Mirren 3rd May
I think I am going to start a "Timesup" "Metoo" movement for female dogs. I didn't say "bitches" the correct term because someone, somewhere will point out some horrible link. Anyway, since Magnus died, and I've been alone, I have had numerous noses stuck, unencouraged, up my tail. Small, big, fat, thin, old, young, slobbering, panting, all these dogs have, uninvited, violated me with their noses. Magnus always protected me and saw them off. Now they feel entitled to invade my personal space . OK, I did encourage Harry and I did twerk Murphy and I did fancy Luther, but that does not mean open season on Mirren. I've been spayed for goodness sake and am well into middle age (!!!???) I pity the poor girls that do have a season. Their lives must be hell. Owners aren't much help. They laugh indulgently, especially if their dog is something wee like a Jack Russell. (Those guys will try it with anything honestly) I really will have to bite one of them - the dog not the owner - to get my message across. Maybe that'll get their attention. Enough is enough I say.