Magnus 16th February
We have been away on an adventure. We went to visit Durham and everyone wanted to pat me or take my picture or get their picture taken with me. I find it all a bit hard but I tried to look at their cameras. We met two ladies who had had Wolfhounds in their life. I liked them. They knew what to say to me. I wish I could have introduced them to each other. It would have been nice.

We went to Slaley Hall. I went there before, when I was just 5/6 months old. I went with Monty. I think I remember it.

We stayed in a lovely Inn with a fire and it was dog friendly and Mirren and I got some lovely nibbles from Pam and Ewen.
I did put my paws in it once. They were downstairs having dinner and I thought I'd just stretch out on the bed!! Got a bit of a fright when they came back. I'd fallen asleep. We went to New Abbey on the way home. That meant we had to follow Hadrian's Wall across country. I stood on the wall. I know your not meant to, but I did. It was great. Gave Mirren a Valentine's card. Pam said I had to because Mirren had bought me one? It's a bit ridiculous but.......anything for peace. I couldn't imagine what it'd be like if I didn't.

Mirren 16th February
Our first holiday of the year. Really was very good and quite educational.. Hadrian's Wall, Durham etc. I wonder if the Roman army had dogs like Magnus and I? I got my picture taken too. I admit that it was Big Boy they wanted in the picture but I look so gorgeous I often got in too.

Pam cuddled me a lot. I enjoyed the Inn, The Manor House Inn near Shotley Bridge. Because I'm not as shy as Magnus I got lots of pats from the other guests. I was very friendly and made sure to stick my nose in as many crotches as possible. I got a Valentine's from Magnus. I was very impressed. Pam told me I had to buy him one because he had bought me one. It was very nice of him. He does have a soft heart and he looks after me and scares off any other dogs if they get too close to me. He's like my big brother, I suppose.
P.S. His face when Ewen opened the door!! One ear up, totally surprised, still half asleep, just standing on the bed as if he'd got up there to say,"Hello!" I laughed.

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