Monday, 27 November 2017

Magnus 27th November

We are creeping closer and closer to Christmas.  We had lots of treats last weekend.  Not from the table, of course, but there was rather a lot of chicken, turkey, lamb and duck left over from an early Xmas dinner with Linda and Ken.
These people like their meat!!  Don't know what I want from Santa this year, food always goes down well. 
Mirren is liking her torch now.  She scared a whole bunch of squirrels the other morning.  Had them running all over the place.  She just can't grasp the running up tree bit though.

Mirren 27th November
I'm loving the lamp.  It really is fun frightening the tree rabbits.  I don't actually want to catch them.  It's so much more fun just chasing them.  Keeps me fit.

Loving the bed.  Getting really comfy in "My Bed".  Pam has been whispering about getting me a furry lining for it, from Santa.  What more could a girl want on a cold winter evening other then a fur to wrap herself in. (fake, of course)

Looking forward to Christmas, the  food last weekend was truly scrumptious, it's jogged my memory.

Wednesday, 22 November 2017

Magnus 22nd November

Sorry, been a bit busy again.  Feeling better once the pills were stopped.  Those steroid things made me pee in the house.  IN FRONT OF GUESTS.  Mortified.  Pam's sister, Linda, cuddled and brushed me till I felt better.  This rain is irritating.  Pam has bought Mirren a lamp too.  She's running about pretending she's Iron Man II.  My lamp is MUCH bigger!!!

Mirren 22nd November

Big Boy pee-ed his bed!!!  Felt sorry for him.  He couldn't help it.
Yes, I have a lamp too.  I am very proud.  It's like a brilliant necklace.  Very bling.  Definitely NOT Iron Man II.  I'm a girl for goodness sake.
I also have a new bed.  Magnus is scared of the memory foam so I've nobbled it.  It's fabulous.  I love it.  It is MINE!


Monday, 13 November 2017

Magnus 14th November

Who needs Colin.  I've just met Victoria.  WOW!  She can tickle my neck any day.  Have a bit of a sore throat so had to go back to the vet.  Haven't lost any more weight.  Trotted in and there she was.  She was so nice to me.  Laughing and gentle and she kept cuddling me.  I can cope with the vet if it's going to be like this.  Then, bonus, Pam's read that lamb mince is good for upset tummies.  Can you believe it.  Lamb for tea.  What with Victoria and lamb I've had a great day.

Mirren 14th November

Colin is off work.  Something to do with mashed potatoes, Burn's Night and a shoulder.  It's just not the same.  Magnus was all loved up and happy when he met Victoria but I miss Colin.  Have to agree about the lamb though.  His upset tummy isn't doing my diet any good.  At my age I think I'll just get older and chubbier and enjoy the good life.

Monday, 6 November 2017

Magnus 6th November

Well, just survived Bonfire Night.  Lots of bangs for three nights.  Didn't like it at all.  Was sick on Saturday.  Mirren couldn't stop shaking.  She even let herself be brushed, to take her mind of the noises.  Stress!!
On the other hand I have become "Iron Dog."  It's so dark in the mornings I'm wearing my torch.  Pam says it makes me look like Iron Man's dog.  I have to be brave when I wear it.  Maybe they will make a Marvel comic around me?  Still eating a lot of new food.  I hope I can put some weight back on.

Mirren 6th November

Personally, I don't see what all the fuss is about on the 5th.  So, some one tried to blow up a Scottish King and his parliament and failed.  Why do we re-enact the non blowing up.  What happened to "Penny for the guy?"  Why do people have to have fireworks so many nights?  We had a big town bonfire on Saturday but we still had people having fireworks parties on Friday and Sunday.  I think they are just showing off.  Mind you, at least it was a weekend!  One year the 5th fell mid week and we had fireworks for about ten days.
Not commenting on "Iron Dog."  He'll just get big headed.