Friday, 14 February 2025


Morris: We all got cards this morning. I know who sent mine!! But it's the thought that counts. Been in North Berwick again and have really made use of the big empty fields. Brilliant run today and I caught a rabbit. Mabel was very jealous and pretended she had hurt her paw again.
Mabel : I did send him a card. I mean he's my big brother. I rather wish I'd got one from Bracken. He's a lovely big, black, labrador and very frisky. Anyway, great runs as Morris said. I think his rabbit was already on its way out. It didn't run very fast. He did put it out of its misery though. Pam mentioned something about "Mixie".
Pam had to go to hospital on Wednesday and while we were waiting for her we went to Abbotsford for a walk. We both always feel at home there. It really suits us.!!

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