Well, all manner of indescribable things have happened to me this week. I have been knocked unconscious. I have had a tube passed down my throat to see my tummy. I have had my bottom shaved and I have the awful feeling I may also had a tube and camera put up my bottom. I have been ultra sounded and X-rayed. I have a HUGE bald bit on my tummy. When they got me home Pam and Ewen laughed at me because they said I was so stoned it was funny. Made them pay for that by keeping them up all night. Pam said it was as if I was tripping, whatever that is. Anyway, Ewen came and slept beside me and cuddled me until I felt better. I have now to eat this special food because I having something called gastroenteritis. It's been pretty bad. That's why I've been so sick and have had a sore tummy. Pam and Ewen are really pleased about this!!!!!!!!!!! Can't think why they'd be pleased I've got gastroenteritis.

Mirren Wednesday 8th March
The poor boy doesn't understand that they were worried it might be something else. I'm pleased he's okay too. But it's not been a good week for me either. I had to go to the vet yesterday. Ewen found a hole in my side. I really hoped I'd get to see Colin but he wasn't there. I was seen by this awfully nice young vet called Peter Matthews. He said I need a wee operation. I was unceremoniously just left! Pam gave me cuddle and left me. I was in shock. Anyway, I've got a bald patch too. But I have a big plaster. I must have run onto something sharp. Apparently, I've done it before because there was a scar right next to this one. It's when you're running really fast you just don't notice sticks and things. I do have some bad news though. Since I had my operation last year I've put on 7.5 kgs. I'm on a strict diet now. Pam says she'll join me. She says I have to lose weight because of the metal plate in my leg. Brilliant! Didn't see Colin. Can't get nibbles. Don't like Big Boy's new food. I am getting Diet Food. I have a bald patch (just as my hair was growing back in). Auntie Lala said I was getting a bit broad in the beam. I chose to ignore her because of my beautifulness but it seems she was right. Need to get myself back in shape.
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