Mirren 14th January.
I have had the BESTEST week. I was checked over by Colin at the vets. Haven't seen him in ages. Still think he's wonderful even though he said I was a bit chubby but wearing well for my age considering what I've been through???? ( think he means my cruciate problems) It was so lovely to see him again. Then we had Luther to stay. What can I say. Mon ami francais avec les orielles magnifique. He lay on the couch and I lay in my bed and just looked at him. Then we went for a walk with Ewen and we had our pictures taken all together.
Ewen took one of Luther outside the castle, or chateau. He looked so at home. I think he's just perfect at modelling. Doesn't humph about like Magnus does. Doesn't he photograph well! Tres Chic.
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