We are creeping closer and closer to Christmas. We had lots of treats last weekend. Not from the table, of course, but there was rather a lot of chicken, turkey, lamb and duck left over from an early Xmas dinner with Linda and Ken.
These people like their meat!! Don't know what I want from Santa this year, food always goes down well.
Mirren is liking her torch now. She scared a whole bunch of squirrels the other morning. Had them running all over the place. She just can't grasp the running up tree bit though.
Mirren 27th November
I'm loving the lamp. It really is fun frightening the tree rabbits. I don't actually want to catch them. It's so much more fun just chasing them. Keeps me fit.

Loving the bed. Getting really comfy in "My Bed". Pam has been whispering about getting me a furry lining for it, from Santa. What more could a girl want on a cold winter evening other then a fur to wrap herself in. (fake, of course)

Looking forward to Christmas, the food last weekend was truly scrumptious, it's jogged my memory.
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