It's day two of "M to M for M and M." More sausages for breakfast. We went for a long walk along the Tweed one way and then back the other through Melrose. I was very brave and crossed the suspension bridge without trying to run away. I must be getting braver now I am older. Played "stones" with Ewen again. It was a bit breezy in bits and when I run my ears take off!! Very enjoyable. I wonder where we are going tomorrow?
Mirren !0th October
I always feel so at home in the Melrose/Tweed area. Lovely big houses. I feel I should be in one of them. Met some lovely people on our walk today. Very pleasant. It's always good to have Pam around for cuddles and treats. Magnus crossing the bridge was a bit of a turn up for the books. Last time we tried to go across he ran away and wouldn't come near it and we had to turn back. I have to admit to a certain amount of proud surprise!

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