Day 4 and it's a bit nicer but the ground is wet. Went to Abbotsford for a gentle stroll. Loved it. Took the group up to the house and posed in the garden. My sore leg seems to be fine. Mirren set off down a slope at speed. Showing off probably. She skidded and did seem to hurt herself. Ran on ahead so she didn't see me laugh.

Mirren 12th October
I wouldn't have laughed if he had fallen. It hurt. Probably more my pride since I am generally supremely elegant. Ewen gave me a magic rub and everything felt better.

Stayed close to Pam. I love Abbotsford. I just feel so at home there. Lovely walk and then photographs. I'm sure I can hear Maida (Walter Scott's Deerhound) calling on the wind when I'm there. So romantic novel stuff.

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