Sunday 28th March
Clocks changed last night. They got up really early though. Something about an anniversary. We picked up Gloria again and went to the beach. Gloria has lost a kilo. She’s on a diet. Isn’t it funny how humans go on about weight. I’ve to put it on. Gloria has to take it off. Is this because she’s a girl?
Lesson 10 : Girls think more about weight than boys.

Yipee! I like the beach now. I get to run about a bit and I’m not scared of the water any more. Gloria loves it and I reckon if a wee dog like her isn’t scared a big dog like me doesn’t need to worry. Of course Monty was showing off again. Charging in and out and getting very wet. We had breakfast and then we went back to the market. Lots of people stopped to pat me. I’m very impressive apparently.
I’m not sure about the patting though and don’t know what they’re going to do. You just see this hand approaching…….. One man was really nice. He said he had Wolfhounds too. He got right down on the ground and just let me sniff him. Wasn’t scared of him. Monty looked a bit annoyed. He usually gets the attention because he is so gorgeous. He just accepts patting as if he expects it. Gloria thinks all those legs and little things with wheels are a bit scarey. The things with wheels have human puppies in them and they reach out to grab you and make funny noises. Monty says to steer clear of them.
Lesson 11 : If a wee dog like Gloria is brave in the sea and at markets I shouldn’t worry. She’s about the size of a good lunch.

Lesson 12 : Keep away from human puppies. Apparently they get you into trouble one way or another. (I’m agreeing with Monty on this)
Lesson 13 : Sometimes older dogs do know best… just don’t tell them that.

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