Humph. Been a bit rough here. First all there was a pet show on in Lauder. I had to get brushed. Ewen did Mirren first. She seemed to quite like it. A visit to the hairdresser is more of a girlie thing. I try and avoid it. But I was caught and brushed. Surprisingly I found it quite pleasant even though I look a bit fluffy when done. Then it rained and the pet show was cancelled. It's been rescheduled. Must remember the date so I can avoid the brushing again.
Second, my tum has been a bit off. I wasn't hungry yesterday. Pam and Ewen kept coming to check on me. Don't think it was anything I ate.
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Time for a SHARP exit........... |

Mirren Tuesday 7th July
I actually like getting brushed. I don't want Pam and Ewen to know though in case it becomes more of a regular thing, but it is quite enjoyable. It means i get cuddled by Ewen. I, of course, looked divine. I was most upset when it was cancelled. I had on my best collar. Doubt if Big Boy will remember the new date, August 22nd. He's got a brain like a sieve.

And yes his tummy was off, and yes we all suffered. He was very smelly. I moved rooms to sleep. He kept the Two Legs up all night checking on him. Seems to be okay today. Eating, drinking, peeing, farting. Normal.
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