Thursday 25th March
Ewen wasn't very happy today. We have a beautiful castle and grounds in Lauder. We went for a walk there because it was so wet. A man in a big four wheel drive went right through a big puddle and we all got soaked. Ewen said words that I can't repeat. Fortunately Magnus didn't hear them. He had water in the ears and was busy shaking his head. The man never stopped or apologised. Think he might have meant it. Anyway, he had a really interesting name. Made my ears perk up with the thought of a good chase.
Monday 29th March.......
Went to the beach again. Gloria came too. She’s losing a bit of her extra weight. She’s having to take pills and this is adding weight. Like most women she wants to look good. The little guy is
getting much better in the water. He’s not running away so much. I feel responsible for this. I’ve tried to set a good example and be a role model. I feel that Pam and Ewen have certain expectations of me since I am now the elder dog. We went to the market later and I have to admit he did behave well but is becoming a bit big headed. He plays up the timid act to get attention. I’ve tried to tell him that attention seeking behaviour becomes boring but he won’t listen. In fact he doesn’t often listen at all.
His scratching has also becoming annoying. I had to get up, out of my bed, last night because he woke up Pam and Ewen with his scratching. I do think he’s got an itch but he really is milking it now. Basically I think he gets scared at night. He really can be immature. I was sleeping in my own bed, the couch, when I was half his age. He is picking up on some commands well. He will 'sit' and now 'fetch' and
'leave'. Gavin, the police dog handler has been giving Ewen tips. Poor Gavin has just lost one of his police dogs, Sam. Sam was a police sniffer dog. Loved his work. These dogs should get medals. Don't know how Ike, his team mate, will be. They worked together for years. He's bound to miss him. But then, maybe they just rubbed along, like Morgan and I.
Tuesday 30th March
Have decided to have a day in bed...apart from walks. All this disturbance at night, by The Boy, is making me very, very tired. It gets more difficult to cope with as you get older. I am nearly eight, which is in mature years for a dog like me. I like my walks with Ewen but I really do like my sleeps.
Wednesday 31st March
It's snowing again. Magnus loves it. Pam is fed up because she wanted to go to Edinburgh. Ewen is fed up because he has to walk us in it and it's still a blizzard. I'm fed up with it because it gets stuck in my paws and they hurt and there is never anything to chase because they are all hiding. Ray and Lexi think we're joking because they are coming home from a very hot place and we've told them they might be struggling. Pam's worried about all the wee lambs that won't survive and all the extra hours the farmers will have to work. Ewen is worried about his testicles which Magnus decided to give a wee nip last night. The boy really doesn't have the sense he was born with......maybe he wasn't born with any. This would, in fact, explain a lot about him. I am returning to bed. it's the warmest and safest place!
Friday 2nd April.
Serves him right for not listening. Off he went and was all chummy in the bathroom. Ha! Ended up in the bath. I kept well out of the way and wouldn't even make eye contact with Pam or Ewen just in case I ended up in there too. I did feel a bit sorry for him later though and told him about shaking vigorously in the house. He did. I feel I have won some respect for this piece of advice. The young chap has gone remarkably curly since the bath. Looks as if he was going to Crufts or something.
Thursday April 8th
Relaxing after a night out at Ray and Alexa's. They have fabulous accommodation. Great couches. Big garden. Magnus became a tad over excited but coped fairly well. Just a bit juvenile. Anyway the window cleaners came today. I usually just ignore them. Magnus went woofing and bouncing about. All that jumping up and down meant he dribbled on the carpet. He really needs to learn to properly empty his bladder when he's out. He gets distracted by birds or noises and doesn't finish. Ah well. What do I know?
Friday April 9th
Received a postcard from my Dogparents Lorna and Stephen. They've been on a holiday in Comrie. They always send me a postcard. Never forget. It was of a furry thing. It was in the water and had no ears. They address my cards to Gordon because that is, of course, my middle name. Magnus was very interested but he can't read properly yet. It's not that he can't read, it's just he won't sit still long enough. He'll miss out on the classic stories about dogs, Call of the Wild, White Fang, Rinty, Marley and Me. One day he'll settle, I'm sure.