I am Magnus. I am a wolfhound puppy. Apparently my proper name is something else but it’s too long and has a lot of ‘t’s in it. I am 6 months old and have been living with Them now for four months. It was difficult at first. I missed Mum and my family but we have to go out into the world and be dogs. They have another dog here. He’s called Monty. He’s a deerhound cross. You’d think he’d be friendly but he’s not. He’s really snappy when I sniff his bum or try to chew his tail or these funny balls he has. I don’t have them yet but they are growing. I’ve had a good sniff around down there and I’m sure there’s something happening. Anyway, Monty, he’s been here for years. He’s had other chums apparently, Mick and Morgan and Kip. None of them are here now but they have left smells and messages in the house and garden. They were very happy here so I should relax a bit. Monty must have been the new one once so you’d think he’d understand. I think he’s worried I’ll steal his bed or his couch. I think I will try this when I’m older but at the moment I’ll just wait.
So far things are pretty good. I have lots of soft beds and a good lot of toys and chews. I get to go out in the garden. I’m too young to go walks yet but now I’m six months old He says I can get out for little walks. Monty is really uppity about this. He gets to go for real walks. He gets to run about and chase those funny things with big ears and short tails. My tail is very, very long by the way. Thought you’d like to know. Back to Monty. What a show off, runs away and then comes running back when He whistles or shouts, then looks at me as if I was stupid. I’ll show him. When I’m big I’ll chase those furry things too but I’ll come back when I want to. So there!
I have noticed a few changes since I arrived. For the first six weeks of my b

One day They took me to the “beach”. Didn’t know what that was. Do now. They had two friends with Them. Lexi and Ray. Love Lexi. She lets me play with her a

Lesson 1 : Water at the beach doesn’t stay still. It runs away then comes back and chases you.
Had a visit from Janine the other day. She pops into see me a lot. She’s got two dogs too. She’s like a puppy sister. I get to roll about with her and chew her around a bit. Good fun all in all. One day I’ll get to meet, Harvey and Luca, her dogs and we’ll all run about together.
Lesson 2 : Females are more fun. They cuddle you and let you chew them and then they give you treats
Had a wonderful time this morning barking at the man next door. He was doing something on the other side of this large wooden thing. I felt it was my duty to let him know I was guarding our side and took great pleasure at giving him my best “Woofs”. She came out and rattled something at me and told me to be quiet. Felt quite put out considering I was doing Her a favour. Anyway, She rewarded me and Monty, though he hadn’t contributed at all, with some ham.
Lesson 3 : Go barking at someone…you might get ham to shut up.
Man came to work on the roof. I was introduced but I thought I’d keep my distance until I’m sure. She said he’d had a wonderful dog, a collie, whatever that is. Anyway, I gave him a good woofing but he just told me to be quiet. Looked at Her hopefully but no ham forthcoming.
Lesson 4 : Lesson 3 doesn’t always work.
Got a bit of a fright. Monty stole my chew bone. I need this for my gums and because I’m getting new teeth. She keeps finding teeth and making funny noises and saying, “Awhhhhh look,” and showing Him. I tried to get it back, the bone not the tooth. Monty gave me such a growling and snapped at me. One day I’ll show him. However, She came running up and gave Monty a telling off. I trotted away feeling a bit better. I mean I had got a fright. All I wanted was my chew bone. And Monty gets all bossy and possessive and alpha dog-ish. But he got a row. I got a new chew bar.
Lesson 5 : Out of bad things good things can come.
Did some yoga after the chew bar. It’s really good for the spine and limbs. I have mastered several positions now. I particularly like lying on my back and twisting my back legs to one side and my head and front legs to the other. Helps me relax
Thursday 18th March
She left early today. Said she was off to work. I have noticed that both of Them leave some days. It's great when they come back. They give you treats.
Lesson 6 : Let them go to work. When They return They give you treats.
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