Mirren 23rd June

Well!! It has been a very busy time for me. First of all I went to the groomers. Actually, I stayed in bed and my groomers game to me. Fabulous. A lovely brush and detangle from Ewen, in the comfort of my own bed.
Then Pam had her friends up on Friday. The weather was okay and they made a lot of noise. They had all made an effort and had put on make up (something that's gone out of the window since March), I thought I'd better try and look sartorially elegant so I borrowed Ewen's hat. Magnus carried it off well. Think I did too.

Now that lock down is easing a bit, Murphy came for a stay. He likes coming to visit. He hauls out old toys and gets very excited about Ewen. I keep telling him to control the Two-Legs. I laugh at them and even stick my tongue out and give them raspberries. Murphy was quite shocked. He does everything Lala tells him. However, I did manage to con the poor boy. I told him that burping in our owners' faces is a sign of affection. He took that on board and when Lala came to pick him up he wrapped his paws round her neck and belched in her face. I couldn't stop laughing.
On a more worrying note one of our friends, Roxy, has not been well. She was quite stressed and ill on Saturday. Thankfully she bounced back on Sunday and seems fine again.
Oh, and I found those hares again. Only three this time but I really gave them something to worry about!! Great run. Slept the rest of the day!

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