like a day at a spa. I would get my nails done. I’ve had to give them a bit of a chew recently. Think I might be getting a split nail. My hair could do with a serious conditioning too. You don’t see the burrs on me so easily. Pam keeps rubbing me down to feel them on me. Quite like that. But a spa day getting massaged, getting my nails done, getting a shampoo and blow dry. Not a bad idea I think.
Monday, 21 September 2015
21st September....
Magnus 21st September
Very wet this morning – the weather and me. Upset Pam again by drying my nose between the couch cushions. I think it’s a perfectly reasonable, personally. The Duchess doesn’t seem to bother with wet hair, although she’s not happy when it goes curly. He just looks on pretending she’s shocked, waiting for the shout of, “NO!” It’s great though. Pam runs around putting cushions back down and tucking things in. Ready for me to have another drying session!
Mirren 21st September
I think autumn is here. It’s wet. There are a lot of wet leaves on the ground. My hair is getting curly. I think I need a word with Pam and Ewen. If this weather keeps up we should have our waterproofs . And it’s getting dark in the morning so we need our Hi-viz. You can see Big Boy because his hair is white but I don’t want to get lost. I am too precious to be lost and I don’t want to spend too much time away from a warm couch!
Thursday, 17 September 2015
17th September
Magnus Thursday 17th September.
I suppose every dog has their day. It’s Mirren’s turn apparently. I was very gracious and let her have the spotlight for a change. Anyway, I’ve been getting lots of late night cuddles from Pam so it’s fine.
Mirren Thursday 17th September
Fame! Went for a walk this morning and I was hounded by puparazzi. All these dogs were asking me if I was one the dogs on the cover of some new album, The Proclaimers, “Let’s Hear It For The Dogs.” I was asked for pawprints, pictures, the works. Of course, it’s not me on the cover but several of the family. Fabulous looking Deerhounds, just like me. I am so proud. It lets the world know about us and how special we are. Big Boy took it all very graciously. He’s used to getting all the spotlight. Now it’s my turn. “All right, Mr De Mille, I’m ready for my close up!”
Sunday, 13 September 2015
Magnus Sunday 13th September
As I mentioned earlier, Pam is back at work. However, I really think she could find the time to write up what's going on. Actually, nothing much is going on, The only problem is my nose. I keep coming home covered in tiny, green, sticky balls from some plant. I try and dislodge them by wiping my nose on the furniture, which doesn't go down well. Anyway, this is not a successful ploy and eventually I have to get them combed out. I don't really like this but I keep forgetting about it when I'm out for a walk. More green, sticky things.
Mirren Sunday 13th September
I am extremely upset and don't know what to do. Lexi says I'm getting fat. Well not fatter but "filling out". Magnus says it's middle age spread. He got his nose nipped for that. Pam thinks it's the new biscuits. Because of Big Boy's tummy troubles we don't get many treats in case he gets the runs. These new Wainwrights don't upset him and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I even talk at Ewen till he gives me a couple. Yap, Yap, yap. Works every time. He keeps looking at me and saying things like, "But you're a gaze hound, your meant to be quiet!" Yeah right! I'm a girl for goodness sake. Quiet. Huh!
As I mentioned earlier, Pam is back at work. However, I really think she could find the time to write up what's going on. Actually, nothing much is going on, The only problem is my nose. I keep coming home covered in tiny, green, sticky balls from some plant. I try and dislodge them by wiping my nose on the furniture, which doesn't go down well. Anyway, this is not a successful ploy and eventually I have to get them combed out. I don't really like this but I keep forgetting about it when I'm out for a walk. More green, sticky things.
Mirren Sunday 13th September
I am extremely upset and don't know what to do. Lexi says I'm getting fat. Well not fatter but "filling out". Magnus says it's middle age spread. He got his nose nipped for that. Pam thinks it's the new biscuits. Because of Big Boy's tummy troubles we don't get many treats in case he gets the runs. These new Wainwrights don't upset him and I LOVE LOVE LOVE them. I even talk at Ewen till he gives me a couple. Yap, Yap, yap. Works every time. He keeps looking at me and saying things like, "But you're a gaze hound, your meant to be quiet!" Yeah right! I'm a girl for goodness sake. Quiet. Huh!
Sunday, 30 August 2015
Magnus 30th August
Pam's back at work at again and is away more days. It's actually working out quite well. This means she goes away and comes back. Coming back means treats. Ham and biscuits. Every cloud......
Went to New Abbey yesterday. To Sweetheart Abbey. I remember it so well. Ewen was surprised that I knew my own way to the river. Silly boy. Doesn't he know we can smell it!
Mirren 30th August
It is a bit odd Pam being away when she's been here, with us, for the past few weeks. I miss her. She gives me lots of hugs, tells me I'm gorgeous and tries to stop me lying around with my legs akimbo. She says it's just not lady like. Yesterday was fun. We go over to New Abbey and get to run about. Pam goes to visit a place with loads of standing stones, with names on, with flowers? !
Anyway, we went a walk and left her to whatever she was doing but I missed her so I ran back to keep her company. Unfortunately, I forgot to mention it to Ewen. Alls well though.
Pam's back at work at again and is away more days. It's actually working out quite well. This means she goes away and comes back. Coming back means treats. Ham and biscuits. Every cloud......
Went to New Abbey yesterday. To Sweetheart Abbey. I remember it so well. Ewen was surprised that I knew my own way to the river. Silly boy. Doesn't he know we can smell it!
Mirren 30th August
It is a bit odd Pam being away when she's been here, with us, for the past few weeks. I miss her. She gives me lots of hugs, tells me I'm gorgeous and tries to stop me lying around with my legs akimbo. She says it's just not lady like. Yesterday was fun. We go over to New Abbey and get to run about. Pam goes to visit a place with loads of standing stones, with names on, with flowers? !
Anyway, we went a walk and left her to whatever she was doing but I missed her so I ran back to keep her company. Unfortunately, I forgot to mention it to Ewen. Alls well though.
Tuesday, 18 August 2015
Magnus Tuesday 19th August
It's raining. Surprise, surprise. Went for a walk with Pam and Ewen today. We went to the woods. I feel more relaxed there just now. We were in the corn fields yesterday morning and Ewen threw a stone for me. When I sniffed it out there was something else there. Not sure what it was but decided to leave the area quite quickly. I can get quite a head of steam up when I try.
Mirren Tuesday 19th August
Poor Pam is back at work. She had to go in on her day off for in-service day. We went for a nice walk, all together. Magnus is such a scare-dy puss. Think he probably ran into a large rodent in the corn. Personally, I'd have exited sharply too but I'm not telling him that.
Because I have been getting brushed, because it is raining, I have gone rather curly. Don't know if it suits me. I think I'm more of a bed-head kind of girl!
It's raining. Surprise, surprise. Went for a walk with Pam and Ewen today. We went to the woods. I feel more relaxed there just now. We were in the corn fields yesterday morning and Ewen threw a stone for me. When I sniffed it out there was something else there. Not sure what it was but decided to leave the area quite quickly. I can get quite a head of steam up when I try.
Mirren Tuesday 19th August
Poor Pam is back at work. She had to go in on her day off for in-service day. We went for a nice walk, all together. Magnus is such a scare-dy puss. Think he probably ran into a large rodent in the corn. Personally, I'd have exited sharply too but I'm not telling him that.
Because I have been getting brushed, because it is raining, I have gone rather curly. Don't know if it suits me. I think I'm more of a bed-head kind of girl!
Wednesday, 12 August 2015
Magnus Tuesday 12th August

She's actually a cheetah. There was me, quietly ambling through a corn field like Scooby Doo, when she attacked me by surprise. She'd stalked me and waited for me and then jumped me. What a fright.

Mirren Tuesday 12th August
He is such a sucker. Get him every time. I love the corn. Because I'm so slim and light and fabulous I can run through the corn without hurting it. He has to go up the tyre tracks. Then I run ahead, wait, and pounce. Joy. He gets a fright every time. Think he'd be on the look out. But no. Ahead he comes. Lalalalala and then whump! I get him.
PS Pam got our birthdays wrong. We were born in October so I'm still four. He's five. And three quarters
Tuesday, 11 August 2015
Magnus Tuesday 11th August
It's great to go away but I am happy to be home. I know where everything is--the fridge, the biscuit cupboard, the water mugs, my bed. The necessities of life that are important to a big guy like me. Oh, and also Pam and Ewen's bed, and the couches.
Mirren Tuesday 11th August
Typical. Anything to do with his stomach or his comfort! We got tick treated when we got back. We'd been done before but Pam wanted to top us up. Just in case. There's a lot of ticks down there in Cornwall. I do agree though, it's nice to know exactly where I can go to lie down comfortably.
It's great to go away but I am happy to be home. I know where everything is--the fridge, the biscuit cupboard, the water mugs, my bed. The necessities of life that are important to a big guy like me. Oh, and also Pam and Ewen's bed, and the couches.
Mirren Tuesday 11th August
Typical. Anything to do with his stomach or his comfort! We got tick treated when we got back. We'd been done before but Pam wanted to top us up. Just in case. There's a lot of ticks down there in Cornwall. I do agree though, it's nice to know exactly where I can go to lie down comfortably.
Saturday, 8 August 2015
Magnus Saturday 8th August
Bit of a gap in our blog. We've been away. We've been in Cornwall, in a place called Pont.

We went with Ray and Lexi. Ewen was working there so we all went and stayed for a week. It's a long way.
I had a very embarrassing moment in Bodinnick. I refused to get on the Fowey ferry. Ewen pushed me on. Of course, once I was on I was fine and I was fine on the way back too. I just took a deep breath and got on with it. It was just that I didn't like the metal under my claws and the thing moved. Ho hum, it's hard being a big dog.
I met with a very nice lady at Pont. She used to have a Wolfie just like me. He was called Flynn. He's been away a while now but she was so thrilled to see me. In fact I think she was a bit weepy. She obviously missed Flynn a lot. He must have been an incredibly handsome chap. He looked like I do!!
Met an older chap in Fowey, with his owners. His name was Buster. He was getting on a bit and just waned to lie down. After the ferry incident I would like to have done the same but the bench wasn't big enough.

Mirren Saturday 8th August
It is always good to be home. I am now five and Bog Boy is now six. I wondered if we would have a party but Pam says we had a holiday instead!? Not sure about that one. Got to try Cornish ice cream though. Bliss. House in Pont was lovely. It was on Pont Pil. Lots of ducks and swans too. The ducks made a lot of noise when I went near them. Left them alone just to shut them up. A swan had the cheek to hiss at me. I was stunned. I just wanted a closer look and it hissed. Lovely long neck, like mine.
The ferry incident was MORTIFYING. People in cars were staring at us.

I was with Pam and tried to pretend we weren't with him. Everyone was very friendly and I was on my best behaviour for the public. Looked gorgeous as ever.
Bit of a gap in our blog. We've been away. We've been in Cornwall, in a place called Pont.

We went with Ray and Lexi. Ewen was working there so we all went and stayed for a week. It's a long way.

I had a very embarrassing moment in Bodinnick. I refused to get on the Fowey ferry. Ewen pushed me on. Of course, once I was on I was fine and I was fine on the way back too. I just took a deep breath and got on with it. It was just that I didn't like the metal under my claws and the thing moved. Ho hum, it's hard being a big dog.
I met with a very nice lady at Pont. She used to have a Wolfie just like me. He was called Flynn. He's been away a while now but she was so thrilled to see me. In fact I think she was a bit weepy. She obviously missed Flynn a lot. He must have been an incredibly handsome chap. He looked like I do!!
Met an older chap in Fowey, with his owners. His name was Buster. He was getting on a bit and just waned to lie down. After the ferry incident I would like to have done the same but the bench wasn't big enough.

Mirren Saturday 8th August
It is always good to be home. I am now five and Bog Boy is now six. I wondered if we would have a party but Pam says we had a holiday instead!? Not sure about that one. Got to try Cornish ice cream though. Bliss. House in Pont was lovely. It was on Pont Pil. Lots of ducks and swans too. The ducks made a lot of noise when I went near them. Left them alone just to shut them up. A swan had the cheek to hiss at me. I was stunned. I just wanted a closer look and it hissed. Lovely long neck, like mine.
The ferry incident was MORTIFYING. People in cars were staring at us.

I was with Pam and tried to pretend we weren't with him. Everyone was very friendly and I was on my best behaviour for the public. Looked gorgeous as ever.
Walked from Pont to Boddinick to see "The World." I was very impressed and could see myself being walked round the top deck. Big Boy would be terrified, of course, it moves. I would wear a diamond collar and just be fabulous
Monday, 20 July 2015
Magnus Monday 20th July
Good to have Pam back. Lots of cuddles and treats. She was worried about me when she heard my tummy was off again last week. Kept being sick. Okay now. Can eat Pam's gluten free biscuits. Mirren has been chucked off the couch in the sitting room. Ha ha, knew she wouldn't get away with it when Pam came home.
Mirren Monday 20th July
Yeahh! Pam's back. Lots of cuddles. She chucked me off my new bed though. I was fine. Ewen got a bit of a telling off though. Don't know why. Everything seemed okay to me?
She keeps complaining about the weather. It's wet and cold here, as normal. She's been in the sun so I think she's not liking the cold much. That'll teach her to leave us alone for a week while she goes on holiday with her pal.
Good to have Pam back. Lots of cuddles and treats. She was worried about me when she heard my tummy was off again last week. Kept being sick. Okay now. Can eat Pam's gluten free biscuits. Mirren has been chucked off the couch in the sitting room. Ha ha, knew she wouldn't get away with it when Pam came home.
Mirren Monday 20th July
Yeahh! Pam's back. Lots of cuddles. She chucked me off my new bed though. I was fine. Ewen got a bit of a telling off though. Don't know why. Everything seemed okay to me?
She keeps complaining about the weather. It's wet and cold here, as normal. She's been in the sun so I think she's not liking the cold much. That'll teach her to leave us alone for a week while she goes on holiday with her pal.
Monday, 13 July 2015
Mums on Holiday
Well seen Pam"s on holiday... we can get away with murder with Ewen
Big boy's been caught out as well, he's on the couch in the background !!
If I'am going to get in to troubkle, so is he.......
Big boy's been caught out as well, he's on the couch in the background !!
If I'am going to get in to troubkle, so is he.......
Tuesday, 7 July 2015
Magnus Tuesday 7th July
Humph. Been a bit rough here. First all there was a pet show on in Lauder. I had to get brushed. Ewen did Mirren first. She seemed to quite like it. A visit to the hairdresser is more of a girlie thing. I try and avoid it. But I was caught and brushed. Surprisingly I found it quite pleasant even though I look a bit fluffy when done. Then it rained and the pet show was cancelled. It's been rescheduled. Must remember the date so I can avoid the brushing again.
Second, my tum has been a bit off. I wasn't hungry yesterday. Pam and Ewen kept coming to check on me. Don't think it was anything I ate.

Mirren Tuesday 7th July
I actually like getting brushed. I don't want Pam and Ewen to know though in case it becomes more of a regular thing, but it is quite enjoyable. It means i get cuddled by Ewen. I, of course, looked divine. I was most upset when it was cancelled. I had on my best collar. Doubt if Big Boy will remember the new date, August 22nd. He's got a brain like a sieve.

And yes his tummy was off, and yes we all suffered. He was very smelly. I moved rooms to sleep. He kept the Two Legs up all night checking on him. Seems to be okay today. Eating, drinking, peeing, farting. Normal.
Humph. Been a bit rough here. First all there was a pet show on in Lauder. I had to get brushed. Ewen did Mirren first. She seemed to quite like it. A visit to the hairdresser is more of a girlie thing. I try and avoid it. But I was caught and brushed. Surprisingly I found it quite pleasant even though I look a bit fluffy when done. Then it rained and the pet show was cancelled. It's been rescheduled. Must remember the date so I can avoid the brushing again.
Second, my tum has been a bit off. I wasn't hungry yesterday. Pam and Ewen kept coming to check on me. Don't think it was anything I ate.
![]() |
Time for a SHARP exit........... |

Mirren Tuesday 7th July
I actually like getting brushed. I don't want Pam and Ewen to know though in case it becomes more of a regular thing, but it is quite enjoyable. It means i get cuddled by Ewen. I, of course, looked divine. I was most upset when it was cancelled. I had on my best collar. Doubt if Big Boy will remember the new date, August 22nd. He's got a brain like a sieve.

And yes his tummy was off, and yes we all suffered. He was very smelly. I moved rooms to sleep. He kept the Two Legs up all night checking on him. Seems to be okay today. Eating, drinking, peeing, farting. Normal.
Tuesday, 30 June 2015
Magnus 30th June
I am so happy. Pam has found these Wainwright's biscuits for dogs. One lot are turkey and rice and the other is salmon. And I can eat them. It's great. The have no grain so my tummy is fine. I get to eat a biscuit now. They are lovely and crunchy. Pam says I have been deprived since I haven't had treats apart from ham and some of her gluten free stuff. I am very, very happy. She even brought some on our walk in case we were peckish. JOY!
Mirren 30th June
I have to admit my own appreciation of these little biscuit snacks. Since Big Boy has a coeliac problem Pam and Ewen are very careful about what he eats. Unfortunately, because he is such a hoover, I don't get access to many treats unless Pam slips me something on the side. Big Boy would be right in there, pushing me out of the way, and grabbing whatever was going. We would all suffer for the rest of the evening as he farted his wind away. It's really not acceptable.
On the other hand, because we don't get many doggie treats, I have magnificent teeth. White, clean, fabulous. Rather like me.
Magnus has no front teeth. They are almost non existent. His back teeth are huge, but tiny, little, baby, front teeth. I take the mickey out of him regularly about them. Pam and Ewen call him Toothless, after a dragon in an animated film. It's a big, toothless, owner-adoring beast too, apparently.
I am so happy. Pam has found these Wainwright's biscuits for dogs. One lot are turkey and rice and the other is salmon. And I can eat them. It's great. The have no grain so my tummy is fine. I get to eat a biscuit now. They are lovely and crunchy. Pam says I have been deprived since I haven't had treats apart from ham and some of her gluten free stuff. I am very, very happy. She even brought some on our walk in case we were peckish. JOY!
Mirren 30th June
I have to admit my own appreciation of these little biscuit snacks. Since Big Boy has a coeliac problem Pam and Ewen are very careful about what he eats. Unfortunately, because he is such a hoover, I don't get access to many treats unless Pam slips me something on the side. Big Boy would be right in there, pushing me out of the way, and grabbing whatever was going. We would all suffer for the rest of the evening as he farted his wind away. It's really not acceptable.
On the other hand, because we don't get many doggie treats, I have magnificent teeth. White, clean, fabulous. Rather like me.
Magnus has no front teeth. They are almost non existent. His back teeth are huge, but tiny, little, baby, front teeth. I take the mickey out of him regularly about them. Pam and Ewen call him Toothless, after a dragon in an animated film. It's a big, toothless, owner-adoring beast too, apparently.
Monday, 22 June 2015
Magnus Monday22nd June
It's all very busy here. Gardening, washing tidying. Don't know where to lie down without being hoovered or washed. It's all very scary. Ewen is getting up earlier to take us long walks in the morning before it gets warm!!! Ha ha that's a laugh. I still have my winter coat on.
Mirren Monday 22nd June
He's right, it is busy. I just keep out of the way. I find Pam doesn't wash a couch so I just make myself comfortable on one of them. I even chanced by paws on the good couches which are usually forbidden but there were covers on and she didn't seem to mind. I don't think big boy is brave enough to try. It means I get full control and comfort. Splendid.
It's all very busy here. Gardening, washing tidying. Don't know where to lie down without being hoovered or washed. It's all very scary. Ewen is getting up earlier to take us long walks in the morning before it gets warm!!! Ha ha that's a laugh. I still have my winter coat on.
Mirren Monday 22nd June
He's right, it is busy. I just keep out of the way. I find Pam doesn't wash a couch so I just make myself comfortable on one of them. I even chanced by paws on the good couches which are usually forbidden but there were covers on and she didn't seem to mind. I don't think big boy is brave enough to try. It means I get full control and comfort. Splendid.
Tuesday, 9 June 2015
Magnus Tuesday 9th June
It's been odd here. Pam was away so Ewen took us for great walks. Mirren was in the huff because she's the only girl when Pam's away. We were at Goswick for the sunrise on Sunday. Me on a beach. Happy days, paddling up to my tummy in the sea. Ewen says I might be doing this more often soon?? Mirren has been telling me we are moving. We go on holidays to places quite often but she says this is for good!! I'll miss my big window. As long as we have the Two Legs, beds, couches and ham I'm happy.
And no slippy floors.
Mirren Tuesday 9th June
It really is rather negligent behaviour on Pam's part. First of all she goes to Spain, for 5 days, for a funeral......and doesn't do our Blog. Then last week she was so wrapped up in doing housework she forgot again. I don't know. No responsibility at all. She knows we can't do this on our own.
It's all rather busy here. Apparently, they are selling this kennel and hoping to move somewhere else. Somewhere warmer for Pam. Spain has been mentioned. Better get on with learning the language. I'll have to do it. Big Boy will just get hot and pant. Adios.
It's been odd here. Pam was away so Ewen took us for great walks. Mirren was in the huff because she's the only girl when Pam's away. We were at Goswick for the sunrise on Sunday. Me on a beach. Happy days, paddling up to my tummy in the sea. Ewen says I might be doing this more often soon?? Mirren has been telling me we are moving. We go on holidays to places quite often but she says this is for good!! I'll miss my big window. As long as we have the Two Legs, beds, couches and ham I'm happy.
And no slippy floors.
Mirren Tuesday 9th June
It really is rather negligent behaviour on Pam's part. First of all she goes to Spain, for 5 days, for a funeral......and doesn't do our Blog. Then last week she was so wrapped up in doing housework she forgot again. I don't know. No responsibility at all. She knows we can't do this on our own.
It's all rather busy here. Apparently, they are selling this kennel and hoping to move somewhere else. Somewhere warmer for Pam. Spain has been mentioned. Better get on with learning the language. I'll have to do it. Big Boy will just get hot and pant. Adios.
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
Walk along the "River Tweed"
Magnus 19th May
We had a fabulous walk yesterday along the Leader and Tweed before it started pouring again. I was very brave and crossed a bit I was too scared to go over before. I paddled and ran everywhere. I was very tired by the time we finished. Mirren had a run in with a tree rabbit. She lost. Ha ha! She wasn't very happy.
Mirren 19th May
Pam came on walks with us again. It was lovely. The sun shone for a while and we had a lovely walk. Yes I chased a squirrel. Magnus hasn't leaned they're not rabbits. He joined in too but he's too slow. The squirrel won. Not impressed. It was a lovely walk and I am still a wee bit tired. I had to have a drink when I got back to the mobile kennel. I don't like drinking out of rivers and streams. I like to know where my water has come from. You never know what goes on in water. I'm not too happy of my picture with my tongue out but it is nice and pink and I don't want to be too much of a diva.
We had a fabulous walk yesterday along the Leader and Tweed before it started pouring again. I was very brave and crossed a bit I was too scared to go over before. I paddled and ran everywhere. I was very tired by the time we finished. Mirren had a run in with a tree rabbit. She lost. Ha ha! She wasn't very happy.
Mirren 19th May
Pam came on walks with us again. It was lovely. The sun shone for a while and we had a lovely walk. Yes I chased a squirrel. Magnus hasn't leaned they're not rabbits. He joined in too but he's too slow. The squirrel won. Not impressed. It was a lovely walk and I am still a wee bit tired. I had to have a drink when I got back to the mobile kennel. I don't like drinking out of rivers and streams. I like to know where my water has come from. You never know what goes on in water. I'm not too happy of my picture with my tongue out but it is nice and pink and I don't want to be too much of a diva.
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
Tuesday 12th May Magnus
Going on lovely long walks. Pam came too yesterday. Made Ewen go even further. Mirren was given a row. Nah nah nanah! She has thing thing about grazing on horse poo. Never felt the need myself. I must admit I felt a tad tired and when I got home I just slept. Great.
Tuesday 12th May Mirren
It's not very warm for May. I'm giving up checking the forecast. It keeps saying things like, "Saturday is going to be a scorcher" Saturday turns out to be cold, wet and windy. My hair is a shambles. Ewen wants to brush me but I won't let him. I need a gentler touch. Good to have Pam on a walk again. We went for a really long walk yesterday. I like it when she comes on walks. She keeps stopping to give us a cuddle. I did get a row yesterday though. I found some nice, fresh horse dung and was about to tuck in when I was issued with a stern, "No!' Not sure why?
Going on lovely long walks. Pam came too yesterday. Made Ewen go even further. Mirren was given a row. Nah nah nanah! She has thing thing about grazing on horse poo. Never felt the need myself. I must admit I felt a tad tired and when I got home I just slept. Great.
Tuesday 12th May Mirren
It's not very warm for May. I'm giving up checking the forecast. It keeps saying things like, "Saturday is going to be a scorcher" Saturday turns out to be cold, wet and windy. My hair is a shambles. Ewen wants to brush me but I won't let him. I need a gentler touch. Good to have Pam on a walk again. We went for a really long walk yesterday. I like it when she comes on walks. She keeps stopping to give us a cuddle. I did get a row yesterday though. I found some nice, fresh horse dung and was about to tuck in when I was issued with a stern, "No!' Not sure why?
Thursday, 7 May 2015
Magnus May 7th, Thursday.
Sorry folks. A horrible week. Weather just rotten. Had to get towel dried umpteen times. Very pleasant in fact. A good body rub is just what I like.
Mirren May 7th
Not impressed by the two legs. They forgot our Blog. Not on. The weather has been so nasty we've not gone out for long walks, so they have had plenty of time. Anyway, wet weather makes me curly. I do not suit curls. The towel rubbing gives me dreadlocks. Ho hum. Election day. Not that Big Boy would know. As long as he gets his food he cares not a jot who gets elected. Maybe they'll bring back the dog licence? Make people take responsibility for us. Who knows?
Sorry folks. A horrible week. Weather just rotten. Had to get towel dried umpteen times. Very pleasant in fact. A good body rub is just what I like.
Mirren May 7th
Not impressed by the two legs. They forgot our Blog. Not on. The weather has been so nasty we've not gone out for long walks, so they have had plenty of time. Anyway, wet weather makes me curly. I do not suit curls. The towel rubbing gives me dreadlocks. Ho hum. Election day. Not that Big Boy would know. As long as he gets his food he cares not a jot who gets elected. Maybe they'll bring back the dog licence? Make people take responsibility for us. Who knows?
Monday, 27 April 2015
Magnus 27th April
Been away for the weekend, in North Berwick. Lovely time. Had to cope with stairs. Managed okay but had to keep my speed under control. The last few steps seem to happen very quickly. Met a lovely black Lab named Mickey. Great fun. Barrel of energy. Not that she was a barrel. Very sleek and shiny black. Been tired out.
Mirren 27th April.
Yes we had a lovely weekend. Mickey was fun. We got on. She even shared our beds. Very friendly.

Making my self at home, I wasn't going to be rude though and throw off the cushions !!!!!!!
As to Big Boy on stairs, it is fun to watch. If he gets up too much momentum it could be a bit of a disaster. Pam and Ewen have to control his speed.
We were sunbathing yesterday and now it is snowing. Life, and the British weather never cease to amaze me.
Been away for the weekend, in North Berwick. Lovely time. Had to cope with stairs. Managed okay but had to keep my speed under control. The last few steps seem to happen very quickly. Met a lovely black Lab named Mickey. Great fun. Barrel of energy. Not that she was a barrel. Very sleek and shiny black. Been tired out.
Mirren 27th April.
Yes we had a lovely weekend. Mickey was fun. We got on. She even shared our beds. Very friendly.

Making my self at home, I wasn't going to be rude though and throw off the cushions !!!!!!!
As to Big Boy on stairs, it is fun to watch. If he gets up too much momentum it could be a bit of a disaster. Pam and Ewen have to control his speed.
We were sunbathing yesterday and now it is snowing. Life, and the British weather never cease to amaze me.
Tuesday, 21 April 2015
1st Day of Sunbathing
Mirren Tuesday 21st April
First day of sunbathing. I know when to go in. Big Boy just stays out and pants. Note, I also protect my eyes. We get sun damage in our eyes too.
Monday, 20 April 2015
Magnus Monday 20th April
Pam has been away so Mirren and I find it very difficult to work the computers without her. She's back now. When she was away we got up really early and went long walks with Ewen. I chased a deer. I was so tired when I got home. It was very exciting. I'm glad Pam's home but sad that she's taken back her side of the bed. God point is she shares her gluten free goodies with me. Every cloud.....
Mirren Monday 20th April
I missed Pam. My claws make a clacking noise on the keyboard so I gave up trying to fill in for her. I was outnumbered 2:1. I've got my pants off which is a HUGE relief. A girl likes to look her best.
Now, as to chasing a deer!!?? I chased a deer, or two. Magnus just gallumps along behind me. At least he doesn't bark. We are alike in that we run silent! I think the deer find it all very funny and look on us as a wee stretch of the legs for early morning exercise.
Pam has been away so Mirren and I find it very difficult to work the computers without her. She's back now. When she was away we got up really early and went long walks with Ewen. I chased a deer. I was so tired when I got home. It was very exciting. I'm glad Pam's home but sad that she's taken back her side of the bed. God point is she shares her gluten free goodies with me. Every cloud.....
Mirren Monday 20th April
I missed Pam. My claws make a clacking noise on the keyboard so I gave up trying to fill in for her. I was outnumbered 2:1. I've got my pants off which is a HUGE relief. A girl likes to look her best.
Now, as to chasing a deer!!?? I chased a deer, or two. Magnus just gallumps along behind me. At least he doesn't bark. We are alike in that we run silent! I think the deer find it all very funny and look on us as a wee stretch of the legs for early morning exercise.
Monday, 6 April 2015
Monday 6th April Magnus
It's Easter. The sun is shining and I am getting too hot! Pam has been on walks with us because it's her holidays. She brings things to throw and for us to chase. I am knackered. Mirren has a bad habit of biting my lip or my tail till give her the toys. Not giving in. She can't boss me around.
Monday 6th April Mirren
Hurrah!! Walks with Pam. Love it when it's sunny and windy. The sun on my back and the wind on my face. Pam says she just wants the sun. She's going on holiday with her friend for a week of sun. She says she is going to read and rotate. I'll miss her. I'll be outnumbered at home 2:1. It's getting harder to get Big Boy to give the toys to me. He's not being a gentleman at all.
It's Easter. The sun is shining and I am getting too hot! Pam has been on walks with us because it's her holidays. She brings things to throw and for us to chase. I am knackered. Mirren has a bad habit of biting my lip or my tail till give her the toys. Not giving in. She can't boss me around.
Monday 6th April Mirren
Hurrah!! Walks with Pam. Love it when it's sunny and windy. The sun on my back and the wind on my face. Pam says she just wants the sun. She's going on holiday with her friend for a week of sun. She says she is going to read and rotate. I'll miss her. I'll be outnumbered at home 2:1. It's getting harder to get Big Boy to give the toys to me. He's not being a gentleman at all.
Tuesday, 31 March 2015
Tuesday 31st March Magnus
It's meant to be spring but it's blowing a gale and snowing. Poor wee lambs.
Anyway, another new, great walk. Ewen took us from Leaderfoot into Earlston. It was exhausting. Tired out when we got home. Mirren is a tad edgy this week. Keeps going and being "on her own."
She's wearing purple pants again. Maybe she doesn't like the colour. Or more likely, the fit. Girls like things to fit well, apparently.
Tuesday 31st March Mirren
I'm feeling a wee bit hormonal just now. I don't mind the pants. The colour doesn't matter!!!(doh! ....colourblind) The fit is excellent. He only knows the colour because Pam mentioned it was, "Purple pants time again." I really like getting a cuddle. I think I just need to feel the love. It's important to feel cared for at this time. Men just don't always see it. I'm not bad tempered or bitchy. Just lie about looking forlorn all the time. It really works a treat. Another benefit is the sneaked treats from Pam. She says she know what it's like and I need spoilt. Fantastic!
It's meant to be spring but it's blowing a gale and snowing. Poor wee lambs.
Anyway, another new, great walk. Ewen took us from Leaderfoot into Earlston. It was exhausting. Tired out when we got home. Mirren is a tad edgy this week. Keeps going and being "on her own."
She's wearing purple pants again. Maybe she doesn't like the colour. Or more likely, the fit. Girls like things to fit well, apparently.
Tuesday 31st March Mirren
I'm feeling a wee bit hormonal just now. I don't mind the pants. The colour doesn't matter!!!(doh! ....colourblind) The fit is excellent. He only knows the colour because Pam mentioned it was, "Purple pants time again." I really like getting a cuddle. I think I just need to feel the love. It's important to feel cared for at this time. Men just don't always see it. I'm not bad tempered or bitchy. Just lie about looking forlorn all the time. It really works a treat. Another benefit is the sneaked treats from Pam. She says she know what it's like and I need spoilt. Fantastic!
Tuesday, 24 March 2015
Tuesday 24th March Magnus
It was St Patrick's Day last week. Got dressed up in my Irish Guards' Mascot coat. Ahhhh! Pride. Didn't get shamrocks from the Duchess of Cambridge, but she was busy in London. Been some really nice walks these past few days. The weather has been quite pleasant. Ewen has taken us walks that he used to do with the previous Ms. There was no sheep so we got to run about and enjoy ourselves. It was really good fun.

Tuesday March 24th Mirren
I don't want to appear a bit confused .........but I am. Ewen took us this lovely walk through woods. I came across some rabbit type animals and gave chase, as any self respecting Deerhound would. But, blow me down with a feather, these rabbits could run up trees and laugh at me. I spent some time trying to work out if I could climb up after them but it wasn't going to happen. Gave the Tree-climbing-rabbits some long, hard staring. Pam said that one of the previous Ms could climb trees and ladders. Huh -uh. Believe that one.

Pam came with us on one of our hill walks. Good to see her out and about. I like having another girlie on our walks. Breaks up the Ewen/Magnus mutual admiration society.
It was St Patrick's Day last week. Got dressed up in my Irish Guards' Mascot coat. Ahhhh! Pride. Didn't get shamrocks from the Duchess of Cambridge, but she was busy in London. Been some really nice walks these past few days. The weather has been quite pleasant. Ewen has taken us walks that he used to do with the previous Ms. There was no sheep so we got to run about and enjoy ourselves. It was really good fun.
Tuesday March 24th Mirren
I don't want to appear a bit confused .........but I am. Ewen took us this lovely walk through woods. I came across some rabbit type animals and gave chase, as any self respecting Deerhound would. But, blow me down with a feather, these rabbits could run up trees and laugh at me. I spent some time trying to work out if I could climb up after them but it wasn't going to happen. Gave the Tree-climbing-rabbits some long, hard staring. Pam said that one of the previous Ms could climb trees and ladders. Huh -uh. Believe that one.
Pam came with us on one of our hill walks. Good to see her out and about. I like having another girlie on our walks. Breaks up the Ewen/Magnus mutual admiration society.
Tuesday, 17 March 2015
Tuesday 17th March Magnus
It just won't stop being wet. My paws are very muddy and so is my tummy. This does not please Pam. If my nose gets wet, I like to dry it along the cushions on the sofa. This does not please her either. It's hard being a big, hairy, wet dog.
Chased some geese the other day. They didn't fly away like other birds. They sort of trotted away. Interesting
Tuesday 17th March Mirren
I have to agree, I'm not fond of this weather either. My coat goes very curly. I'm not sure I'm a curly sort of dog but there is a certain something. That is until I lie down when damp. Sleeping on a damp coat makes it go in very odd shapes. Moral: do not sleep with damp hair.
Chased some geese!!!! Ha ha!! They scared him. They didn't fly away, they just went off, cackling in hysterical laughter. Sometimes he has absolutely no idea what is going on. Or he is too big to care.
But I do like him. He is the only dog allowed to sniff my bits and keep his nose intact. Not that he can do anything but it's nice to know I'm sexy!!
It just won't stop being wet. My paws are very muddy and so is my tummy. This does not please Pam. If my nose gets wet, I like to dry it along the cushions on the sofa. This does not please her either. It's hard being a big, hairy, wet dog.
Chased some geese the other day. They didn't fly away like other birds. They sort of trotted away. Interesting
Tuesday 17th March Mirren
I have to agree, I'm not fond of this weather either. My coat goes very curly. I'm not sure I'm a curly sort of dog but there is a certain something. That is until I lie down when damp. Sleeping on a damp coat makes it go in very odd shapes. Moral: do not sleep with damp hair.
Chased some geese!!!! Ha ha!! They scared him. They didn't fly away, they just went off, cackling in hysterical laughter. Sometimes he has absolutely no idea what is going on. Or he is too big to care.
But I do like him. He is the only dog allowed to sniff my bits and keep his nose intact. Not that he can do anything but it's nice to know I'm sexy!!
Monday, 9 March 2015
9th March Magnus
Crufts over again for another year. I enjoyed the Flyball competition. Everyone looked so excited. I don't think I'd manage that weaving in and out thing though. And I don't think I'd like the tunnel stuff either. Way to dark and creepy for me. It was a shame we Wolfhounds didn't feature as much as last year but nevermind. Every dog has its day.
I am trying to ignore the latest news though.
9th March Mirren
Good to see another Scottish breed win Crufts. A girlie as well. I don't really like wee dogs but this one has a cute look and her hair is magnificent. I wonder which conditioner she uses?
As to the poison news, I am shocked that a human would do something so awful to a doggie. Just to win. Humans' cruelty never ceases to amaze me. Why would you punish a dog for doing well. All we do is try to please. What a sad finish to Crufts.
Magnus is burying his head in the bed. He always tries to ignore bad things. That's why we love him. He is such a gentle, big guy. And a total push over when I want something. Always a good thing in a chap!
Crufts over again for another year. I enjoyed the Flyball competition. Everyone looked so excited. I don't think I'd manage that weaving in and out thing though. And I don't think I'd like the tunnel stuff either. Way to dark and creepy for me. It was a shame we Wolfhounds didn't feature as much as last year but nevermind. Every dog has its day.
I am trying to ignore the latest news though.
9th March Mirren
Good to see another Scottish breed win Crufts. A girlie as well. I don't really like wee dogs but this one has a cute look and her hair is magnificent. I wonder which conditioner she uses?
As to the poison news, I am shocked that a human would do something so awful to a doggie. Just to win. Humans' cruelty never ceases to amaze me. Why would you punish a dog for doing well. All we do is try to please. What a sad finish to Crufts.
Magnus is burying his head in the bed. He always tries to ignore bad things. That's why we love him. He is such a gentle, big guy. And a total push over when I want something. Always a good thing in a chap!
Wednesday, 4 March 2015
Wednesday 4th March Magnus
Have rediscovered the 3am feed. It's soooooo great. It's been really cold. Pam gets up for the loo. I growl and she goes to let me out. I stare at my dish, or the food cupboard or the fridge. It all depends whether I want dog food or chicken. I make no attempt to go out. I just push her around the kitchen until she wakes up and gets the idea. Humans can be so slow at times.
Wednesday 4th March Mirren
I have been told that I should give classes in relaxation. (Either that or classes in sluttish behaviour but I shall treat this comment with the disdain it deserves.) I just know, instinctively, how to relax. Pam says Monty was the same. Must be our breeding. Deerhounds chill, okay!!
Well, unless Magnus tries to take my bit of cheese. I was upside down at the time, relaxing, and he thought he could nip in and steal it. I had to remind him who is boss and give him a good growling. I even bared my teeth, which, as I have said before, are specacularly white and shiny.
Have rediscovered the 3am feed. It's soooooo great. It's been really cold. Pam gets up for the loo. I growl and she goes to let me out. I stare at my dish, or the food cupboard or the fridge. It all depends whether I want dog food or chicken. I make no attempt to go out. I just push her around the kitchen until she wakes up and gets the idea. Humans can be so slow at times.
Wednesday 4th March Mirren
I have been told that I should give classes in relaxation. (Either that or classes in sluttish behaviour but I shall treat this comment with the disdain it deserves.) I just know, instinctively, how to relax. Pam says Monty was the same. Must be our breeding. Deerhounds chill, okay!!
Well, unless Magnus tries to take my bit of cheese. I was upside down at the time, relaxing, and he thought he could nip in and steal it. I had to remind him who is boss and give him a good growling. I even bared my teeth, which, as I have said before, are specacularly white and shiny.
Sunday, 1 March 2015
Wednesday, 25 February 2015
Magnus Wednesday 25th February
Another week flown by. Weather has been lousy and I find lying at the front window an easier way of seeing the world. I seem to get very dirty when we go out in the mud. Must be the way I walk!
Mirren was a laugh. She got a pine cone stuck in her mouth. Couldn't get it out. She was not happy. I, personally, found it very funny.
Mirren 25th February
Of course, I come home clean. I think it's his big, hairy paws. They flick the mud up his back legs and tummy. He comes home a real mess. I have much more petite paws and walk more smartly.
Yes, I did get a pine cone stuck. Ewen was there to help me though, so I didn't have to face this indignity too long. Bless him. Magnus's mouth is too big to get anything stuck. Humph!!
Another week flown by. Weather has been lousy and I find lying at the front window an easier way of seeing the world. I seem to get very dirty when we go out in the mud. Must be the way I walk!
Mirren was a laugh. She got a pine cone stuck in her mouth. Couldn't get it out. She was not happy. I, personally, found it very funny.
Mirren 25th February
Of course, I come home clean. I think it's his big, hairy paws. They flick the mud up his back legs and tummy. He comes home a real mess. I have much more petite paws and walk more smartly.
Yes, I did get a pine cone stuck. Ewen was there to help me though, so I didn't have to face this indignity too long. Bless him. Magnus's mouth is too big to get anything stuck. Humph!!
Tuesday, 17 February 2015
Magnus 17th February
Been a busy week. LOTS of people in the studio. All with red tops on. The Welsh were here!
I'm having a lot of fun watching the Five Nations Rugby with Ewen. It's all very exciting. Scotland haven't done so well. On the other hand Ireland have and I'm an Irish Wolfhound. England have and I was born in England. I like Standard French Poodles, particularly a chocolate brown one that lives across the field. I like pasta---very Italian. And then there is Gelert the faithful Wolfhound of Welsh tales. Pam says "Lady and the Tramp" has a story just like Gelert. They had a rat, a baby and Tramp was sent to the pound. Gelert had a wolf, a baby and ended up being killed by his master!!! Not a Disney ending at all. Anyway it's good to be a creature of the world.
Rugby balls are easier to carry then footballs. I can't always get my mouth round a football.
Mirren 17th February
What is this male preoccupation with chasing balls? Round ones, oval ones, little tiny white ones, fluffy lemon ones, variously coloured hard ones. Magnus also needs to decide which camp his paw is in. He can't always be supporting the winning side. I am a Scottish Deerhound. There are no arguments, even when we are getting cuffed at rugby. Unfortunate, but true.
Anyway, while he's watching the rugby I get peace to lounge where I want. The joys of a quiet, sport free afternoon. While the boys are away, the girls get to lie about.
I also wish to raise the question...if dogs are colour blind how does he know which shirt to support on the TV? That's it! Eureka! He doesn't know. He can't tell the difference. He just supports the winner.
Typical. Huh!!
Been a busy week. LOTS of people in the studio. All with red tops on. The Welsh were here!
I'm having a lot of fun watching the Five Nations Rugby with Ewen. It's all very exciting. Scotland haven't done so well. On the other hand Ireland have and I'm an Irish Wolfhound. England have and I was born in England. I like Standard French Poodles, particularly a chocolate brown one that lives across the field. I like pasta---very Italian. And then there is Gelert the faithful Wolfhound of Welsh tales. Pam says "Lady and the Tramp" has a story just like Gelert. They had a rat, a baby and Tramp was sent to the pound. Gelert had a wolf, a baby and ended up being killed by his master!!! Not a Disney ending at all. Anyway it's good to be a creature of the world.
Rugby balls are easier to carry then footballs. I can't always get my mouth round a football.
Mirren 17th February
What is this male preoccupation with chasing balls? Round ones, oval ones, little tiny white ones, fluffy lemon ones, variously coloured hard ones. Magnus also needs to decide which camp his paw is in. He can't always be supporting the winning side. I am a Scottish Deerhound. There are no arguments, even when we are getting cuffed at rugby. Unfortunate, but true.
Anyway, while he's watching the rugby I get peace to lounge where I want. The joys of a quiet, sport free afternoon. While the boys are away, the girls get to lie about.
I also wish to raise the question...if dogs are colour blind how does he know which shirt to support on the TV? That's it! Eureka! He doesn't know. He can't tell the difference. He just supports the winner.
Tuesday, 10 February 2015
Magnus 10th February
Been REALLY busy. We've been at Hume Castle. Lovely views. Met a lovely gentleman called Karl. He knew what we were. This is quite unusual. People usually ask.

Popped into Abbotsford too. Very stately. I like this walk. The river and the woods and the fields. Covers all the bases.
We also went a long walk up to Dab's Heid, as the locals call it. It's way up in the hills. Weirdly enough, we kept meeting people and dogs. There we are, in the middle of nowhere, and it's like a walk in the park.
And then, we went out in Edinburgh. It was great. Well, it became great. Ewen brushed me before we left, which wasn't so great. Well, he tried to. People kept stopping to pat us and say how gorgeous we were. I suppose the brushing paid off in the end. Mirren was in her element. I find all the hands a bit scarey but I coped better than usual. Bit tired by all the attention.

Mirren 10th February
I have had the best time. We've been at all these places I feel so at home at. Hume Castle. Abbotsford. In both places I could over look the Borders and think it was mine. Then Dab's Heid. Splendid views again. Today, Edinburgh. Fabulous. People loved me. It helps being gorgeous, but being chummy and affectionate draws them in. Gave one young chap a kiss he was so cuddly. I do respond well to an audience. I had to get a bit vocal at one point though because Ewen went to the loo. It bothers me when one of them disappears from sight. It's worst when we are not at home. I get frightened they may leave without me. Magnus says I'm an idiot. They love me too much to leave me but I like to make sure.
Pam has also increased my bedding padding. Cushioned air. What a girl deserves, of course.
Which sort of proves Magnus's point.
Been REALLY busy. We've been at Hume Castle. Lovely views. Met a lovely gentleman called Karl. He knew what we were. This is quite unusual. People usually ask.

Popped into Abbotsford too. Very stately. I like this walk. The river and the woods and the fields. Covers all the bases.
We also went a long walk up to Dab's Heid, as the locals call it. It's way up in the hills. Weirdly enough, we kept meeting people and dogs. There we are, in the middle of nowhere, and it's like a walk in the park.
And then, we went out in Edinburgh. It was great. Well, it became great. Ewen brushed me before we left, which wasn't so great. Well, he tried to. People kept stopping to pat us and say how gorgeous we were. I suppose the brushing paid off in the end. Mirren was in her element. I find all the hands a bit scarey but I coped better than usual. Bit tired by all the attention.

Mirren 10th February
I have had the best time. We've been at all these places I feel so at home at. Hume Castle. Abbotsford. In both places I could over look the Borders and think it was mine. Then Dab's Heid. Splendid views again. Today, Edinburgh. Fabulous. People loved me. It helps being gorgeous, but being chummy and affectionate draws them in. Gave one young chap a kiss he was so cuddly. I do respond well to an audience. I had to get a bit vocal at one point though because Ewen went to the loo. It bothers me when one of them disappears from sight. It's worst when we are not at home. I get frightened they may leave without me. Magnus says I'm an idiot. They love me too much to leave me but I like to make sure.
Pam has also increased my bedding padding. Cushioned air. What a girl deserves, of course.
Which sort of proves Magnus's point.
Tuesday, 3 February 2015
3rd February 2015 Magnus
Gosh! February already. I have to be so careful not to forget that middle r. Anyway, we have a fantastic new toy. A stick, on a rope, from a tree. A swinging toy. It was great fun. Even Mirren joined in without witching at me. The weather has been great too. I love it when it's cold and crisp. It makes my fur all tingly. We went to the beach as well. The tide was in and the water was a bit choppy but it was great to be able to chase stones and play with Ewen and Pam. I think the sea air tired me out. Had to cuddle into the furry thing on the bed. Happy days.

3rd February 2015 Mirren
He's right you know. The swinging toy was fun. Gave it a good chew. I think it will be good for my teeth and a girl has to have lovely, white teeth. Magnus should chew more. He looks as if he has no front teeth at all. Just these whoppers at the sides.
The beach was good too. Pam made me race up and down the sand. It feels so good not to have to look out for things to run into. Just being able to run, flat out, is glorious. It's good for my leg. It's good for my spirit. We Deerhounds need to run. Magnus rarely gets over a canter. Very tired when I got home. Needed beauty sleep.

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