Not long till Christmas. I like Christmas. It generally means long walks, tasty food, long sleeps and lots of tit-bits. What can anyone argue about?
Ewen has been away again, in jersey or jumper or something like that. Can't understand why, he has lots of jerseys here.
Her ladyship has been a total drama queen this week. She won't eat, she won't get up, she wants Pam to feed her little bits of food BY HAND. When we are out for a walk she walks close by Pam or Ewen looking pathetic. She is attention seeking. I don't know. She gets the best places on the couches. She gets whatever she wants. I don't remember having this amount of attention when I had my little op! I probably did but I am a Big Boy and I just sucked it up and got on with it.
Mirren 1st December
How dare he! I have a whole row of stitches and my tummy is shaved bare and it's been -7C. I've been on painkillers and they make me feel funny and very sleepy. The best thing to do is get somewhere comfy and sleep it off. Okay Pam has been feeding me lovely bits of venison (I am a Deerhound) which I appreciate but my tummy was sore and I didn't like getting up. Pam has also given me one of her jumpers. I can't wear my High-viz coat just now in case the strap rubs my stitches, The jumper is black and fluffy and I love it. I can't run in case I hurt myself. And I couldn't eat because my throat was sore. Ewen thinks it might have been tubes during my operation. So there! And yes, Christmas is coming.

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