Mirren 6th July

Pam's back. She's had a lovely time. So have I. Ewen has looked after me so well I even got up to give him a cuddle without being asked! It was good to have Pam back though. Lots of girlie hugs. Ewen took me long of walks and talked to me. We had Murphy out too. His Two-Legs, Lexi was away with Pam. He's sort of become my surrogate wee brother. We have a laugh together and I'm trying to sort out some of his growing problems - like being generous with his ball (no sticks allowed) and keeping his nose to himself. He really misses Lexi and had all sorts of ideas to welcome her back to show how much he missed her. I told him that lots of affection and presents are a good idea. I've heard he knocked her over her suitcase in his enthusiasm to hug her and emptied his toy basket to give everything to Lexi. Bless! Might have to speak to him about toning it down just a wee bit.
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