Mirren 30th May
Well! They left me! The first time in 5years they have gone for the day and left me. They've not been able to go before because Magnus got so ill if Ewen went away. Now he is gone........

Anyway, I went to Lala and Ray's for the day. Murphy is their dog. After a walk where I had to remind him about keeping away from my bum and explaining the ground rules, we got on famously. Had a lovely chummy conversation. I got my own stick and gave it a good chew. I needed to show Murphy my amazing teeth. Then I went in paddling (me, who knew?) in the Leader, ate treats and got lots of cuddles from Lala. Made frendly conversation with Ray and burped in his face. Had a lovely time. Slept a lot and snored? I don't snore. Ladies don't snore. Apparently I snored so loudly they had to turn up the TV. I think I was mildly growling in my sleep.
At tea time I tried to embarrass Murphy into sharing his tea. Lala said she'd never seen him eat his tea so quickly.

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