Magnus 23rd October
Just completed the most fantastic walk.. 3 hours walking round the woods and fields of Lauder. I got to paddle. I also got to say where we went. It was my walk really. I had a fabulous time and Pam and Ewen had organized pit-stop essentials -
water, biscuits and ham. I have no idea what they had. I also played in the pond with Ewen. I love playing for stones, in the water, with Ewen. Fantastic, as I said. Off to sleep now as I am a tad tired.

Mirren 23rd October
You have to try and imagine what Big Boy is like on a walk. "No! I don't want to go that way. I want to go this way." "I'm not going that way, I'm staying here until you come back and go my way." " I am not ready to leave the pond." It is difficult to see a grown dog behave in such a childish and spoiled manner. Especially one so large! I, of course, stayed out of the water and trotted along beside Pam. Ewen threw stones in the water for Magnus to try and get him clean. I stay very tidy when out for walks. Magnus seems to attract dirt and mud. His tummy goes a really mucky, blackish colour and his paws get filthy. Pam worries about the carpets so Ewen cleans him in the pond. But shhhhh! Magnus doesn't realize that's what's happening. Anyway, it turned out to be lovely walk and we all had a lovely day.

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