Thursday, 30 May 2019

Mirren 30th May

Well!  They left me!  The first time in 5years they have gone for the day and left me.  They've not been able to go before because Magnus got so ill if Ewen went away.  Now he is gone........
Anyway, I went to Lala and Ray's for the day.  Murphy is their dog.  After a walk where I had to remind him about keeping away from my bum and explaining the ground rules, we got on famously.  Had a lovely chummy conversation.  I got my own stick and gave it a good chew.  I needed to show Murphy my amazing teeth.  Then I went in paddling (me, who knew?) in the Leader, ate treats and got lots of cuddles from Lala.  Made frendly conversation with Ray and burped in his face.  Had a lovely time.  Slept a lot and snored?  I don't snore.  Ladies don't snore.  Apparently I snored so loudly they had to turn up the TV.  I think I was mildly growling in my sleep.
At tea time I tried to embarrass Murphy into sharing his tea.  Lala said she'd never seen him eat his tea so quickly.

Monday, 27 May 2019

Mirren 27th May

Pam and Ewen are busy outside painting windows.  I'm inside on a comfy bed.  It's cold and wet outside.  Ewen keeps waking up at weird hours and taking me out for a walk.  It's EXHAUSTING! I see deer and rabbits and feel the need to chase them.  Getting fed less too.  Down to two meals a day now???   Pam has found these amazing chicken and peanut butter cookies for me so things aren't too bad.

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Mirren 21st May

Ewen's away.  Pam's not working.  I get a long lie.  Not going out till 7.30-8.00ish.  It's fabulous.  Rest and comfort instead of getting up at 5.30.  Not that I'm complaining but it is very enjoyable being able to acquire extra hours of beauty sleep.  Not that I need it.  Heard Pam say something about me having dry skin.  I'm not having that!!! She's giving me fish oils?  I'd rather eat a lot of fish.  Like salmon or tuna.

Friday, 17 May 2019

Mirren 17th May

Enjoyed my long lie in yesterday with Pam.  But back up at the crack of dawn this morning with Ewen, amazing light and and my shadow.  I don't know???  Ewen talks to me about photography.  Light, placement, focus, shape.  I'm sure this never came into his conversations with Magnus.  No idea what they talked about but pretty sure it wasn't about exposures.  Certainly not the photographic type.  So, why me?  Does he see me as more intelligent or does he just not know what to say to a female, on a walk. at 5am????

Tuesday, 14 May 2019

Mirren 14th May

Think we might have developed a new routine with Ewen.  We have the early morning walk.  Then we have the second trot round the golf course where we play with my furry snake. Lastly we have tea, water and biscuits for a 5.30am breakfast. He has the tea.  Then we head home and I go back to bed!

Monday, 13 May 2019

Mirren 13th May

Well, it's not so much fun without someone to annoy and boss around.  Ray and Lala are back from their holidays which means Murphy is with them.  I had him pretty much sorted out with taking balls and sticks off him.  Now, I guess, he'll go back to his old ways and I'll have to sort him out again next time I see him.  There is no point in chasing stuff unless (a) I get to it first or (b) I get to it second and then take it off the person who got there first by being scary.

Thursday, 9 May 2019

9th May

Well, it's four Thursdays, three weeks today since Magnus died.  We don't hear him wiping his nose on the hall wall or his great big paws padding along the hall carpet.  The snoring and snuffling at the bottom of the bed has gone.  The wet nose and a paw slap at 3am to get out and have a midnight feast has stopped.  The nose prints have gone from the front window.  His belongings are all cleaned and packed away, memories for another day.  Hair balls keep appearing despite constant use of Dyson and his nose on the front door glass is staying there.  Other than that Magnus has left the building, but, like all our dogs, not our hearts.

Tuesday, 7 May 2019

Mirren 7th May

Murphy has definitely got the hang of this. 
He has stopped sniffing my bum. 
He knows to do what Ewen tells him. 
He knows to give me his stick, ball whatever, whenever I ask.
He knows to come between me and bovines.
He is prepared to join the tribe and wear his feather with pride.

He'll do.

Sunday, 5 May 2019

Mirren 6th May

Murphy is learning fast.  He knows to do what Ewen tells him and when I say I want the ball he now knows to give it to me.  IMMEDIATELY.  Feeling quite chirpy this morning.
Mirren 5th May

Think I'm turning into a grumpy veteran.  We had Murphy with us this morning.  Ray and Lala are away on holiday and we are helping out with walks.  That boy thinks he knows best.  Typical teenager.  When Ewen says, "Get in the van," you get in the van.  Not Murphy.  He was having too much fun on a new walk and just thought he'd stay and not do as he was told.  So Ewen and I got in the van and drove off ( not far by the way).  The poor boy was in shock.  "What!! You'd leave ME??"  I had a good laugh to myself.  He needs to learn, you do not mess with the Dogfather.  When Ewen stopped the van he very sheepishly got in and was very apologetic.  He did what he was told after that.  Look at him behaving here.........
And I've had a message of support for my "Metoo" for dogs.  From Luther. My French friend.  He was five yesterday.  Bon Anniversaire Luther.  Bisou bisou.

Friday, 3 May 2019

Mirren 3rd May

I think I am going to start a "Timesup" "Metoo" movement for female dogs.  I didn't say "bitches" the correct term because someone, somewhere will point out some horrible link.  Anyway, since Magnus  died, and I've been alone, I have had numerous noses stuck, unencouraged, up my tail.  Small, big, fat, thin, old, young, slobbering, panting, all these dogs have, uninvited, violated me with their noses.  Magnus always protected me and saw them off.  Now they feel entitled to invade my personal space .  OK, I did encourage Harry and I did twerk Murphy and I did fancy Luther, but that does not mean open season on Mirren.  I've been spayed for goodness sake and am well into middle age (!!!???) I pity the poor girls that do have a season.  Their lives must be hell. Owners aren't much help.  They laugh indulgently, especially if their dog is something wee like a Jack Russell.  (Those guys will try it with anything honestly)  I really will have to bite one of them - the dog not the owner - to get my message across.  Maybe that'll get their attention.  Enough is enough I say.