And he is away AGAIN. I am not happy. Ewen is playing golf with some friends in Machrihanish. Once again he didn't take me. And now I hear Pam is going away. I don't know? What will Mirmir and I do? We've had lots of walks and cuddles and the food, including the midnight snacks, has carried on coming. It's not the same though. Humph!
It is a trifle irritating when the Two Legs go on trips without us. But Magnus needn't worry. Normal service will be resumed shortly and in the mean time we get indulged for being deprived of an owner. I had a wee bit steak last night. Not that I should be writing this because Big Boy will get jealous. He isn't allowed beef. Makes his tummy go funny. In fact chicken seems to do that too. God help us if he ever gets allergic to ham!

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