Magnus 31st October
Oooooooo! It's Hallowe'en. All these people ring the doorbell and ask for stuff. I wish I could do that! Anyway, getting fed a lot, which I am loving. Also, have acquired a new fashion item. A lamp.
Pam and Ewen think I look like Iron Dog. I have an LED light round my neck so Ewen can see me on these dark mornings. I like to wander and sniff and it helps Ewen keep an eye on me. It helps me see where I'm going too , which I secretly love but don't tell Mirren.
Mirren 31st October
All this Hallowe'en stuff? I don't get it. I just don't get off the couch. Why do people allow there children to dress up, go outside in freezing weather, and ask strangers for stuff that will make their teeth fall out? I wouldn't let any pup of mine do that. Good teeth are so important. Poor Big Boy hasn't got beautiful teeth, like me. As to the light...I don't need one. I stay close to Ewen in the morning. Well apart from when these tree rabbit things start to taunt me. They wave their tails to attract my attention and then run up trees. Not fair at all.
PS He actually looks really cool with the light. Don't tell him that though.
Tuesday, 31 October 2017
Monday, 23 October 2017
Magnus 23rd October
Bit of a scare this morning. We went to the V.E.T.. They held me down and took blood. It was awful. I didn't speak to Ewen for hours. I was very unchuffed. I've been losing weight. I need to get fed more. Might be the new food I got back in March for my tum. Not enough for big, old me. I've to get more food, more often. Suits me. Had a lovely long walk to my favourite pond. Fish for tea. How good is this? New sleeping arrangements!!
Mirren 23rd October.
Even though it was my favourite vet, Colin, this morning I asked to get back in the car. I'm absolutely fine and didn't want to waste their time. I've lost weight too. No-one is saying I need to get extra food. Bit fed up with that. I love my food. Totally surprised that I've lost 4kg but I suppose my sylph like beauty needs to shine again. And yes! The fish is fantastic.
Bit of a scare this morning. We went to the V.E.T.. They held me down and took blood. It was awful. I didn't speak to Ewen for hours. I was very unchuffed. I've been losing weight. I need to get fed more. Might be the new food I got back in March for my tum. Not enough for big, old me. I've to get more food, more often. Suits me. Had a lovely long walk to my favourite pond. Fish for tea. How good is this? New sleeping arrangements!!
Mirren 23rd October.
Even though it was my favourite vet, Colin, this morning I asked to get back in the car. I'm absolutely fine and didn't want to waste their time. I've lost weight too. No-one is saying I need to get extra food. Bit fed up with that. I love my food. Totally surprised that I've lost 4kg but I suppose my sylph like beauty needs to shine again. And yes! The fish is fantastic.
Tuesday, 17 October 2017
Magnus 17th October
Rather windier than normal and I seem to have hurt my neck! I got to sleep on the bed with Pam and Ewen. Had a really comfortable night. We'd been a good trot for Mirren's birthday and to finish "From M to M for M and M," round the woods at Wooplaw. We both like it there. I'm also enjoying the sausages again. The long walks have been good but I was getting tired. I am eight now and I like to lie on beds and couches as much as possible. It's good we have such accommodating parents. I keep getting these nut shell things stuck in my paws. We have to have "Paw Patrol" to check our paws don't get sore.
Mirren 17th October
I am now seven. I got a lovely card, yesterday, from Magnus. He really can be quite sweet. The sausages and cake were, once again, fabulous. I don't have much of a problem getting things stuck in my feet. I think it's because my paws are more elegant and slim. Also, I stretch my paws at night, and things just fall out! Big Boy has got really big, hairy feet, so things do get stuck. I do seem to be getting hairier as I get older but I'm not publicising that too much. How he managed to spend the night on the bed is a wonder. He might have had a relaxing sleep but I doubt if Pam and Ewen did. Typical man, one little pulled muscle and it's a major drama.
Rather windier than normal and I seem to have hurt my neck! I got to sleep on the bed with Pam and Ewen. Had a really comfortable night. We'd been a good trot for Mirren's birthday and to finish "From M to M for M and M," round the woods at Wooplaw. We both like it there. I'm also enjoying the sausages again. The long walks have been good but I was getting tired. I am eight now and I like to lie on beds and couches as much as possible. It's good we have such accommodating parents. I keep getting these nut shell things stuck in my paws. We have to have "Paw Patrol" to check our paws don't get sore.
I am now seven. I got a lovely card, yesterday, from Magnus. He really can be quite sweet. The sausages and cake were, once again, fabulous. I don't have much of a problem getting things stuck in my feet. I think it's because my paws are more elegant and slim. Also, I stretch my paws at night, and things just fall out! Big Boy has got really big, hairy feet, so things do get stuck. I do seem to be getting hairier as I get older but I'm not publicising that too much. How he managed to spend the night on the bed is a wonder. He might have had a relaxing sleep but I doubt if Pam and Ewen did. Typical man, one little pulled muscle and it's a major drama.

Friday, 13 October 2017
Magnus 13th October
Well, that was eventful!! Went for day 5 walk along the Southern Upland Way. Ended up being shot at!!! I was very calm and just got on with the walk. Mirren was very upset. She doesn't like guns much. I got very dirty because we had to cut off from the path and go through a replanted area to get away from them. Very noisy. Good walk apart from the shooting bit. Pam was a bit worried about it being Friday 13th!
Mirren 13th October
I am annoyed now. We were trotting along the pathway when a line of men walked through the field and started shooting at the birds they raised. They didn't stop cause we were there. They just carried on shooting. We didn't know what to do. We couldn't go back down the path because we were walking towards them. We couldn't get out of the field because there was a stile and Magnus can't get over the stile. So we had to walk around the field ahead of the guns to get to a gate. I was very scared. I tried to pull Pam and Ewen back home. Why didn't the shooters put up a sign or fly a red flag? We wouldn't have got in their way then. Can people shoot over public right of ways?
Well, that was eventful!! Went for day 5 walk along the Southern Upland Way. Ended up being shot at!!! I was very calm and just got on with the walk. Mirren was very upset. She doesn't like guns much. I got very dirty because we had to cut off from the path and go through a replanted area to get away from them. Very noisy. Good walk apart from the shooting bit. Pam was a bit worried about it being Friday 13th!
Mirren 13th October
I am annoyed now. We were trotting along the pathway when a line of men walked through the field and started shooting at the birds they raised. They didn't stop cause we were there. They just carried on shooting. We didn't know what to do. We couldn't go back down the path because we were walking towards them. We couldn't get out of the field because there was a stile and Magnus can't get over the stile. So we had to walk around the field ahead of the guns to get to a gate. I was very scared. I tried to pull Pam and Ewen back home. Why didn't the shooters put up a sign or fly a red flag? We wouldn't have got in their way then. Can people shoot over public right of ways?

Thursday, 12 October 2017
Magnus 12th October
Day 4 and it's a bit nicer but the ground is wet. Went to Abbotsford for a gentle stroll. Loved it. Took the group up to the house and posed in the garden. My sore leg seems to be fine. Mirren set off down a slope at speed. Showing off probably. She skidded and did seem to hurt herself. Ran on ahead so she didn't see me laugh.

Mirren 12th October
I wouldn't have laughed if he had fallen. It hurt. Probably more my pride since I am generally supremely elegant. Ewen gave me a magic rub and everything felt better.

Stayed close to Pam. I love Abbotsford. I just feel so at home there. Lovely walk and then photographs. I'm sure I can hear Maida (Walter Scott's Deerhound) calling on the wind when I'm there. So romantic novel stuff.

Day 4 and it's a bit nicer but the ground is wet. Went to Abbotsford for a gentle stroll. Loved it. Took the group up to the house and posed in the garden. My sore leg seems to be fine. Mirren set off down a slope at speed. Showing off probably. She skidded and did seem to hurt herself. Ran on ahead so she didn't see me laugh.

Mirren 12th October
I wouldn't have laughed if he had fallen. It hurt. Probably more my pride since I am generally supremely elegant. Ewen gave me a magic rub and everything felt better.

Stayed close to Pam. I love Abbotsford. I just feel so at home there. Lovely walk and then photographs. I'm sure I can hear Maida (Walter Scott's Deerhound) calling on the wind when I'm there. So romantic novel stuff.

Day 3 and it's chucking it down. Ewen was working so Pam walked us along the new, tarred, railway line to Trabrown Road. Wasn't impressed, very muddy and I got a nut shell stuck in my paw and when I tried to sweep it out I pulled a muscle in my back leg. Not impressed. I kept getting twinges when I stretched or rolled over. In the end Ewen had to give me something to sleep better. Slept like a log but didn't miss my 3am feed!

Mirren 11th October
I have to agree with him. I preferred the old, grassed over, railway line. It was softer on the paws and leant itself to more smells. I suppose it's better for cyclists and families with prams and pushchairs. The rain has washed a lot of the mud down from the new embankments on to the path. Not fabulous for a dog who likes to keep her paws clean. Poor Big Guy had a few whimpers, last night. Sore hip. I have them too but I'm used to it.
Tuesday, 10 October 2017
Magnus 10th October
It's day two of "M to M for M and M." More sausages for breakfast. We went for a long walk along the Tweed one way and then back the other through Melrose. I was very brave and crossed the suspension bridge without trying to run away. I must be getting braver now I am older. Played "stones" with Ewen again. It was a bit breezy in bits and when I run my ears take off!! Very enjoyable. I wonder where we are going tomorrow?
Mirren !0th October
I always feel so at home in the Melrose/Tweed area. Lovely big houses. I feel I should be in one of them. Met some lovely people on our walk today. Very pleasant. It's always good to have Pam around for cuddles and treats. Magnus crossing the bridge was a bit of a turn up for the books. Last time we tried to go across he ran away and wouldn't come near it and we had to turn back. I have to admit to a certain amount of proud surprise!

It's day two of "M to M for M and M." More sausages for breakfast. We went for a long walk along the Tweed one way and then back the other through Melrose. I was very brave and crossed the suspension bridge without trying to run away. I must be getting braver now I am older. Played "stones" with Ewen again. It was a bit breezy in bits and when I run my ears take off!! Very enjoyable. I wonder where we are going tomorrow?
Mirren !0th October
I always feel so at home in the Melrose/Tweed area. Lovely big houses. I feel I should be in one of them. Met some lovely people on our walk today. Very pleasant. It's always good to have Pam around for cuddles and treats. Magnus crossing the bridge was a bit of a turn up for the books. Last time we tried to go across he ran away and wouldn't come near it and we had to turn back. I have to admit to a certain amount of proud surprise!

Monday, 9 October 2017
Magnus 9th October
Well, I am eight. Had a lovely breakfast. Pam and Ewen had got gluten free sausages for me and a special cake. They were delicious. Then we snoozed and then we went for a really long walk to one of my favourite places. We went to Leaderfoot and walked along the river until we got to the pond where I like to play "stones" with Ewen. Mirren was nice to me and even gave me a card. I let her share the cake and sausages. It's her birthday next week so I'm keeping on her good side in case more nice food appears.
Mirren 9th October
Yes, I sent him a card. I hope he takes the hint and gets me one. The whole day was great and I really enjoyed myself. Pam and Ewen are doing "From M to M for M and M". That means from "Monday to Monday for Magnus and Mirren." Pam is on holiday so we are having a week of fabulous walks, all together, with treats for Big Boy's and my birthdays. Life is good. Lots of food I like and walks to keep the calories down. Fantastic.

Well, I am eight. Had a lovely breakfast. Pam and Ewen had got gluten free sausages for me and a special cake. They were delicious. Then we snoozed and then we went for a really long walk to one of my favourite places. We went to Leaderfoot and walked along the river until we got to the pond where I like to play "stones" with Ewen. Mirren was nice to me and even gave me a card. I let her share the cake and sausages. It's her birthday next week so I'm keeping on her good side in case more nice food appears.

Mirren 9th October
Yes, I sent him a card. I hope he takes the hint and gets me one. The whole day was great and I really enjoyed myself. Pam and Ewen are doing "From M to M for M and M". That means from "Monday to Monday for Magnus and Mirren." Pam is on holiday so we are having a week of fabulous walks, all together, with treats for Big Boy's and my birthdays. Life is good. Lots of food I like and walks to keep the calories down. Fantastic.

Tuesday, 3 October 2017
Magnus 3rd October
Will be my birthday soon. Wonder what I'm going to get? Been for more great walks. We played, up the golf course course, last night. Squeaky toys are fun. Madam keeps trying to take my toys off me. Had to let her know who is boss.
I had to let the parents know who is boss too. They were both about to sit back down on the couch. Managed to get there first and get totally sprawled out and comfy. It's just as well they are so patient with us and the furniture. Pam wants me to stop wiping my mouth on the posh couch. The weight of the cushions is just perfect. I run my mouth between the cushions and the base. Mouth wiped clean. Problem solved!
Mirren 3rd of October
Actually it'll be both our birthdays soon and Morganistmus is also this month. I feel treats and presents coming up. Now I know I can get into my coat I don't feel so pressurised about the weight thing. Walks are always better when both parents come on them It's fun with the toys too. I was a bit stiff this morning after all that running abut last night. Magnus can be very assertive if he's got a toy he likes. Pam gives me awful row if I bite his ear or his legs. Have to make sure I do it on the quiet!!
Will be my birthday soon. Wonder what I'm going to get? Been for more great walks. We played, up the golf course course, last night. Squeaky toys are fun. Madam keeps trying to take my toys off me. Had to let her know who is boss.
I had to let the parents know who is boss too. They were both about to sit back down on the couch. Managed to get there first and get totally sprawled out and comfy. It's just as well they are so patient with us and the furniture. Pam wants me to stop wiping my mouth on the posh couch. The weight of the cushions is just perfect. I run my mouth between the cushions and the base. Mouth wiped clean. Problem solved!
Mirren 3rd of October
Actually it'll be both our birthdays soon and Morganistmus is also this month. I feel treats and presents coming up. Now I know I can get into my coat I don't feel so pressurised about the weight thing. Walks are always better when both parents come on them It's fun with the toys too. I was a bit stiff this morning after all that running abut last night. Magnus can be very assertive if he's got a toy he likes. Pam gives me awful row if I bite his ear or his legs. Have to make sure I do it on the quiet!!
Magnus 28th September
It's really wet here. I can't be bothered going out in it. I told Ewen, the other day, that I think it's time we got out winter rain coats on. I'm not the biggest fan of being towelled dry. Bitch Face Says it's still too warm for them but I think she has a reason for not wanting to put them on. She hasn't lost any of that extra weight she put on at the start of the year. Not that I'd say much. I am, after all, a gentle soul.
Well, my coat will need a wee tuck. I've lost a bit of weight on my new food. Unlike Madam!!!!Ha ha ha!
Mirren 28th September
Sadly, I have to admit, he may be right. Not sure if I can get my winter coat on. It used to be so smart on me too. I look good in both my jackets but not if they are bursting at the seams!! I think, that at my age, who is going to bother if I have a fuller figure than I used to. I still look amazing, there's just more of me to be amazing.
Got in it! Got in it! Doesn't need adjusting. Whoohoo!! Happy girlie.
It's really wet here. I can't be bothered going out in it. I told Ewen, the other day, that I think it's time we got out winter rain coats on. I'm not the biggest fan of being towelled dry. Bitch Face Says it's still too warm for them but I think she has a reason for not wanting to put them on. She hasn't lost any of that extra weight she put on at the start of the year. Not that I'd say much. I am, after all, a gentle soul.
Well, my coat will need a wee tuck. I've lost a bit of weight on my new food. Unlike Madam!!!!Ha ha ha!
Mirren 28th September
Sadly, I have to admit, he may be right. Not sure if I can get my winter coat on. It used to be so smart on me too. I look good in both my jackets but not if they are bursting at the seams!! I think, that at my age, who is going to bother if I have a fuller figure than I used to. I still look amazing, there's just more of me to be amazing.
Got in it! Got in it! Doesn't need adjusting. Whoohoo!! Happy girlie.
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