I loved my walks there. We had a picnic and Ewen cooked me eggy bread to eat fresh. Pam made a phone call while we were there.

We came home and had breakfast. There was nothing wrong with my appetite. Ray and Lala came to visit.

Lala brought me cheese and roast beef. I've not been allowed them for ages because they upset my tummy so much. Pam and Ewen said I could eat whatever I wanted today. Then we went down to the the river and I had a paddle and drank gallons of water. I got stuck when my back legs went and Ewen had to come in and lift me out. Mirren wouldn't even get in and get her paws wet. We went up to the golf course and revisited where I had my first walk. Thankfully, there was no snow.

Then we came home and I cuddled down on my furry, at the window. I was very tired. I ate strawberry yoghurt, black pudding, chicken and more eggy bread. Pam and Ewen showed me pictures of Max, Micky, Morgan and Monty and told me they would be waiting for me and that I had to look for them. They would make sure I was alright. My friend, Colin the vet, came about 3 o'clock. By then I was sleepy and was lying with my head in Ewen's lap. Pam was cuddled in behind me and Mirren was in her basket near by. I went to sleep at 3.15. cuddled in to Ewen. It had been a good day.

( I was spotted by Lala, shortly after I went to sleep, in the sky looking down on everyone.....)
Mirren 18th April
The house is so quiet. You don't realise what a presence is until it's gone. I am concerned about food now because I won't get to eat Magnus's leftovers. Pam and Ewen took me for a walk after Magnus left. Goodness I didn't realise how unfit I was. Then they made me visit Murphy!!! Good grief that boy has energy.

Anyway. It was a good day yesterday and Big Guy had a great time. I was quite fond of him actually and I will miss him but now I get to go and lie where I want and I get all of the space in the van. It's just the reduction in food I am worried about. But apparently I have fabulous nails. That's the sort of thing a girl wants to hear.

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